Chapter 43 - Ocean

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Dinner with Zac went better than I thought. At least my overprotective brother doesn't kill Drew. Maybe he knows Charlene needs Drew. So it's better to let Drew stay alive.

And Charlene being a good girl. After she played a while with Zac, she announced to us that she is ready to sleep. And now she sleeps comfortably in her pram. Doesn't care about the world.

"I really hope Jeff could go back to the States faster and see Charlene" I say.

Zac looks uncomfortable and he drinks his scotch. Drew caresses my shoulder "you said he will be back by the end of this month right? Um... does he contact you again afterwards?"

I shake my head "no. He asked me to send Char's picture. I sent it to him but he didn't even open it" I checked my phone "hey it's not even delivered actually" I frown. "It's been a week. Where is he?" I pout.

Zac caresses his eyebrow and clears his throat. "Hey Drew... when will your hotel open in Finland?"

My eyes widened. "You're going there?" I grin. "Alli really is a genius. She designed Roderick Resort in Finland and it is sooooo cool!" I say excitedly.

Zac gives me a look.

Drew chuckles "will be done in the next month. We're still not sure with the date. Why?"

Zac exhales "my mom is going to marry next month. Did she tell you?" Zac looks at me

I nod "and she invited me. Us, I mean" I gesture at Drew and Char too.

Zac nods "did she tell you who the groom is?"

"Um.. No, I don't think she said it. She told me when we walked to the car. Who is the lucky man? You know him? I'm sure you will put Zac's scan on him"

"What is Zac's scan?" Drew asks me, while Zac gives me a look.

I giggle "he did that to all my ex. So annoying. No one pass the Zac's scan"

"Then I'm sure I passed the test" Drew grins and I giggle, leaning to him.

Zac groans "if you want to secure Char to keep having a daddy it's better for you two to stop. I'm still trying to accept it. I haven't accepted you, Roderick" he pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Yet" Drew adds and Zac glares at him.

I laugh "c'mon Zac! You have to accept Drew. For Char's sake.r"

"Char and you, Ocean. Your happiness matters most to me. Don't settle with Drew just because you can stay in Roderick Hotel for free. It's not worthy" Zac says seriously.

I laugh so hard while Drew gives him a look. "Seriously Zac. You have to say that?"

"Of course" he says leaning on his seat, his superiority gesture.

Drew chuckles and shakes his head. "But I agree with you though." He looks at me and caresses my hair "your happiness matters the most. I'll do anything to make you happy, Ocean" he says looking deep in my eyes. I bite my lower lip.

You fall in love with your husband!

I think... I think I do fall in love with him, Lin...

Zac groans and covers his eyes. "God help me!"

We both laugh. Drew steals the moment to kiss my lips fast. I giggle look at him and he winks at me.

My heart melted like a chocolate fondue fountain.


"Drew more" I moan. Since baby Char didn't wake up at all when we put her back to her crib in the room, Drew and I have the night just for us.

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