It's a gorgeous set up with many people standing around, all looking very fancy.

You pass through to the outside where you meet the Queen. She is wearing a long peach colored gown with her hair done in a cute but casual bun.

"You look wonderful!" The Queen praises you as she looks you up and down.

"Thank you." You reply politely to her.

"Are you ready to go? We haven't got much time, I'm only supposed to be out while the King is in a meeting." She explains with a bright smile on her face.

"I'm ready." You say to her and she quickly grabs your hand.

"I know these fabulous boutiques in the town we can shop at." She says enthusiastically.

The rest of the early evening is spent with the Queen dragging you across town and into shops that you have no desire to be in. She goes on and on about her life on Naboo and to you it sounds so dull. She sits around to support the King and once in a while she gets out to shop or plan parties.

Her life sounds so boring and you can't believe that someone would ever want to live in a marriage where you are spent planning events and sitting around.

"We're back." The Queen says sadly, as you both approach the castle.

The Queen hands her bags to a random person. She tells them to put her bags in her room.

"I must get going, the King will be expecting me." The Queen says as she walks away and you soon follow.

You enter the elevator tired and desperately needing a nap. When the doors open the little girl that escorted you to dinner is waiting in the middle of your room.

"I'm so sorry Miss, I didn't know you were away!" The little girl is holding a rose and she meets you halfway in the room as she hands it to you.

"It's from the Supreme Leader." The girl explains.

"When did he give this to you?" You ask, wondering how long he's been waiting for you.

"Just a couple minutes ago." She says, her face turning red probably from embarrassment.

"Alright. Thank you. You may go." You say to her as you take the note and rose from her hands.

After the girl scurries away and the elevator doors close you take a deep breath and open the note.

Meet me in the meadow, I have a surprise for you.


Even though it doesn't say when to meet him you assume it means as soon as possible because it's Kylo.

So after you touch up your makeup and your hair you grab the rose and leave.

You walk down the clean stone pathway and follow it until you see the meadow.

You walk out to the meadow and see Kylo sitting on a black blanket with a white picnic basket. He has set up a delicious looking meal and when he sees you he smiles.

You walk across the meadow and to his set up with a giant smile plastered on your face.

"Wow. This is amazing." You say in awe as you walk over to him.

"I thought we could have a nice picnic alone and watch the sunset." He says pouring wine into two glasses.

You gracefully sit down on the blanket he has set out for the two of you and grab your glass of wine, sipping a small sip out of the glass.

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