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September was always depressing month for Angie. Summer was long over. Her mother died in September. It reminded Angie of her passing just as the happy summer days passed and the fall came bringing rain and sorrow in her world.

This September was no different than the others. She was about to marry a man she never met and the man who is so ruthless and ignorant that he couldn't even come to their engagement party.

But that was her fathers' decision and she will respect it. She had no other choice. She couldn't escape, the West and the East coast mafia would be looking for her.

She couldn't end her life although the thought had crossed her mind, but she couldn't leave her poor sister behind. She must be strong for her, she must try to persuade her father not to do this to Leila next year. She'll beg him to let Leila choose the man she wants to marry. Who knows, maybe her sacraface will mean that Leila will be free. Maybe Leila could go to college and pursue her career in the med school like she always wanted.

Angie never dared to dream about that kind of things, she always knew her destiny. Why bother dreaming then? It would end in dissappointment. But Leila has a strong spirit, she's an optimist, and Angie wanted for her everything she desired. She'll make sure that Leila gets it. She deciaded that her wedding present from her father must be his promise to let Leila choose what kind of life she wants to live.

That Friday they all packed and went to the mansions her fiance rented for the big day. How sweet of him, Angie sarcastically thought. She reluctantly admited to herself that the property was beautiful. If it wasn't for the arranged marriage with that man, she even thought she would picked it herself for her dream wedding. Even Leila was amazed.

-Oh my God, Angie. It's something right? Look at that beach, look at that trees, look at that house...- Angie listend to her sister for the whole way to the brides mansion.

-Yes, it's perfect for the most unperfect event. -Angie laughed.

-I'm sorry sister, I almost forgot that you're marrying a monster. -Leila replied honestly.

-It is a wedding. - Angie said trying to be happy.- We should be joyful. After all, we are the bride and the maid of honor.- Angie tried to comfort her sister like Leila is the one who's getting married to a stranger and a criminal tomorrow.

They arrived to the brides' mansion and servants greeted them kindly. They showed them to their rooms and Angie was impressed with the one she got that looked over to the ocean. She deciaded that she will use this afternoon to walk through the property alone to think about this whole situation. After all, she is the mafia bosses' daughter and soon to be mafia bosses' wife, so the area is filled with the security.

She put on her old jeans and black hoodie, untied her hair and tied her shoes and went to explore the area.

-She needs some time alone. -Leila said to the servants.

Jason arrived that night at the grooms' mansion with Dylan and most of the Bates family including Molly. She couldn't wait to hug and kiss him even though it wasn't appropriate.

But Molly never cared about social manners. She went straight to his arms as soon as they arrived and in front of all servants that greeted them. They could've easily thought that she's the bride for the way she acted, but they knew the bride has already arrived that afternoon.

-Molly please don't do that in front of people, especially on the day before my wedding. -Jason said while he pushed her out of his way.

-But you don't understand Jason, you're getting married tomorrow and I want to use this time to the fullest. It's all we have now. Will you be joining me tonight? I have a speacial bachelor party ready for you in my room. -Molly looked at him with her green eyes trying to make him feel guilty and lustful at the same time.

-I need to go on my evening run first. Wait for me in your bedroom and be nice. -Jason instructed her.

Angie sat down by the beach to look at the ocean. She thought about her life and how she was careless and happy when her mother was alive. She knew how to deal with her father, and she was certain that if her mother was alive today she would not allow her father to give her hand in marriage to anyone but the man Angie chooses herself. But that's now in the past.

She headed back to the mansion but on her way she realized that someone was following her. It was the security she told herself, no need to worry.

But as soon as her pace started to get quicker the man behind her started to walk faster. The security never came that close to her if they haven't been called, they always kept their distance.

Now she was in her panic mode and started to run but the man was faster than her and soon he caught up with her. He grabbed her by her leg and she fell on the ground and started to scream for help. The man then shut her mouth with his hand and she was trying to kick him off of her. She felt that he was turned on by her resisting. She thought that she's going to be raped then and there and just day before her wedding. How ironic, she thought to herself, and here all day I'm thinking about how I'm getting raped tomorrow at my wedding night.

She closed her eyes and the next thing she knew there was another man who grabbed her attacker and pushed him on the ground and proceeded to hit him in the face. The attacker lost his consciousness and the man continued to hit him.

-You're going to kill him! Stop please. - Angie pleaded with the man.

-What the fuck woman?! He was attacking you and you're asking me to spare him?! Are you insane? -Jason who witnessed the whole thing while he was on his evening run, asked her.

-You need to stop, I think I deserve an explanation from him, I want to find out who he is.- Angie screamed.

After he thought about it, Jason admitted that the girl was right. He too needed to know who's the attempted rapist. After all, he is on the property and Jason needs to protect his and his brides' family.

-Calm down, I'm not going to kill him. What are you even doing here at night alone? Aren't you supposed to be working at the mansion? - Jason asked after looking at the girl for who he thought was the one of the servants judging by her clothes.

That aside, the girl was beautiful. She was so naturally beautiful. Her hair was long and wavy, her lips were full, her eyes were big, she looked like an angel to him. He never met someone like that girl in his life. All the girls he knew wore heavy make up on their faces and expensive clothes that revealed more than they should. But this girl here was so natural and her clothes were not revealing even though he could see that she was very attractive.

Angie looked at the mysterious man that saved her. He was handsome, tall and dark. There was something about him that she couldn't understand but it terrified her. All she wanted was to get to her mansion and forget all about the incident.

-I, I... I think I better go.- Angie said and ran away from the man. She thought about the whole thing and how it's going to make her look in front of her fiance and how he'll be mad that she was attacked. He'll maybe blame her for the attack and even accuse her that she asked for that to happen to her.

She didn't want anymore trouble. After all she heard about the man she's going to marry, he's not understandable guy and he couldn't care less for her well-being so it's better to just shut the fuck up and go back to her room.

Jason wanted to ran after her but he had to take care of the attacker first so he let her go back to the mansion.

-Let's find out who the fuck you are.- Jason said as he carried the attacker back to his mansion.

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