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The look on Jasons face was pure shock but it was interrupted by the crowd chanting: KISS, KISS. He didn't know how he feels but he was sure that he was going to kill Dylan.

Angie didn't looked as shocked as him, he thought. Of course, she saw him underneath that goddamn veil and had a little more time to prepare herself for this.

Without thinking further he leaned in and gave her the most furious possessive kiss he could give. He didin't know where that came from and why he was so mad at her. He felt cheated, like she played the game knowing the cards he was holding in his hands and they both were betting on their lives.

She kissed him back with the same energy one would think that she was mad at him as well.

But Angie was confused. She just gave him back excatly the same thing he gave to her. She didin't want for him to feel her weakness even though last night he saw her at her weakest.

He was so mad he could burn down the room with just his voice so he was silent. The variety of mixed emotions that Jason felt started to fight with each other inside him. He was both glad and mad. He was happy that his wife was far from ugly poor girl he thought she was, but at the same time he was suspicios of her.

She looked too damn good for her own well-being what was proved to him just last night and too damn innocent, but at the same time he couldn't imagine that this girl was virgin. And although he wasn't a traditional man, he wanted to possess her so much even before she was his wife.

At the moment he saw her, he wanted to have her and now he couldn't believe that she wasn't with anyone before him and he couldn't deal with the fact that she was. But most of all, he was even more mad at the guy from the last night who attacked her that he couldn't wait to go back to his mansion and beat him up again. Not only that he attacked the girl and tried to rape her, he attacked something that belongs to Jason. Who would dare, he thought.

Crowd was cheering the newlyweds as they exited the hall to the dining area. Everyone got up and congratulated them. It went for an hour until everyone got their moment with bride and the groom. For that hour they haven't spoken a single word to each other, they barley looked at each other. And as time passed, they both grew impatient with each other and started to become more and more angry.

After the wedding guests have all been seated, the best man picked up his glass and gave a toast.

-I would like to congratulate our beautiful bride Angela and also apologize to her in advance for Jasons' stubbornness that she'll get to know pretty soon I think. - Dylan laughed at his joke along with the guests but Jason didin't find it funny.

The rest of the speech was at the same tone as the first sentence and Jason even thought that Dylan was interested in his wife because all he talked about was how Angie was beautiful and how he was pain in the ass.

When the first meal came to the table, Jason poured himself another glass of champagne. Angie did the same and she even gulped it down her throat faster than him. She was so nervous but Jason didin't notice that. What he did notice was his bride drinking her way through the wedding. She was not that innocent after all, he thought.

-Why don't you put down your glass you love so much and eat something?-Jason finally spoke to her in a manner that she didin't find polite. Actually it was not excatly the tone of the voice that one husband uses while talking to his new bride.

-Why don't you mind your own business like you always do and leave me alone? - Angie answered emphasizing the word business trying to alude to the fact that due to business he didn't showed up at their engagement party.

-If I had minded my own business last night you wouldn't be here. - Jason quickly answered trying to keep his tone down. He was so mad after that sentence, so mad at her because apperently she didin't realize in what danger she was last night.

They both went silent after that and started to eat their food along with the other guests.

Dylan hasn't had the chance to speak with Jason but he knew that Jason was angry. He didn't know why. He knew that he lied to him but it was a funny little prank, nothing more, so that can't be the reason. After the meal he approached him.

-What's wrong with you? I thought you'd be happy with your bride. As you can see she's not at all ugly and boring. -Dylan stated.

-I know that she is not ugly, you said how beautiful she is a hundred times in your little speech.- Jason said in a way that Dylan felt the jealousy in his voice. - Also, you lied to me. And in addition to all of that, my new wife was the girl who was attacked last night by the rapist. So how do you want me to feel?- Jason asked Dylan while looking straight into his eyes.

-I didn't know that, I'm sorry. We'll find out who the guy is first thing in the morning. Our guys are taking care of the situation with the attacker as we speak. You should try to enjoy yourself, it is your wedding after all and you bride doesn't deserve this kind of treatment you're giving her. -Dylan said and went on to his table.

Jason thought about his words and Dylan was right. It's not Angies fault that he didin't know she was his future wife last night. She didin't know about him either.

For the first time today he really looked at her standing on the dance floor with her father. My God she was beautiful, he thought. She was perfect. She was the most beautiful woman he ever saw. After she dances with her father he'd ask her to dance with him.

They were supposed to dance first but his anger got in the way and she didin't dare to tell him anything about that. Fuck him, Angie thought. I might as well go to the dance floor myself.

-Do you want to dance? - Jason whispered into her ear after he approched her from behind and grabbed her by her waist.

She was surprised by his question. -Of course. - she said.

They danced like there was no one in the room with them. They can't even remember what song was playing. It didin't matter. Angie relaxed in his arms and she weirdly felt like everything will be ok. She really could try to love the guy, after all he was her hero.

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