40. The one with the reunion🤧🤘🏻🙈 ( end )

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They didn't get married yet but will very soon

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They didn't get married yet but will very soon. And then you may ask "then what about the boys in Japan?" Well. Jimin and Hobi came to visit us once and stayed at our place for a week. We had the best time ever just chatting and playing games. And for our honeymoon me and yoongi decided to go to Japan so we could see the others. We met up and spend some time to and had dinner. It felt right again the second I saw them, like soulmates. But that was the only time we got to see them and that's allready two years ago.

And then two months ago another best day appeared in my life. You might think "what's better than getting married." But I think you know it now. I'm pregnant! When I told yoongi he was so exited and so happy that he started crying. And ever since he started taking care of me and the baby. We allready made a room in the apartment and bought some clothes even though we don't know the sex of the baby yet. Yoongi makes sure I eat right and feel good. And every night before he sleeps he carrases my belly to feel the bay kick. Then he will whisper sweet words and kiss my belly until he notices that I'm asleep.

 Then he will whisper sweet words and kiss my belly until he notices that I'm asleep

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I'm two months pregnant now and it has been though but we are going trough it. And I'm not the only one who's going through it. You guessed it one of my besties WAS also pregnant. And since Chea and Taehyung just got engaged and want to take things a bit slow I think you know who it is. That's right Kookie and Yuri are parents now!!

Me and Chea where so happy but also so worried about the news I mean, our baby was expecting a baby. And Jungkook felt the same. They both wanted to be parents at a young age and both love kids so that wasn't the problem. The problem was, Yuri's health. Since you read the book you know that her body isn't the best. So that's when we decided to take care of her together.

Yuri had told me that Kookie never but litterly never left her alone. She sure had some bad times through her pregnancy but we where there for her to help her the best we could. And then just 3 months ago the day came when I became a auntie. Me and yoongi with the other couple where there in the hospital for the birth. Ofc only jungkook was in the room but when the work was done he inmidiatly came to us and we could visit the little one. Well that's what we thought because little did we know that they where keeping a secret from us. Because when we entered the room there was not one baby in Yuri's hand but two!

The crazy Squad ( mafia story) ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora