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The doorbell of the penthouse rang.

-Delivery. -Angie heard Miles voice coming from the outside of the apartment.

Jason opened the door and took the bag from Miles. He placed plates on the table opening up the bag putting the food on them.

Angie got up from the couch covering herself with black silk robe, still feeling shivers all over her body.

-Are you cold? -she asked Jason.

He looked around the apratment. Every window and every door were closed and the heat was on. He even rolled up his sleeves once he took off his jacket. Actually, it was hot for him.

-No. Are you? -he asked looking at her weak body checking with palm of his hand her temperature. She smiled on this little sign of affaction and concern.

-You don't have the fever. -he said even more confused. -Come, sit.-he pulled out a chair for her. -You'll feel better when you eat something.

She sat down and he sat next to her pouring himself another glass of whiskey.

-Anything to drink? -he asked.

-Juice will be fine. -she replied.

They were now eating their dinner in complete silence which Angie broke with question.

-What time is it?

-One o'clock. -Jason said. -Why? -he asked while putting another bite in his mouth.

-I just wonder where Leila is. It's getting pretty late.

-You don't need to worry. She's with Dylan, she'll be fine. -Jason replied but he was thinking the same. He warned Dylan about Leila and he didn't have the reason to doubt him. But even the toughest man can easaly fail to keep his promise once a pretty woman was involved. Jason felt it himself when he broke a promise that he gave Angie on the night of their wedding. He broke it in this apartment. He'll never forgive himself for that.

But just thinking about that night when he took her virginity now brought shivers to him. Different kind of shivers. She felt so good, too good. He missed her in his bed. Looking at her now, almost naked, just in her nightie and silk robe, it drove him crazy. How can she possibly have this effect on him?

-What? -Angie asked after a few minutes of silence noticing him staring at her.

-Nothing. -he smiled and continued to eat.

-Any news of Ivan? -she wanted to converse with him about anything just to take the awkwardness away.

-No. -he simply replied not helping her at all with the task.

She sipped on her juice, eating her spaghetti in silence. What is the point anyway, Angie thought.

But then he chose to break the silence and in the most stupid way that he could, Angie thought.

-I know you were texting Drew everyday for the last three weeks. -he admitted to her waiting for her reaction.

-Why do you care? -she asked.

-You're my wife. -he replied firmly eating his food like he did not just assumed that she was cheating on him or something.

-Am I? -she stated rhetorically.

-What's that supposed to mean? -he was angry.

-What have I ever done to you for you to behave like this towards me since the moment you met me? -even Angie didn't know where this question came from. She did actually, but she kept it burried inside without ever asking it for real. Until now.

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