Part 67 - Missing You

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"Why do you look like you want to burn me alive?", he asked and I scowled at him.

"I am angry", I released a puff and he poked my nose. I glared at him and he let out a chuckle. Okay? Do I look like a joker?

"You look so funny", he commented and returned to his stove. 

"He didn't even inform me. He just left", I complained catching his attention. He shot a glance and then pressed his lips into a thin line, looking above. Is there something written in the air? 

"Oppa, are you listening to me or not?", I grumbled and he looked dumbfounded at the rise of my tone. Wait! Why am I behaving like this? I am not even on my cycles.

"Woah! Hold up, angry bird. Why are you so angry? He didn't even tell me that he left if that's the case. It must have been very urgent. Don't worry, he will be back. Did he tell you when he will be back?", he asked as if it's some trivial matter and I huffed. 

"3 days", I replied and he nodded.

"That's early. Work calls, Hana. You need to understand him", he tried to convince me and I smiled.

"He could have just woke me up and informed. What's the big deal in that? Will his calories burn unnecessarily if he does that?", I grunted and he chortled at my words. Wow! Oppa is finding this funny. Wow!

"He must have not wanted to disturb his beautiful wife during sleep. You know Jungkook more than me, so didn't you think of this?", he ruffled my hair and went back to his second fiancée, the stove as Ara calls it.

"Did that idiot leave without telling again? Ugh! When will he even learn to inform?", Ara sighed as she entered the kitchen with an apple in her hand. So, he never informs anyone. Peculiar personality!!

"Aish! That guy is such a louse. I still wonder how I tolerated him all these years", Jin whined and Ara smacked him on his arm lightly.

"Don't call my brother like that. Jungkookie is a very nice guy and I wonder how he tolerated you all these years", Ara retorted defending Jungkook and Jin wrinkled his nose, giving a dirty look for the words by his fiancée. Okay! Get ready for the war between the couple.

"Oh My God! See, how you are taking his side? Wow! You are even taunting your fiancé for that. Omo, omo, what should I do?", Oppa started the melodrama and I looked around to see if I can find any popcorn. The show just started.

"And you are taunting your brother. Omo, omo, what should I do?", Ara imitated him and he scrunched his nose.

"Well! He has every right to, after all that idiot left the house without informing anyone. You can scold him whatever you want, Oppa. I will support you", I winked at him and took his side. Ara pouted and crossed her arms over her chest.

"See, my sister is on my side", Oppa smirked and she shook her head, probably in disbelief.

"Wait till your husband comes, he will definitely be on my side", Ara stated nonchalantly and my expression faltered. He is my husband, right? I am ready for this relationship, right? Why does it feel so different to be called his wife? Am I unsure or is it just like that? I am trying to accept our marriage, so it isn't wrong to accept him as a husband and to be claimed as his wife. Is it?

I looked at Jin Oppa and Ara whose expressions changed into a serious one as if they are sorry for bringing out the topic. I am no more depressed about it. Well! I completely forgot about that thing now. I forgave him. The only thing that's left is accepting him now. Could I? Will I be responsible for this relationship?

"Are you okay? I didn't mean t-", I cut her off.

"Even if my husband comes, he still can't beat us", I winked at Jin Oppa whose face was like as if he was hit by a 440 Volt Shock. Ara was also stunned. Okay? If there are taken aback like this, what will Jungkook's reaction be?

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