Chapter 28 - Ocean

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The more I sit at lunch the more I feel I shouldn't stay here.

"Ced I'm sorry I have to go home. I really really have to go home" I say, putting all my sincere into it.

"Why?" He grins.

"I'm just not in the mood for lunch. I want to be with Char"

"Relax, princess. She has Drew with her"

"I know. But still..."

"You mean Drew isn't capable of taking care of the baby?"

"He can. He's great actually. It's just..." I don't know how to tell Cedric because I don't know why I don't want to have this lunch. I feel like the guilt eats me up here.

"Oh you worried he has to get ready for his date?" He chuckles "he said it's later at night. Now he has time for Char. I'm sure of it"

"Drew has a date tonight?" I ask. How come he didn't tell me? It's that why he agreed to take care of Char now?

"Yeah he told me that"

"Oh... okay" I say. I look at my food. I know Perch has the great French food but somehow today it feels wrong. Maybe not the food but me. And I know I couldn't taste anything from the food after Cedric told me Drew has a date tonight.

"I'm sorry Ced, I really want to go home"

"You don't wanna eat?"

I shake my head. "Oh okay. We can go to my room if you want." He smiles.

"No Ced. It's a no" I say firmly looking at his eyes. And realization downed into him. "Oh shit. I'm sorry Ocean"

I shake my head. "I'm sorry too Ced"


The rest of the trip back to the hotel went awkward. In the elevator we hugged goodbye and Cedric went out on his floor while I went to the penthouse.

It's not my business whether Drew has a date or not. It's not that I'm his wife or anything.

The elevator opens. I walk inside the penthouse. It's so quiet. I look at my watch. Ah it's Char's sleep time. I go to her room. Yes, she is sleeping. But where is Drew? Getting ready for his date~ no way! Drew is a man. He doesn't need this early to get ready.

I walk to the master bedroom, Drew's room. I knock "Drew..."

"Ocean?" He opens the door.

I look at him. He is wearing his black Hugo Boss polo shirt and khakis. "You are ready for your date?"

"Date " he frowns.

"Cedric told me you will go on a date tonight"

"What? No. What the hell? I'm not going for a date. But I have to go to NY"

"New York? Why? What happened?" Oh God.. Please not his dad or Elena. Don't let something happen to them.

"Um.. there is an urgent matter. Business"

"With your dad?"

"Yeah. Something like that" he caresses his jaw.

"You have to go now?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry Ocean. Can you take care of Char by yourself. I'll be back Tuesday or Wednesday the latest." Today is Sunday.

"Okay" I say weakly.

He caresses my arm "you sure?"

I nod. "Yes Drew. I have Betsy, Wyatt and everyone else here. I'll be fine"

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