Chapter 5 - Ocean

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I... don't know what to think. It feels like Drew and I are back to our old friendship. And I missed this Drew. He is always the sweetest, the most gentleman man I've ever known.

Allison jabs me "you have a story to tell, sis" she whispers.

I clear my throat "about Zac?" I try to distract her with her ex boyfriend. Yes, Allison is my brother's, Zac, ex girlfriend.

"You know who I mean, don't act stupid Ocean or I'll do the same" she narrows her eyes. Drew walks behind us.

"What will you do?"

"Talk about your stupid ex in front of him"

"God no!" I managed to raise my pitch in whisper stage.

"So? You will tell me later?" She smirks.

"I will! I will! God Allison, you are as bad as Zac!" I say and she laughs.

"Zac?" Drew asks behind us. We stop and look at him.

"Um..." Allison tucks the tendrils of her hair behind her ear.

"Zac and Allison—"

"Old friends" Allison answers.

I look at her raising my eyebrow but of course she is deliberately ignoring me. Old friends my ass.

Allison smiles at Drew. "Zac and I are old friends Mr. Roderick" she says again.

"Ha ha, old friends who shared their first—"

Jesus! Allison pinches my waist so hard. I glare at her but she just smiles at me and glares back. How can you smile and glare at the same time? Look in the mirror and try that! Weird, eh?

"Let's get inside the igloo, shall we?" She says and walks faster to open the door.

"Aww!" I caress my waist.

Drew chuckles and caresses my waist "you okay, robin?"

"Far from okay, first my waist hurts so badly from my hopefully sister in law, second you still consistently call me bird's name" I pout.

Drew laughs and kisses my head. I stop in my tracks, so does him. As if he just realized what he did to me. I look at him and he looks away. "C'mon" he takes off his arm from my waist and walks.

He often did that back then. But the last one was 7 years ago. The last time I visited him. After that, I just did my best to never cross any path with him. Until now...

The igloos are so beautiful. It's hard to choose only one.

"I don't know how to choose" I laugh.

Drew rakes his hair "she is right. How do you expect people to choose?"

Allison laughs softly. "Okay what about you tell me about the couple?"

"Um. The man is Ethan Hall who has everything in his hand, the woman is Madeline Parker soon to be Hall who is the pain in my ass" Drew says and I laugh at his explanations.

"Drew I swear Madeline will kick your ass if she heard this" I say.

"She will hear this if only you leak it to her" Drew says and I shake my head. "You are silly"

"Hey Ali, what about you tells us the best spot for them to watch the Aurora?" I say.

"Well it's not that often we can see the northern lights here. Mostly 30 nights in a year. But let's go back to the second igloo. I think that one has the widest roof glass"

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