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Snapping out of sleep, still tired but worried, Jason opened his eyes only to found Angie looking at him.

-You're awake! -he said to her, thanking God. But then he frowned, maybe it's just another dream. -Am I awake? -he asked now looking at her confused.

-If you're not then we're dreaming together. -she smiled at him.

-I can live with that. -he smiled back, holding her hand in his. -I need to call the nurse. -he said but she didn't let him still holding his hand. -Let us have another five minutes of this. Peace.

And he nodded his head.

-What happened? -she asked him.

How can he explain everything to her and without it being awful. He'll avoid the details. -Ivan attacked you. -he started and she nodded her head. -That I'm aware of.

-Well, he shot you and you fell hitting your head pretty hard. Drew found you and ran after Ivan while we called an ambulance.

-Did you found Ivan? -she asked like that was the only thing she was interested in. And frankly it was.

-Yes. -he said without further explanation.

-Well? -Angie asked.

-It's been taken care of. He's dead. -Jason said and the sigh of relief coming from Angie filled the pause of their conversation.

And then the nurse entered the room stopping their conversation completely.

-Mrs. Bates! You're awake. -she said. -Let me check if everything is right with two of you.

Angie looked at Jason. -What's wrong with you? -she asked him confused.

But nurse continued. -We don't want that child out not just yet.

For a minute there Jason completly forgot about the pregnancy. It was too much for him to deal with when he heard of it. But now, after everything is taken care of and with Ivan dead and Jason sure that the child is his, he was happy, he smiled upon realization.

-What is she saying? -Angie asked Jason noticing the smile of pure happiness on his face.

-You're pregnant. -he finally said to her and she was shocked. -No. -she mumbled in disbelief. -Oh my God. -she continued thinking about that night Ivan drugged her. What if she's carrying child of her rapist?!

-Don't worry. -Jason reassured her looking at the nurse waiting for her to leave them alone.

-Is she ok? -he asked the nurse breaking the silence that filled the room and the look of horror on Angies face. She blinked many times like she was trying to wake up all over again.

-Mrs. Bates is doing well. After her check up with the doctor, if everything is fine, she can go home and rest.

-Great. -Jason said. -Can you leave us for a minute? -he asked but it really felt like an order rather than request. Nurse was already out of the room before Jason turned around and faced Angie's desperate look again.

-It's ours. -he said to her, again holding her hand.

-How can you be sure? -she asked him.

-I've told you I'll make him confess.- he replied.

Angie didn't feel sorry for Ivan. That man didn't deserve mercy. Finally she smiled. -I can't believe it. -she said.

-You make me so happy. -Jason said to her kissing her head. -I know you didn't have any other choice but to marry me. And you did the best you could. And you are perfect. And I don't deserve you Ang. Not you and not our child. But, you're my choice baby. And you always were even before I didn't know that myself.

-And the others? Molly? -Angie asked remembering how Molly set up a trap for her.

-There isn't anyone else. Only us. Only you two. -he replied kissing her lips.

-Where is everyone? -Angie finally asked realizing her sister and the rest of their Family weren't here.

-I sent Leila home to get some sleep. She was crying her eyes out all night worrying about you and, well, Dylan is downstairs actually. He has his own room.

-WHAT? -Angie asked.

-Don't worry, he'll be fine. He also got shot. Luckily bullet didn't hit any vital organs. I've sent Miles to find Molly since the bitch ran away as soon as Ivan got you.

-And Drew? -Angie asked.

There was another pause filling up the room with silence.

-JASON?! -Angie frowned. -Where is Drew, Jason?

Jason rememberd his conversation with Drew just before he left to hospital. -Take care of her. -Drew said to him. -Don't screw it up Bates. She's worth everything. -he concluded. -Watch out for Annie until I'm back.

-And where are you going? -Jason asked him confused by this unusual goodbye. They weren't excatly the best of friends, they weren't friends at all, but he grew to respect the guy, and after all, he did save his wife, twice.

-Let's just say that I've got my own Angela Reins to make amends with. Me and you Bates, we're not the right men for them. And they deserve better. Better men would walk away. But luckily for us, we're not better men. -Drew smirked.

And Jason shook his hand. -We'll see you soon Smith.

-He's got his own issues to take care of. But don't worry. He'll be back. -was everything Jason could say to Angie.

-I need to call your sister. -he said. -I promised I'll call as soon as you're awake.

He left the room and Angie took her own cell from the table that was standing next to her bed.

There was a notice on the screen of unread text. From Drew.

I'm sorry to part with you like this. We've been through too much shit for me to say goodbye this way. But since you've deciaded to take a little rest (wink emoji), I didn't have the time to explain this decision to you in person. You once asked me why do I keep giving you nicknames. It's because of my baby girl. You remind me so much of her. Take care Angela. I'll see you soon. Ps. give him a chance. He truly loves you. I know that.

It was the first time that he used her name, Angie thought after reading his text. -I hope everything works out at the end for you Drew. -she whispered putting her phone back on the table remembering the first time she saw Drew when he picked her up on that parking lot. His smile that screams trouble, his playful nature and also the danger he emites which he shared with her husband, but Drew managed to hid it underneath that boyish grin he always gave her.

Then she looked at her husband through the glass door of her room. He smiled at her and she smiled back. We're so fucked up, but I wouldn't change it for the world, she thought.

Now You Are Mine #COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now