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Hi guys! I just wanted to give you a little warning for the disturbing scenes in this chapter.

Thanks for reading! <3


Ivan woke up in one of his few warehouses that were left untouched by Jason. When he opened his eyes he saw that he was sitting in one of his rooms that he held meetings with his gang which had big table in the middle of it and his chair at the head of it. Across from him he saw no other than Jason Bates himself watching him. When he turned to look who else was sitting at this table he panicked at the horror he witnessed. All around them, siting on the rest of the chairs were bodies of his dead men placed there making it seem like they were all having a dinner. The table was set, and on the plates in front of the dead men were part of their bodies. Even for Ivan this was too much. He was now looking in horror at this man across from him who truly was a monster that everybody said he was.

Jason stood up from the table putting on the music, classic from Mozart playing in the background, pouring himself a drink.

-Care for beverage? -he asked Ivan finally breaking the eerie silence.

But Ivan couldn't say anything since now he felt immense pain in his lower region and upon looking at himself he noticed pool of blood beneath him. His own blood.

He nearly fainted at the sight but his gaze was now fixated at the plate in front of him which was covered with a lid in a manner that the fanciest restaurants were serving their specialities. Jason was now standing next to him, playing a role of waiter pouring him a glass of red wine.

-Bon apetit. -Jason said lifting up the lid from the plate in front of Ivan. And if this gruosome scene didn't caused enough horror, Ivan eyes opened wide once he saw his own penis on the plate.

He screamed. One of the most notorious man screamed out loud but Jason went back to sit on his chair like nothing happened. His face stone cold.

-You knew who I was. -Jason started talking drinking out of his glass. -And yet, you deciaded not only to fuck with me and attack my business but you dared to attack my family. And look where we're now. With business I was fine with. It wasn't personal. I would kill you with the bullet flying right in between your eyes. But you went for my wife. And now, you'll pay for it. -he said menacingly.

Ivan still remained silent, like he lost the abilty to talk.

-As you can see, I don't have mercy for rapists. -Jason said pointing towards Ivan's plate. -Don't worry, we patched you up. I don't want you bleeding out on me before I'm done with you. And I have all the time in the world.

Jason now turned his head to the dead man that was sitting two chairs right from Ivan. -And he, he shot my friend fireing from the gun using his right hand that is now on the plate in front of him. You understand now the logic behind this. -Jason smirked.

-And he over there, -Jason continued, -he threatened me in the basement while we were waiting for you to show up. So of course I had to cut out his tongue and serve it to him.

-But you, you're much more important to me than all of them. Tell me, Alexeyey, did you saw any other outcome of situation than this one when you deciaded to attack my wife? -Jason was calm, too calm.

-Kill me please. -was the first thing Ivan said to Jason.

-Oh, but you weren't that merciful with her. Don't beg, it doesn't suit you. -Jason replied pouring himself another drink.

-I've never touched Angela. -Ivan said.

-DON'T YOU FUCKING SAY HER NAME. -Jason said fire of anger piercing out of his eyes.

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