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After she let Molly escape, Angie sat down to think waiting for Jason to come back.

Yes, Molly almost cost her everything, she was, from the beginning, the main problem in Angie's marriage, but it wasn't Molly's fault. It was Jason's decision to keep her in their lives. To keep her in his. And if she forgave him, she'd be a hypocrite not to forgive Molly. A girl in love doesn't think about consequences. He'll have to deal with that. Sparing Molly's life will be his redemption.

Angie than looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost 9pm. And she was tired. There's no way she's going back to the estate now. She called Rosa to tell her that.

As she suspected, old woman wasn't happy about that. She wanted to have them all beside her but she understood.

Then Jason walked in the apartment finding Angie cleaning the table where just moments ago she was left alone with Molly. His gun still on the table.

-Where's she? - he asked her noticing that Molly isn't in the room.

-Gone. - Angie simply replied.

-What do you mean gone? - Jason was confused.

-Out of our lives for good. - Angies answer was still mysterious and Jason didn't like that.

-You fuckin let her go?! - he shouted at his naive wife.

-It was my choice and you'll respect it. - she stood her ground now stopping with whatever she was doing looking straight into his eyes.

-She knows too much Ang. - Jason was now calm trying to put some sense into his wife.

-And she'll forget it all and move on with her life. - Angie said.

-How can you be so sure? - he asked, not believing her.

-Cause she's afraid. - she replied.

-And you just think I should let her leave?!?

-I don't think that. You WILL let her leave. And if you go behind my back again I'll leave too. - she didn't look away from him not even a second.

-You can't do that. - he said confidantly.

-Why? Because you'll hunt me down and bring me back? - she shouted.

-No. - he replied getting closer to her, removing messy lock from her face.
-Because you love me.

Sound of silence then filled the room. Still, she did not look away, nor did she ran, nor did she blushed.

-And why do you care? - instead she asked.

-I know how you feel. - he whispered in her ear licking her earlobe, driving her crazy.

-Then you'll let her go. - she replied pulling him closer to her.

-I already did that night I saw you. - he said.

-Night? - she frowned.

-Night before our wedding. I couldn't stop thinking about you. You asked me days ago, just here in this room, what if you're not my wife. And your answer is in that night. I wanted you even before we were married. I wanted you because of you. Not because you're daughter of John Reins. But because of you. - he explained kissing her neck. - Don't you see baby? I fucking love you.

And then she kissed him. - Shut up. - she whispered. - Don't you dare spoil it.

And he smirked picking her up and carrying her to their bedroom.

He was now laying on top of her kissing every inch of her body, removing their clothes slowely. - Don't you ever fucking say you'll leave me again.- he said with the hint of desperation in his voice.

-I won't. - she whispered and he was already inside of her. - Fuck baby. - he said once he entered her. - What are you doing to me? - he asked biting on her lower lip listening her moans.

Meanwhile Leila spent her day with Dylan. They ordered food from italian restaurant near the hotel and waited for either Jason or Angie to call them.

-I wonder what's taking them so long. - Leila said watching her phone.

-I don't think they'll call us tonight. - Dylan smirked.

-Wow.-Leila rolled her eyes. -You really think they'd leave us alone, I mean, me here with you in your room?

-No, I think they forgot we were here. - he laughed.

-Fucking Molly was upstairs with them. - Leila replied.

-Well, she's eaither dead or gone by now. - Dylan was certain. - What's there to talk about this long? Think about it.

-She's an idiot then if she let that bitch go. - Leila said.

-Or she felt sorry for her. - Dylan countered. - I know Molly's been a world class bitch and she deserves to be dead but she was also part of our Family and if I know anything about your sister I know she has forgiving nature. Otherwise she'd leave ages ago.

-Yeah, and that will cost her. - Leila sighed.

-What, you're not so forgiving yourself? - he asked.

-I don't do second chances. - Leila said firmly. You're in or you're out. There is no middle ground.

-Your father's daughter. - Dylan commented.

Leila rolled her eyes again. - Well, since we'll probably spent the night here, why don't we open that bottle-Leila pointed to the bottle of wine that was on the table- and watch a movie? - she asked.

-Why not? - Dylan replied handing her a glass.

After two bottles of wine, a joint Leila got for her birthday and half way into the second movie, Dylan remembered something.

-Fuck. - he said. - I forgot to give you your present. - he said and they both laughed out loud, intoxicated by everything.

-Yeaaah. - Leila said. - So? - she asked. -You said it is in your room. - she came closer to him.

-It is. - he smirked. - But it's not that.

-Oh? - she said. - Then what is it?

He was now opening up his bottom drawer where Leila knew from the last time that's where his underwear was. She laughed.

-Shhh. - he put his finger over his mouth. - Here. - he handed her a box that read "Victoria's secret".

-Since the last time you were here you borrowed my clothes, including my underwear, I thought the only thing I could give you was this. - he smirked as he watched her opening the box with lingerie inside of it.

-Kinky. - she winked. - Do you want me to try it on?

And Dylan swallowed hard. She's going to kill him. Jason will kill him because of this but he couldn't resist.

-Fuck yes. - he said.

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