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The rain finally stopped and the guests started to arrive to Reins' mansion.

Servants were decorating a house and it was finally ready for the reception. Leila and nanny Beth who stayed to take care of the girls and the house after their mother died, helped Angie to get ready for the night.

She was wearing a beautiful long golden dress that suited her like a glove. It was simple but yet it emphasized all of Angies curves and it made her look stunning. Looking at herself, Angie couldn't recognize the woman she became. Her long wavy light brown hair was in the bun and two hairs were left to fall on each side of her face. Her make up was simple and natural, yet it made her feel like she was older. The eyeliner made her eyes look bigger and red lipstick really made her already full lips look even fuller.

Her sister Leila was wearing a black dress like she's preparing herself for the funeral. She braided her dark brown hair in the simple braid on one side. Her dark grey eyeshadow really put her blue eyes on the spotlight and on her lips she wore a simple nude lipstick and lip gloss.

They were both so beautiful and yet so different, Beth thought. They were just a year and half apart but Angie was always more mature as if she is ten years older than Leila.

You could hear the music and guests from upastairs and it made Angie even more nervous. She's going to meet her future husband any minute now. It all felt so sureal.

-Are you ready? You know you still have time to escape, I can make all the preperations in the second if you want. - Leila said, like she is the queen of the world and not just 17-year-old daughter of the mafia boss.

- I am ready. Let's just get this over with. You know this is just an engagement, my wedding is on Saturday so I'll inform you about the need of escaping after I meet my fiance. You'll have plenty of time to plan it. -Angie laughed knowing not even three years of planning and especially not three days of planning would be enough to successfully escape the mafia.

When all guests arrived the cars from the Bates Family pulled over just outside the mansion. The valet was there to park them and the butler opened the door for the special guests. There were several young men in their twenties who wore expensive black suits and watches. All of them carried a gun and all of them looked intimidating. Yet, they all looked handsome and content like they have no worry in the world. They entered the house and were greeted by Angies' father and his men. They all went to the office to light a cigar and have a glass of the most expensive whiskey her father had.

After what it felt like hours, Beth came to the Angies' room and told her and Leila that it's time for them to come down and meet the Bates family. Angie felt like she was about to faint but she kept her posture for the sake of her sister. She didin't want Leila to think that she was scared.

Leila was the first to come down the stairs and all men gathered to see Jasons' bride and her sister. The men were delighted to see pretty Leila in her short black dress hoping that there's a resemblence between the girls. John introduced his younger daughter to the crowd and she didin't look at all impressed by the Bates entorouge. Dylan could see that she hated them.

A few seconds passed and Angie started to walk down the stairs with her golden dress like a princess from some sort of fairytale. While she was coming down, Leila tried to guess which of the Bates men was Jason. They all looked so tall and strong.

John reached out for Angies' hand and started to introduce her to the guests of honor. But none of the man she met was Jason and she started to wonder where her future husband is. After a few minutes she asked her father about her fiance whereabouts, but she was dissapointed to found out that he didin't come to their engagement. She was shocked. The nerve, she thought. What the fuck was more important than this?!

-I didin't know we could choose not to come tonight. -She said to Dylan. He looked at her with the smirk on his face that she didn't understand.

Dylan was very much amused by the situation. Firstly, Jason didin't know what he was missing. His fiancee was one of the most beautiful woman he ever saw, and Dylan knew that Jason would like her. Secondly, she was pissed. There was a fire inside of her and she was funny and smart as well. He knew that Jason would hate this. She was sarcastic and stubborn but at the same time stunning, and although she tried to hide it, she was terrified.

-I'm sorry for the incoviniance but in our line of work, you surely know, things can get...complicated. So Jason couldn't come tonight but he wants me to apologize for him and he wants me to give you this little token of appreciation. - Dylan said while giving her little velvet box.

-Who does he think I am? I don't care about his expensive presents, I wanted to meet my future husband before the fucking wedding but it looks like he has better things to do. - Angie frowned then opened a little velvet box and saw the most beautiful diamond necklace.

-Please, take this back to your boss. This is too expensive and too much for me to wear. I'm not that kind of girl, I don't do diamond necklaces, you surley know my father can afford them but you can clearly see I don't wear them. -Angie said giving back the box to confused Dyaln.

-Angie!! It's rude not to accept the present that your fiance picked out himself for you, I believe. - her father said.

Dylan felt little guilty because Angie now may think that Jason even knew that he gave her a necklace, let alone that he picked it himself.

-Thank you mr. Preston and please say thank you to mr. Bates. - Angie said coldly while giving the necklace to her nanny to put in her jewelry box upstairs.

-Call me Dylan please. -Dylan smiled.

-Ok Dylan. - Angie said then walked away to have a glass of champagne on the balcony alone.

- Dylan right? You can tell your boss that he managed to become the biggest asshole on this party and he ain't even here. - Leila said while she went after her sister on the balcony.

These girls are wild, Dylan thought. Jason is not going to like this but I'm loving it.

The rest of the evening went as planned, they all had dinner and champagne was served all night. Angie couldn't hide her dissappointment because she thought she could prepare for the wedding better after she meets her future husband. She didin't learn anything new about him tonight except for the fact that he's even bigger dick than she thought.

Her diamond ring was huge on her hand and she was left with just three days until she finally meets him, if he shows up for the wedding at least, and her life changes forever.

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