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The ceremony went on until late at night as the guests slowely went back their rooms. At the very end only guests that stayed were the ones from the Families.

Molly was there too of course. She couldn't go back to the mansion and leave Jason all alone with his new bride. She watched Angie all day and she was jealous. She knew Angie was a beautiful woman and one thing Jason can't resist are beautiful women.

Molly wore all black for the wedding and kept her dark straight hair loose. She wore red lipstick on her small perky lips and dark eyeshadow on her eyes. She almost looked like the member of the Addams family, Angie thought while looking at the mysterious woman that watched her all day.

Angie didin't mind, she knew she was the bride and people were interested in her, especially Jasons side of the Family since they didin't know her. But Jason never introduced her to this woman which Angie found weird so she finally asked him about her.

-Hey, who's that woman over there?- Angie asked trying not to point at Molly. -She's watching me the whole day and I just realized you haven't introduced her to me.

-Oh, that's just a friend. She's in the Family. I'll introduce you when we arrive in New York. She resides in the house along with the other members. You'll get to know them all soon. - Jason said looking at his bride and realizing that this is the first time he lied to her.

-Ok then, sorry to bother you with this, I just felt a little bit weird. - Angie said calmly. - I hope everybody from your Family accepts me.

-Of course they'll accept you. You're my wife, you're their boss now as well. They will treat you like one.- Jason stated.- No one would dare to disrespect you.

-Oh no, I don't want them to look at me as their boss. I want them to like me. They're my new Family after all.- Angie concluded.

Jason was impressed with her desire to fit in with his Family. She truly was perfect. He started to think about her even more now and how he wanted her. He couldn't wait to go to bed with her tonight. She was all he could think about since the moment he met her.

He needed to have her as soon as possible so he can stop thinking about her and dedicate himself to business because as of now he can't think about anything but her naked body beneath him. He even whisperd into her ear how he can't wait to be alone with her and she didin't mind the words. She felt safe. She felt desired. She was not afraid anymore.

The time went on and after a few shots of tequilla Molly found the courage to approach the newlyweds table after Jason went outside to have a cigar with Dylan.

-Hi there. - she said. - I'm Molly but you probably know all about me now. I'm sure Jason told you all about our relationship.

-Well, sort of.- Angie said. -You're part of his Family and you live in the house along with the other members.

-He told you that?! -Molly laughed in a way that made Angie uncomfortable. - While, yes I do live in the house but I'm not just member of the Family. Actually, me and Jason had had a pretty decent relationship before you got in the picture. You see, I was the one that should've been sitting in that chair tonight wearing that dress.

Angie was schocked but she quickly realized that girl was probably just jealous and she is lying. - Oh I see.- she said. - But as YOU see, I'M the one sitting in this chair wearing this dress. -Angie stated matter of factily. - Now excuse me.

She got up from the table and went to talk with her sister about what just happened. The two girls deciaded to take a walk outside so they can chat in peace. They haven't spoken the whole night.

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