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It was now late afternoon and Angie saw black car pulling up in front of the house.

-She's here. -Angie smiled at Drew excitingly.

-Well, what are you waiting for? -he asked her. -Go.

He didn't have to say that twice.

-LEILA! -Angie yelled when she saw her sister getting out of the car.

Leila was now running towards her. She hugged her like they haven't seen eachother in years and not only in two months.

-Oh, Angie, how I missed you! -she said while her sister was still holding her in embrace.

-I missed you too devil child! -Angie joked using a nickname she'd often give to Leila.

-Hey! -Leila frowned, pretending to be hurt. -Don't call me that. I'm a good girl now. -she joked.

-Come in good girl. Let me show you to your room. -Angie excitedly said.

-You must be Leila. -Rosa said looking at the two happy girls that were standing in the living room.

-Yes...-Leila responded nodding her head. -And you are?

-I'm Rosa dear. Nice to meet you. -Rosa hugged her and Leila was surprised by this old womans affection.

-Yeah, that's our Rosa. -Angie explained smiling. -She's one of the good ones. -Angie joked looking at the old lady.

-You must be hungry. -Rosa said to Leila. -Angie take your sister to her room and then come downstairs to have a dinner. It will be ready in an hour and everyone will be in a dining room. -she ordered.

-Yes mam! -Angie laughed and Leila found this whole situation weird but in a good way. She could see that her sister really loved the old woman.

Angie took Leila upstairs and showed her to her room that was the closest to Angies. Miles walked in the room carrying in Leilas suitcases.

-Women. I'll never understand you. Are you moving in here? -he asked Leila commenting on her five suitcases.

-Chill man. -Leila replied. -I didn't know what kind of clothes to bring with me so I packed half of my closet. -she laughed.

-Anyway, see you at the dinner. -Miles smiled leaving the sisters behind and closing the door.

-TELL ME EVERYTHING! -Leila said tapping her hand on the bed inviting Angie to sit next to her.

-Oh Leila, how I missed you. -was the first thing Angie said to her sister before anything she was about to tell her.

-Before I say anything, I want you to know that I'm fine. I'm safe. -she started and Leila was now scared of what her sister will tell her.

-We have only an hour so let me explain everything quickly. -Angie continued. And then she was telling her sister about everything that happened to her.

Leila was both laughing and crying while her sister was telling her about her last two months.

-I can't believe that happened to you. -she quietly said, looking at Angie. -GOD! -she was mad! Why didn't you tell me sooner? -as she could've done something about that.

And maybe Leila would do something about it. She was a fire, that one, Angie thought. She'd not endure through everything like Angie. She would put on a fight.

-Well, it doesn't matter anymore. -Angie said. -Like I've told you, I'm fine now and I'm safe. -she reassured her sister. But Leila was angry and heartbroken.

Now You Are Mine #COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now