Chapter 41 - Drew

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Message from the author: prepare a tissue paper. I cried a lot in this chapter. 5 times editing this chapter, 5 times crying like a river 😭

I was planning to go downstairs to find Elena and dad, but the door's room next to my room is ajar. And the lights are on. So I went there. The room is empty but... it's a kid room. Maybe they prepared this for Char. I step inside and look around. My eyes landed on the photos at the table near the windows. I walk there and look closely. It's my photo from when I was a kid, there is also a photo of me with mom and dad, mom still in the same position as always, sleeping on the bed. I swallow. I look at another one. It's my graduation photo with dad, Elena was there but since she knew I didn't want to take a picture with her, she just stood there at the side waiting for my dad. And there is a picture of Ocean, Charlene and me from the Christening day, the last one is us with dad and Elena... dinner at Roderick Beverly.

I look at Elena's face. I still remember back then she was young and bubbly. Now she has lines in her face, gone the bubbly personality. Elena isn't the prettiest woman, but back then she always cared for me, helped me to study, played with me, took me to the garden. Back then she was in her 20s maybe. Our age gap isn't that far. That's why she felt like a sister yet a mom to me.

I remember one time we ate ice cream. Who ate faster won the game. She tried to eat as fast as she could, putting all the ice cream inside her mouth until she got brain freeze. I chuckle.

I realized her personality has gone since the day I hate her. I put down the photo and go to the window. Looking at the Manhattan buildings. I hate her because she took mom's position. But never once I stop and think as dad. A healthy, young man... has to take care of a kid, of Roderick Hotels, alone...

I exhale and rub my face. Ocean was right. I was thinking with my teenage brain and I kept blaming on dad and Elena.

Someone opens the door and gasps. "Drew?"

I turn around. It's Elena. Where are the twinkles and smiles on your face? Did I erase it from you?

She smiles a bit "I just want to put Charlene's toys" she lifts a big paper bag. Her eyes look uncertain, like she is afraid to go inside.

"You bought it for her?" I come closer and take the paper bag.

"Yeah... yesterday I saw it on the display. Um.. I think I'll just leave it here. Good night Drew" she walks away. Her hand is holding a tool box. She is planning to assemble the toy. I clear my throat "let me help you"

She stops and slowly turns around. Her horror face is palpable. I chuckle. This is Elena. Her face is very expressive.

"You were planning to assemble the toy right?" I open the door wider and gesture to her to come in.

She bites her lower lip and walks slowly. Like walking inside the lion cage.

"Um... you can go to sleep Drew. I can do it by myself" she says.

"I know. You always help me with my toys back then" I say.

She swallows and sits next to me. Not really next to me. It's a little bit far from normal distance.

We worked in silence for a while. "I'm sorry" I say. Her head snaps up to me.

"I'm sorry for... everything I've done to you" I say, I feel a lump in my throat.

She shakes her head frantically "I'm okay Drew. Really. I understand why you don't want me in the picture" she says softly.

"No Elena. I... was thinking with my teenage brain" I say still looking at the toy. Trying my best to finish assembling the toy.

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