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Drew knew it was a time for action. He needs to found out where the girl was taken. It'll not be an easy task. Just as he stood up from the bar, the man that hired him appeared before him.

-Still here Drew I see. You must really like our hospitality. It's a shame you won't join the gang.

-I was just looking for you Ivan. Where's the girl? -Drew wasn't in the mood for chit-chat.

-Why do you care? The girl is not your problem anymore. -Ivan replied.

-Because I don't trust you and because she's not guilty of anything. It's Jasons fault. The girl is innocent.

-Careful now, Drew. For your information, the girl will stay. Maybe I like them innocent. -he smirked and all of the men behind him laughed. But Drew didn't found that funny at all.

-Let her go Ivan. And this all will be forgotten. Maybe I'll leave your little basement-Drew said as he glanced around the warehouse,-untouched. You know, as sign of grattitude, for your hospitality.

Ivan stopped laughing. He knew what Drew was capable of. The guy didn't want to deal with anyone, and yet, he remained alive and even more poweful.

-Is that a threat? -Ivan asked, his entourage already alert behind him.

-Call it what you want, but I'm not leaving without a girl.

Ivan reached out for his gun but Drew was faster. He aimed at Ivan right between his eyes.

-I'll not ask again, where is the girl? -he said threatengly.

Then Drew felt a bottle smash in his head from behind. It was someone who he never thought would be the end of him. Candice.

He fell down, his gun taken by the guy behind Ivan.

-Get him out of my sight. -Ivan said.

-What do you want to do with him? Should we kill him boss? -one of the guards asked.

-No, I'll have my fun with him before he dies. I want him to suffer because he dared to threaten me. Put him in the room in the basement. I'll be upstairs with my new toy.

-Ok boss. -the big man replied and they carried Drew downstairs in the basement cell. Three guys were now tying him up in the chair and proceeded to beat him until he was unconscious.

Upstairs in the room, Angie was in and out of sleep all night. She realized that she was drugged. Her energy level was low and she felt tired. She heard the man that put her there when he walked in the room. After that she didn't remember anything.

-Morning beautiful. -he said to her caressing her cheek.

-Untie me you bastard. -she managed to speak.

-Not so brave anymore. It's a shame. I told you I like when they resist. -he smirked.

-What did you do to me? -she asked, trying to remember last night.

-Oh you would want to come you don't remember sweetheart? You've enjoyed it. -he kissed her and she felt disgusted. But she needed to get out of there first and then she'll have time to comprehand what happened to her.

-Who are you? -she asked.

-It's only fair that you know now. -he said. -My name is Ivan Alexeyev and I'm the person your husband deciaded to fuck with. A wrong person. But it's in the past now. Firstly I thought I'll use you to get him here and kill him, but I'm not the man who holds grudges. I'll settle for you.

-Will you now untie me? -she asked, trying to stay calm like his words didn't affect her at all.

-Only if you behave. -he replied. -Or I'll have to give you something to calm down, again. -he smirked.

-I promise I will. -she calmly said. She didn't want him to give her anymore drugs.

He proceeded to untie her and her hands were finally free. -Good girl.

-Dimitri will bring you something to eat. There's a bathroom just behind the closet. Feel free to use it. And If you want to take a shower there is a fresh clean clothes in there too. I have some business to attend to but I'll be back. -he kissed her again biting on her lips.

-Don't do anything stupid now. My men are just outside of these doors. Relax...and wait for me. -he said as he was walking out of the room.

Reaching for the gun did cross Angies mind but she knew it would be a risk to kill him now. She'll never get out of there alive. First he needs to bring her out of that room himself, away from all of his security or at least closer to the warehouse exit so she can run once she kills him.

She didn't want to think about what he's done to her the night before. She already felt disgusting as it is. She really needed to wash him off her. She got up and went to take a shower. Warm water poured down her naked body that was bruised. She felt used, tears falling down her face as she washed her hair. What did I think would happen, she thought to herself. But she wasn't that worried about herself as she was now thinking about the trouble she caused them all back home. She could see Rosas worried face like she was standing right in front of her. And she couldn't even imagine the headeache she must've caused Jason. Maybe he didn't love her but she was his wife. If nothing else, this was an attack on his honor. There is no girl that's more stupid then me, she thought.

Drew just regained his conscious back when one man that was appointed to keep an eye on him woke him up pouring cold water over him.

-Rise and shine bastard. -the man said. -Not a good move boy. To fuck with the boss.

Drew spat out the last drops of the blood and laughed. The man was confused. What kind of psycho laughes in this situation, he thought.

-Let me go and I'll spare you. -Drew said.

-Who do you think you are boy?! Unarmed, alone, look at you.

-I'll not repeat myself. -Drew replied.

The man stood there watching him. Like he was trying to deciade what to do. But after a few seconds, he just laughed. -Good one boy. And while you're there in your dreamland make sure to plan a great escape route to get out of here alive cause when the boss gets here you can wave your little threats goodbye.

-Why don't you come closer and wake me up fool? -Drew provoked. -Or is the big guy like you scared?

-That's it boy.-the man pulled out his knife. -The boss said we can't kill you, but I'll have my fun with you cutting you piece by piece. I'll start with your tounge.

As soon as the man got closer to Drew, he used his legs to kick him and the man fell down. Drew then got up from his chair, his arms still tied behind him and proceeded to kick man until he wasn't conscious anymore. With the last kick, Drew crushed his head.

-I've told you I'll spare you if you let me go. But you didn't listen.

He then lowerd himself down by the body of the man and took his knife with his teeth. He tried to throw it in his hands so he can use it to cut the rope, but he wasn't successful. At first. After few tries and cuts he caught the knife. Once he was untied, he took the knife and the gun from the now deceased man.

The man was right about one thing, he'll need an escape plan, Drew thought.

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