Chapter 55 - Ocean

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Finally the doctor let Drew out from the hospital. We walk back to the penthouse... our home. Betsy is holding Charlene.

"Look sweetheart! Who is home?" Betsy says.

Drew comes to Char with me. I lifts Char from Betsy "thank you Betsy"

Betsy smiles "anything for you two, dear. I'm glad you are fine Drew" she smiles and hugs Drew.

"Thanks Bet!"

"I'll make lunch for you" she goes to the kitchen.

Drew looks at me and Char. A lot of emotion shown in his winter grey eyes. I smile softly at him. My heart feels so full.

Drew hugs us tightly. "My home."


Drew and Char were playing airplane while I'm taking a video of them. It has been days since Drew was discharged from hospital. He still has some small cuts but other than that everything is perfect. Yes perfect! Finally I know there is something perfect in this world. It's this. The simple happiness we have now is perfect. It's not because we don't have any problem, we still have. Like a lunatic client that called me in the middle of the night because she kept dreaming of the latest Chanel collection. Or Char and her drama. She doesn't like kale and veggies! For god's sake. I almost fought with her. But Drew told me that I was like that too when I was a kid... ughh must be my mom's genetic. And we also faced some immediate problems at Roderick Hotel Finland (that will open next month). Drew had to fly immediately and left us for 2 days. And some other problems. but it's an art of life. As long as at the end of the day we can cherish what we have and be grateful for our happiness. That's more than enough.

Really.. What matters most is... Drew and I know that we will always have each other love and support. We will always be together. No matter what happened in our life...

"Time up little princess" Drew falls to the couch in front of the elevator with Char, while Char giggles happily. He is trying to catch his breath.

I laugh taking his video "daddy is too old for this game" I say.

Drew gives me a disbelieving look and suddenly he pulls me and nuzzles my neck "daddy still strong enough to make mommy scream until her voice is gone on the bed" he says huskily. I laugh. "You silly! The phone is still recording" I say and turn it off.

"It's okay. I didn't lie. That's true!" He says and kisses me. Char suddenly climbs to us and pushes his dad's face and kisses me too.

"That's mine Char!" Drew complains and I laugh holding Char. Char keeps kissing me while Drew tries to kiss me too.


It's the elevator sound. We look up... it's... my dad.

"Dad?" I sit straight. Our position wasn't the most decent position. Drew was on top of me, even though we have Char in the middle. But still...

Dad smiles stiffly "Ocean"

How come the security gives him access to here  without our permission?

As if dad can read my mind, he answers. "I told the security it's a surprise visit. So they let me in."

I nod. After all the securities know Connor Goldreich is my father.

"Um... come, sit down dad" I gesture to the couch. The one that Drew prepared for someone he doesn't want to welcome to his house.

Drew caresses my back "we can sit inside if you want" he says softly. I look at him. Dad is one of the sources that keeps jeopardizing our relationship. Hatred doesn't really describe what he felt for dad. It's more complicated and deep than that, but somehow Drew is still willing to push his feelings aside for me. Since no matter what Connor Goldreich is still my father. How can I be so lucky to have this unselfish man to be my husband..

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