Chapter 24 - Drew

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Thank God Charlene is fine. I was so panicked yesterday when Ocean told me Char is sick. For the very first time in my life I know my money, power and connection couldn't do anything if the doctor said they couldn't save her life.

Turned out it's only a fever. Thank God she is fine now.

Ocean is busying herself with Char's stuff. the doctor said we can take her home today. I'm still mad at her for not telling me she was struggling with her schedule yesterday. And her reason really pissed me off. Imposed, my ass! Charlene is my daughter.

I called my driver to pick us up at the hospital. Ocean looked surprised when she found out there is a carseat in my Bentley. This woman...

I exhale in the front seat. Ocean sits at the back with baby Char on the carseat. Char fell asleep once the car is moving. How can I make her believe in me that I really meant it. That I really want to take care of Char because I love the baby. I don't know how but starting on the day Fi's died and the doctor told me about Charlene's status, I just realized I feel protective of her. Even if there is no Ocean in the picture I'd take her as my own. I don't know why but I just do.

Maybe her blue eyes. It had the exact same color as Ocean, and somehow I fell for Charlene's blue eyes. The way she looks at me like I'm the only man in her world. The way she stops crying when she snuggles comfortably on my chest.

How do I make that stubborn woman believe in me? I take a glance at her. She just sits there looking guilty. She has had this look since last night. I exhale. She blamed herself for what happened with Char... Damn her! Now I feel bad for raising my voice at her last night. She was facing this alone, and for sure she was stressed from everything that happened in her life.

I rub my face. Jesus!! Ocean Goldreich really knows how to make me crazy.


I helped Ocean with Char's stuff. Char woke up when Ocean put her on the bed. I played a bit with her until it was time to eat the medicine and milk.

"It's time for milk, Char" Ocean says softly behind me.

I exhale. We're still in silent mode.

Char moves excitedly and giggles.

I chuckle. "You cheeky monkey. So greedy with your milk, huh?"

Ocean smiles and is ready to lift her up. Suddenly Char farts. Ocean and I laugh.

"Char! So impolite to mommy!" Ocean says while still laughing. The baby giggles again.

I look at Ocean and the baby. This is the first time she's really laughed after Char went to the hospital. No, maybe after Fi's death.

I kiss Char's head "be nice to mommy okay. She almost went crazy last night." I say softly to Char. "Good night Char. Sleep tight" I go outside the room without a glance to Ocean... not because I don't want to see her but from her heavy breath I know she holds her tears. And God knows I'm weak to her tears.

I sit on the couch. I really need to make her believe in me. Or else there will be another case like this.

My phone rings. Connor Goldreich. This old man is really persistent. I go to the kitchen, the farthest room from the bedroom. "Roderick"

"Drew, what the hell is Ocean doing?" as always no preamble.

I exhale "taking care of her sister's daughter"

"For god sake. She has Goldreich for her to think about! Talk some sense with her Drew"

Well she is in her sense and I 100% agree with her. "I'm sorry Connor, I can't help you. The little baby has no one. Unless you want to take care of her." I say, I know he wouldn't want it. After all, he kicked Brittany because of Fi.

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