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-I didn't know you were hurt. -Leila said entering Dylan's hospital room without even saying hello with worried look on her face.

-WOW. Don't you look horrible? -he said to her watching her tired eyes, her beutiful hair falling down her shoulders in perfect mess. Even now, she was pretty. Tired. But pretty. Pretty tired. Dylan laughed to himself.

-What's so funny asshole? I didn't sleep much for the last 48 hours. -she explained. -I barely had the time to shower, let alone to rest. And look at you. -she continued after realizing he is fine. -Sleeping well I see? -she mocked.

-Shut up. -Dylan smiled. -How's your sister? -he asked concerend.

-Awake, according to her husband. But he didn't sleep as well so it may be hallucinations and I won't believe it until I see it for myself. 

-Petty, I see. Still angry at Jason. -Dylan teased.

-You'd be too if it was your sister who's been used, abused and almost killed. It kinda gets in the way of a good relations with your brother in law. -Leila said.

-I don't have siblings. Jason is like my brother. -Dylan replied. -And yes, part of it is his fault and he's aware of that, he blames himself more than anyone, but he never wanted to hurt Angie.

-Well, I never wanted to be in the hospital visiting not one but two of you, and still, here I am. -Leila didn't want to give up on her anger.

-Come on. -Dylan got up from his bed. -We'll go together upstairs to visit her. 

-Don't you need more rest sleeping beauty? -Leila teased him still concerened for him.

-I'm fine. -he put his arm around her back. -Let's go.

Seeing her sister talking with her husband, smiling in her room, Leila finally let out a sigh of relief.

-Angie! -she hugged her immediately. -Oh Ang, I was so worried!

-I'm ok. Everything is fine. Doctor will be here any minute now to check up on me and then maybe I'm going to be sent home.

-That's great news! -Leila shouted excitedly. -Does she know? -she then turned her look to Jason asking him if he told her about the pregnency.

But instead of Jason, Angie replied: -I know. And I'm the last one to know, I see.

-Don't worry Ang, everything will be fine. We'll love that child more than anything regardless. -Leila tried to cheer her up considering that it might be Ivan's child too.

-Regardless? It's Bates. We're irresistible. -Jason said jokingly.

And Leila looked at him again. -It's yours? -she asked surprised by his confidance.

-Of course it is. -he replied holding Angie by her hand.

-It's nice seeing you doing great Ang. -Dylan finally spoke.

-Oh Dylan. -she hugged him. -Are you ok? -she asked.

-This little thing? -Dylan said pointing to bandage on his stomach. -It'll take more than that to be rid of me. -he laughed.

-I can't belive all this. -Angie said. -It's actually over isn't it? We can finally breathe. 

-It's never over. -Jasons face turned dark. -Not in my line of business. -he said remembering the losses of his family members, his brother and his parents. -But I'll never allow anything like this to happen to you again. And it's not a promise, since I have tendency to break them. -he smiled to Angie. -It's an oath. I'll protect you. Forever.

Then his phone rang. It was Miles. -Boss, I've found her. -he said over the phone. -Good. Bring her back to mainson and wait for me there.

-Who was that? -Angie asked.

-Miles. He found Molly. -Jason replied.

Angie sat down on her bed thinking about the woman that betrayed her. Nearly costing her her life. From the moment she met her, Molly was rude towards her. But only that. She never actually hurt her to the point of getting her killed until two nights ago. Something must've happened for her to deciade to go against her. Not just her, but Jason also. She must've been pretty desperate for making that decision. Angie almost felt sorry for her. Loving someone without the love being returned is cruel. Angie felt it herself.

-What are you going to do with her? -Angie asked breaking the silence that filled the room.

-Kill her. -Jason simply answered like he didn't even know Molly, his face stone cold.

Silence again filled the room. No one dared to speak for Molly. After all it was her fault they were in hospital in the first place.

But Angie couldn't comprehand her husband's decision to kill Molly. Even though it hurt her to see him with Molly knowing very well they're sleeping with eachother, Molly was his friend. Part of his Family. And to kill her in cold blood said more about Jason than Molly.

-Well, let's hear what she has to say for herself first. -Angie said and everyone in the room stopped breathing looking at her in shock.

-Are you serious?! -Jason was first to ask her, furious by her suggestion to give Molly a chance to explain.

-Yes, I am. -Angie was now ever more confident.

-She almost killed you!! -he shouted angirly. -She could've pull that trigger herself for all that matter.

-But she didn't! -Angie still defended the person who's been ruining her life for the last couple of months.

-Angie, do you hear yourself? -Leila now asked her siding with her husband.

-I don't want any more blood on my hands Leila! And it's fucking Molly. -she said now looking again at Jason. -It's not some random person who came into our lives just to destroy it. She fucking loves you Jason. -she explained herself.

-Loves me?! -he yelled trying to put sense in his wife head. -She betrayed me going after you. I almost lost you. I almost lost our baby. -he was desperate but still angry.

-Please Jason. For my sake. Let's just listen to her first. -Angie pleaded.

-For fucks sake Ang. -he sat down mad out of his mind. -Fine alright! But I can't guarantee I won't kill her as soon as I see her. -he was honest.

-Then I'll talk to her first. -Angie deciaded.

-I can't let you do that. It's dangerous. -Jason said. 

-Something tells me Angie can handle Molly. -Dylan stated remembering the last time he saw Angie and Molly speak with eachother and how Angie was fearless putting Molly back to her place. -Bitchslapper. -he whispered smiling to Angie.

Jason and Leila were confused but Angie smiled back. -Yes. 

-I don't ask for your permission. -she said to Jason. -I'm talking to her first and that's the end of it.

Then doctor came in to the room breaking their conversation. -Mrs. Bates, ready for the check up?

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