Chapter 21 - Drew

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Ocean keeps crying. Dean is driving my car since I have to hold Charlene. Fuck with the carseat, the baby couldn't stop crying. I'll pay as much ticketing as you want but I'm holding the baby. Ocean is crying on my shoulder.

We arrived in the hospital. Ocean and Dean run to the nurse. I walk long strides with Charlene in my arms. She just fell asleep in the car. Too tired from crying. I look at her, her eyelashes have a lot of tears. her face red from the cry. God, I can't even imagine what will happen with her after this...

Dean holds Ocean's shoulder, while we are waiting for the doctor. Ocean looks so pale. It doesn't surprise if suddenly she fainted.

The doctor comes out from the doors.

"Doc, I'm Ocean Goldreich. Fiona's sister. Where is she? What happened to her? It must be wrong news right? The nurse messed her up with someone else" she keeps bubbling and my heart aches for her.

Dean holds her in place, Ocean is ready to haul the doctor.

"I'm sorry Ms. Goldreich. Your sister died when the truck crushed her car. We couldn't do anything to save her. I'm so sorry"

"No... no... There must be a mistake. There is no way Fi is dead. What about Charlene? What about me? Let me see her. I'll talk to her and she will wake up. She won't leave Char alone. She needs her mom. She doesn't have anyone except her mom" She tries to walk past the doctor, but Dean holds her.

"Ocean, calm down!" Dean says.

"No Dean, I'm sure she will wake up when she sees me."she says frantically. God...

"Ocean!" Dean hugs her. "stop" Dean says softly.

"No Dean... No.." she cries so hard in Dean's hug. My vision blurry and I look away. I hug Charlene tightly. I'll protect you, baby Char. I'll protect you...

The doctor looks at me and the baby. I think he can put two and two together from Ocean's words. "This is Fiona Ford's baby?" he asks nicely. I swallow. I know it's not a good thing for sure for the doctor to ask me like that.

"Yeah" I say slowly.

"I need to inform you about this. If the baby doesn't have any parents and appointed guardian, she will go to foster family system"

"What?" my eyes widened.

"God no!" Ocean comes and stands in front of me, protecting Charlene from the doctor. The doctor put his hands up, to gesture that he's not a thread. "Ms. Goldreich I'm just telling you what I should have. If the baby has a guardian then the guardian will take care of her. But if the baby has another parent, the other parent may ask the court to be given responsibilities" he says.

"What? There is no way I'm giving Charlene to that asshole!" Ocean says.

"For god's sake. Calm down Ocean!" Dean comes and hugs his sister again.

The image from the Christening day when Fiona says "Let's go home mommy and daddy" comes back to my mind.

"We are her godparents" I say.

"Simply put, godparents don't have legal rights while guardians do." the doctor says.

"Ocean, maybe you can check on Fi's will. Just maybe she already made a will without your knowledge" Dean says calmly.

Ocean nods "okay. I'll check it"

The doctor nods and leaves us.

Ocean looks at me and then Charlene. And she breaks down all over again in Dean's arms.

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