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-Tell him it's Molly McAdams. -Molly said to the man standing outside of the ordinary looking house in suburbs just outside of New York.

He looked around the neighborhood trying to see if she was really alone before he entered the house. -Wait here. -he said to her. The next minute he was back opening the door for her. -He's in the living room. -he said to Molly pointing towards the room down the hall. She nodded her head and went in.

-And what does Bates' whore want from me? -Ivan asked making himself and his unusual guest a drink handing it to her.

-Murder. -she simply replied ignoring his nickname for her and he gestured her to sit.

-If you came here asking me to kill Jason Bates then you came to the wrong guy. -Ivan said to her.

She lifted her eyebrows in surprise. -I thought you wanted him dead. -she said drinking from the glass he just gave her.

-That too, but let's just say my priorities rearranged themseleves at the moment. -he explained.

-Well, good thing I didn't come here asking you to kill Jason then. -she said and he frowned. -It's his wife I want dead.

He laughed. -It's his wife I want. -he said.

-Then maybe we have a common goal then. -she smirked. -I don't care what'll you do with her. I just want her gone.

-Oh...I see. Angela Bates stepped on the wrong foot. -he laughed looking at Molly. -You know, If he finds out you were here, he'll kill you.

-Then we won't tell him. Listen. -Molly put her glass on the table. -I can help you get to her.

-Can you now? Last I heard my beautiful devochka (girl) is not your biggest fan. -he smirked.

-Her sister has a brithday party on Saturday, in a club uptown. There you can blend in with the crowd and enter unnoticed. I'll take care of the security for you. Just take her out of my life for good and I was never here. -Molly suggested and Ivan was intrigued.

-I know he's after me. He killed enough of my man and burned down at least five of my warehouses. -he said angirly. -But I'm a forgiving man. And frankly, west climate doesn't suit me. She is all I want now. Once I got her, I'll take her to Moscow.

-Good. -Molly smirked. -We have a deal then? I'll send you the details on Friday. -she stood up.

Ivan nodded. -Consider it taken care of.

And she was out heading back to the hotel. Finally, the bitch will be gone, Molly smiled to herself.

Angie and her sister were really enjoying New York life. They went shopping, exploring the city, visited museums and galleries, went to the theater. Miles was there with them the whole time as their security and driver. And even though he'd never admitted to that, he liked spending time with girls.

Jason, Drew and Dylan worked tirelessly to find Ivan. But to no avail. -I know he's in New York.-Jason said to them one night. -But he took only few of his men with him and is hiding somewhere.

-Well, he's got to come out of his hole someday. -Drew said.

-And we'll wait for him. -Dylan assured Jason.

-Everything's got to go as planned tomorrow. -Jason changed the subject thinking of Leilas birthday party.

-Everything is settled, you don't need to worry. The VIP is secured, the bouncers at the door alerted, the guest list has been made. -Dylan explained.

-Are you excited for tomorrow? -Angie asked her sister while they were watching movie in the penthouse.

-I can't wait. -Leila said.


Sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to stop here with this one since the next ones will be much longer. Thanks for reading and supporting, it means so much to me. <3

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