Chapter 20 - Drew

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I would ask her to be my girlfriend if she doesn't have so many things on her plate.

When I started to open myself to her. It feels like everything falls into place perfectly. Ocean can match me in every way. We can talk for hours and I'll still have so many things to talk to her. When I'm tired from work, I just need to hear her voice and I feel like I have more energy to do anything. And not to mention we are compatible in bed. Finland and St. Sicilia are the best sex in my life.

I haven't talked to her about my feelings because the timing is wrong. She has baby Char and Fi that need her full focus, not to mention her business, so I try another way to show her that we can be more than friends. All the touch and kiss and gesture, I'm no longer holding it from her. It's like I give in to every lust that I tried to hide from her and the world. Not that I can kiss her senseless or make love to her, but with a simple caresses and kisses on the forehead is enough to make me happy. And it feels so good. Like I might get used to it.

In Finland and St. Sicilia I thought it was hormone talking, I gave in to my lust on her for these years. But no, this simple life with her, I love it too. As simple as I can hear her voice everyday, she is willing to share her burden and tell me everything in her life.

I'm in my room getting ready to go to Ocean's place. Since there is baby Char, I always make sure I always showered first before going there. She is a small baby after all. Needs to be clean and fresh before holding her.

My phone rings. Incoming call: Connor Goldreich. I exhale. He must be asking about Ocean.

"Roderick" I say.

"Andrew, what with the deal we have?" He asks without preamble. Actually I never said yes to the deal. I just listen to him, make him think I agree just to buy Ocean more times.

My plan is to find Jeff and talk some sense to him so he can come back and do his duty. So Connor will stop bothering Ocean.

"Connor, now Ocean is busy with her little sister and the baby. I need to be a supportive friend for her" I say.

"Friend?" He chuckles. Shit! What does he know?

I don't say anything.

"Look Drew, you don't have to tell me anything. I agree 100% for you and Ocean. But still I want her to come back to NY. If you want to be with her. Maybe it's time for you to relocate to NY. After all, all the previous Roderick always worked from Roderick NY."

"Look Connor. She has to take care of her sister for now. You know Ocean loves her sister so much." She loves her family including you and Brittany even though you two can get the most fucked up parents award.

He exhales, showing his disappointment "I'll wait until next month" okay, hopefully I can locate Jeff by that time.

I went to Pakistan a few weeks ago, when I told Ocean I went for a business trip. And nothing. Jeff already left. Maybe I should team up with Zac and Dean to find their lost brother and bring his ass back to the States.

I call Dean and ask him for dinner tomorrow at Roderick Beverly. It's easier for me to talk with my Hollywood superstar friend than the Wall Street businessman.


Dean exhales "I don't know Drew. I asked Zac but he also didn't know what happened with Jeff. He just went without a word."

"Broken heart?" I ask.

Dean shakes his head "I don't think so. Jeff out of all people should know what love can bring to us"

"What?" I ask dumbly.

"Hell" he replies with a shrug.

"What?" I choke.

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