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Days passed since their last encounter at the restaurant and Jason and Angie haven't heard from eachother since their last phone call. She went back to her now usual business around the estate and spent most of her days in the office dealing with her charity organization. At nights she had her dinner with Rosa and the rest of the staff and Family members that were on the estate and she finally felt like she is at home surrounded with these people.

Jason was still in the city, spending his days occupied with legal and less legal business, mostly dealing with the problems with Russians. They've managed to capture two of the Russian gang members and Jason was personally in charge for extortion of information for them.

It wasn't a pleasent job, the torture, but Jason didin't mind rolling up his sleeves and even get bloody. He was merciless, best man for the job. Especially now when he was having problems both business wise and privately with his marriage with Angie, he needed something to take his mind off.

-Who is giving you informations about my shipments? -Jason asked one of the Russians that was tied on the chair in the basement of Jasons hotel, already bloody and with the broken nose.

The captive responded in strong russian accent while laughing at his torturer.

-I will not say anything to you! Torture me all you want, I'm dead eather way druže. (friend)

-Oh, you think this is torture? -Jason said. -No friend, we're just getting started. I heard you have a nice family, two daughters, beautiful wife...correct me if I'm wrong but they're currently in Washington, the girls attend school and mother works in some kind of publishing you want the adress? - Jason asked smirkingly.

Jason wasn't a fan of attacking the families of their enemies, especially innocents like children or wives but he knew that the simple threat on a family can make people give out the information.

The captive remained calm, almost as if Jasons threat didn't bother him at all.

-You're threatening my family but you don't think about yours. What did you think? We won't find out that you got yourself a pretty little wife? Beautiful thing, your wife. Young, sexy, Angela Reins right? Sorry, Bates now. Druže we are on to you. (friend) -the Russian said with the smirk.

He then continued. -We've seen her, she really is something, she'd make a big profit once we get the hold of her with her innocent blue eyes, pirky breasts, those full lips and perfect little ass. The boss will of course get the first try. But I'm sure everyone within our gang will get the taste her.

Jason went mad. He couldn't believe his ears. They know about Angie and they're now using her to their advantage. It wasn't even about their attack on him, it was about Angie. He couldn't stand anyone to talk about her like that. He couldn't imagine anyone to touch her perfect body, she was his. Within seconds he pulled out his gun and fired three bullets in the captives head. Without hesitation, without mercy.

Everyone in the basement went silent. Dylan was schocked with his friends reaction. Sure he understood, after all, they did mention Jasons wife, but he couldn't believe that Jason would react that way. He was always so patient with their captives, nothing could hurt him. Now he watched his friend put three bullets in the head of their enemy with no hesitation at all. Without even trying to get hold of the informations.

-What was that? -Dylan asked looking at Jason. -He didn't even say anything about their plans and how they know about our shipments.

Jasons face darkened and he looked at Dylan. -We don't need anything from this bastard. I'll crush them all myself if I need, one by one. Do you question my decision? -Jason asked firmly.

-No. Of course not. You're the boss. -Dylan answered.

-Don't you forget that. -Jason said as he exited the room. -I want other russian bastard in the cell. Try to get the informations out of him while showing him his dead friend. Make an example out of them, show them that no one would even dare to fuck with us.

-Understood. -Dyaln said.

The next morning Angie woke up earlier than usual. She went downstairs in the kitchen and deciaded to make breakfast for everyone. She even got up before Rosa. While she was making breakfast she rememberd that today is the day she promised to attend gala with Jason. She haven't heard from him in past few days so she didn't know if their agreement to attend gala was still on. Well, he'll call her if the gala is still happening, she thought.

Jason woke up in his penthouse completely aware of what day it was. He remembered the invitation for the gala. Fuck, he thought. I need to tell Angie to get ready for tonight. As soon as he got himself a cup of coffee he deciaded to call her.

-Hey, did I wake you? -he asked softly.

-No, I got up earlier this morning, currently making breakfast for the fam. - she answered.

He was impressed by her involvment in his Family. -I was just calling you to let you know that the gala thing is tonight. So, get ready and I'll pick you up at 7 pm. Also, pack your clothes for few days, you'll be staying here in my penthouse.

She was surprised by this. -Really? You need me there? -she asked.

-Yeah, the gala could last until early in the morning so there's no need to drive back to the estate when I have a place here in the city. Also, I'd like to spend some time with you. We haven't seen eachother for almost a month. -Jason said.

He wanted her close after he realized that she was the main target for his enemies, but he didn't want to worry her with that.

-Oh, you wish. -she said. -I'll be ready at 7. See you. - she then ended their conversation.

Now You Are Mine #COMPLETEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz