Chapter 25 - Ocean

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I just realized I never relied on anyone in my entire whole life. Mom and dad were never there for me when I was a kid. Maybe my grandparents were there but somehow I already built my walls high and thick, so it never occurred to me to depend on anyone.

Not until now... Drew... somehow his anger yesterday broke down my walls. Weird but it's true. I don't know how, but the way he is angry and disappointed with me makes me feel he really really wants to contribute to Charlene's life. Not to mention when he was with Char. They really look like dad and daughter.

And somehow he knows what to do when I'm clueless, like about child welfare earlier. And yesterday when I didn't know I had to handle Char's administration. It was all Drew. And it feels good to have someone take care of you. Not even I let my exes to help me with a lot of things. It feels like I was just born to be independent.

But with Drew, it feels like I can count on him for everything and I know he will try his best to make everything right for me. For Char...

And it surprised me that he didn't take advantage of me earlier when I kissed him like a horny woman. I don't know what came to me, but somehow I was desperate for some distraction. It was too much for me. But the way Drew kissed me latter made me feel calm and warm.

I dressed Charlene up with a pretty peach dress. Yesterday was too glumly for me, her and Drew. I want to give something bright for us, at least from Char pretty dress.

I walk outside. Drew is still on the phone so I play with Char on the couch while waiting for him. "You'll be a good girl for daddy okay? Mommy has to work for a while. Hopefully this client isn't too nosy and has a dilemma with all the stuff mommy is going to give to her. So mommy can come home faster" I caress her cheek.

"Yes mom" Drew answers me. I look up at him. He sits next to Char. So now Char is in the middle. "Go, you only have an hour to get ready".

I nod and stand up. Go to my room and get ready. I faintly hear Drew say "you look so pretty Char. Like an angel. Come on take a selfie with daddy"

I'm wearing my emerald green strapless dress with a green white gold accent scarf from Hermes and a silver diorama bag, and my favorite silver Louboutin. My makeup is perfect, my hair is curly down loosely.

"I'm done," I say as I come out from my room, while wearing my silver big hoop earrings. Drew looks up and his winter grey eyes go darker. Oh God, and I can feel my libido start raising now.

I clear my throat. "Bye Char! Mommy is going to miss you" I nuzzle her with my nose. Char giggling happily.

I stand up and tuck the tendrils behind my ear. "Bye Drew let me know if you need any help. You want me to change her diaper before I go?"

He clears his throat and glances away a bit. "Um no, yes I mean. Um... Ocean is it okay if I take Char to Roderick Beverly?"

"Um I don't see any problem with that since Char already dressed up. I just need to put the milk in her bag."

"I have that milk in my place also the bottles and some clothes"

"You have?" My eyes widened.

"Yeah. I took a picture of everything and asked Riley to buy it"

"Oh wow..." I'm surprised.

"So?" He asks me.

"Sure." I check Char's diaper while she is still in Drew's arm. She's good. "Okay let's go" I say and Drew nods.

I take the diaper bag from Char's room and we go downstairs. Drew's driver, Simon, is already near the door. I look at Drew. "I'll go to your place later," I say.

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