
"I am thinking about her and I know she wouldn't want us to kill Murphy." Lawrence whispered looking up at the boy, stepping closer to him, reaching out to hold his bicep to hold herself up.

"What happened to Charlotte was as much our fault as his." Clarke muttered as she knelt down beside Murphy. "He's not lying. His finger nails were torn off. They tortured him."

"You and the grounders should compare notes." Finn spat towards Bellamy.

Shut up, Finn.

"The grounders know we're at war. What did you tell them about us?" Bellamy questioned turning to Murphy. Bellamy pulled the blonde back into his chest. He wanted her a close as possible. He felt the way her whole body relaxed into him, he used his fingers to trace small patterns on the small of her back.

"Everything." Murphy muttered. Lawrence closed her eyes in disbelief.

"Once he's better we find out what he knows and then he's out of here, okay?" Clarke whispered as she walked up to Bellamy.

"What if he refuses to leave?" Bellamy questioned before she went to walk out of the dropship. "What do we do with him then?"

"Then we kill him." Clarke said coldly.

"What Clarke, you can't be serious." Lawrence went to go after the girl as she went to leave the dropship but Bellamy pulled her back.

"You need to be resting, not running around." Bellamy instructed. Lawrence rolled her eyes, shaking her head and lowering onto the floor of the dropship to sit beside Muphy. Bellamy watched the girl carefully, he clenched his jaw and scrunched up his nose, nodding and walking away.


I don't feel too good.

Lawrence rested her head back on the wall of the dropship, she then fell a warm liquid drip down her nose. She brought her sleeve up to wipe it away and saw the blood.

That's not good.

Murphy turned his body away from Lawrence and then began to vomit blood. The blonde began to rub up and down Murphy's back, hoping to soothe him. But she couldn't help but feel her own stomach churning at the gagging sounds that the boy was making.

"Murphy, hey, look at me." Clarke demanded. "I need you to tell me exactly how you escaped from the grounders. What happened?"

"I don't know. I woke up, and they forgot to lock my cage. There was no one there, so I took off."

They let him go.

Lawrence eyes flickered up to Bellamy who just walked into the dropship. She shook her head, desperatly wanting to tell him to leave so that he doesn't get sick. Bellamy's eyes widened once he saw how sick and pale the girl was. Her face was covered in blood. And once again, she looked exhausted.

"Did he do something to you?" Bellamy questioned as his eyes flickered towards Murphy. Lawrence shook her head. "What the hell is this?"

"Biological warfare." Clarke answered as Lawrence began to cough up blood. Bellamy tried to rush to her side to help the girl "Don't." Clarke said as she went to help the blonde herself. "You were waiting for the grounders to retaliate for the bridge? This is it. Murphy's the weapon."

"I'm good." Lawrence lied as Clarke fussed over her. She didn't exactly want Clarke anywhere near her, all she could think about was the pill being forced down her throat. Almost instantly after she said it, she was vomiting again. "I said i'm fine." Lawrence pushed herself up and away from Clarke, her body almost fell to the ground, but thankfully, she managed to hold onto the side of the dropship.

"Is this your revenge, helping the grounders kill us?" Bellamy snapped looking towards Lawrence, he was worried about the blonde girl.

"I didn't know about this, I swear." Murphy managed to say slowly.

"Stop lying." Bellamy shouted making Lawrence wince and touch her head, she had a banging headache. "Sorry." He whispered. "When are they coming?"

"Murph, any information will help." Lawrence said as she laid down on the hammock and closed her eyes.

"What can you tell us that's useful? Did you hear anything?" Clarke questioned.

"They are vicious, cruel." Murphy muttered.

"You want to see vicious?" Bellamy said walking closer to Clarke and Murphy.

"Hey, don't. Whatever this thing is, it spreads through contact." Clarke warned the boy.

"Bell, get out before you get sick." Lawrence managed to splutter out, she could feel the bile rising in her throat, coughing up the blood, Bellamy was quick to grab a rag to help the girl.

"I'm not going anywhere."

You'll get sick.

I don't want you to get sick.


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