"What now?" Namjoon calmly questioned. Jimin heaved a heavy sigh.

"Sigh... He's too vacuous, hyung."

"Could have said dense, but okay. Continue", Jimin glared at him.

"Aish, can we talk about us?"

"Why?" it sounded so dumb in Namjoon's ears, but heck he said it even so.

"We can't go on talking about ChanBaek forever now, hyung."

"You a real expert on making ship names, Chim."

"I am proud of it. I even named us 'MinJoon'!" Namjoon clapped his hands.

"All right, whatever. But do you think everything's going to be fine with the two of them? Alone? I mean, we left them on short notice because of your supposed "plan", Namjoon quoted with his first two fingers. Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Of course it will. Plus, I already gave hyung a clue of who Baekhyun hyung is."

"We'll just wait and see then, I guess", the older flumped on the driver's seat. Jimin crossed his arms as he stared at his lover almost drifting to wonderland.


It's been 24 minutes since the duo left them.

Chanyeol couldn't stop the jerking of his feet, blaming it on the chilly wind. He knew the answer, however, to this anxious feeling and the persistent goosebumps occurring within him. He blew a cold breath towards his forehead, attempting on removing a few fringes off of it. It occupied him for a good few minutes, nonetheless still couldn't take his attention off of the older beside him who wouldn't say a word ever since he came back from the food stall. 

This was something he didn't expect to happen. Usually, Baekhyun would just go on and babble anything that he puts in mind. This was rather offbeat, detecting the eerie silence engulfed within them. It was uncommon for them. Never did Chanyeol remembered a moment wherein Baekhyun never opened his nonstop blather. It was this topic here, this topic there, this topic everywhere. Not even once did Chanyeol complained about this dude's continuous chatter. He was entertaining for him and he would be lying if he said he never felt happier than before.

Credits to Baekhyun for making him laugh his ass off, he would say.

He sighed, reminiscing their moments until Jimin exposed Baekhyun to him.


Baekhyun sat in the middle, Chanyeol was hardly 2 inches away from him. He gulped. He does have this strong urge to start a conversation. Like before. But, with his identity unfolded to Chanyeol, he couldn't seem to find his voice anywhere near his throat. It's not that hard to say something, right? Baekhyun thought though this was a heck of a tough one. 

He probably resents me now...

He looked down with a sad smile, brisk wind brushing through his soft wispy fringe. 

I think I should just blurt it out.

"Say... What did Jimin tell you?" 

"Hmm?" Chanyeol was disquietened at Baekhyun's out of the blue question. Well, he is Baekhyun, unexpected.

"Nothing much... Just about you... 'S all..."

"Hmm... Wanna know the truth?" Baekhyun swang his legs below the bench. Chanyeol may show signs of anticipation, so the best he could do was to nod drastically. He saw the action through the corner of his eye. Baekhyun couldn't help but gave a shy smile. He then took a deep breath.

"You have every right to get mad here, Chanyeol but hear me out before you do so..." he took yet another breath, trembling even so, " I lied. From the very start. From the very moment you took me in your house. I was actually surprised someone took care of my ass ya'know", he chuckled, " I wouldn't lie when I said I was amused on how you beat them all into a pulp. How'd ya do it?" Baekhyun turned his head towards Chanyeol, the older only earned a shrug. 

"Okay, but then I wasn't usually the type to need help. I was actually the one who initiated the fight, whoops", Chanyeol stared at him in disbelief but never uttered anything, "I was always the cause of every trouble, so fist fighting was always in my dictionary. But I didn't expect knives to be a part of the conversation. Well, going on. Remember the time you asked me what school was I attending? I lied too."

Chanyeol's heart was thrashing in his chest, he was frightened that sometime now it might burst out from his ribcage. Terror. 

"Your company, however, was never a lie. I enjoyed every second of the time we spent with each other. Going to malls and an amusement park was the nicest thing that had ever happened to me. I had never gone to an amusement park with my mom before. We did go to malls, but yours was much more enjoyable and each time you sent me a message to go out, you don't know how excited was I every time you say so", Chanyeol's heart started to beat at a calm pace, his words making him melt-

Wait, melt?

"Before I even say what school I was attending, firstly I am going to be completely honest with you."

Well, there goes my heart beating again. STOP!

"... IlikeyouParkChanyeol,pleasedontkillme."

... Chanyeol blinked. Did he catch him right? Were his ears deceiving him? He remembered clearly he just waxed his ears yesterday. Was it his mind playing tricks on him again? (surely his heart would have scolded his brain for ruining this)

"... Pardon?"

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol. He swears he will kill himself if his face goes red. Staring at those big curious eyes... Cute.

"I-I like you... Chanyeol... P-please doesn't think of k-killing me..."

Curse this cursed mouth. 

Chanyeol, bewildered. He didn't know what to say... It was only a month- wait was it? Since they got to know each other. He began to feel odd about this. He does know love at first sight exists, but there's something deeper than this. His gut is telling him.

"O-oh, and umm in my highschool days... I went to..,"

Please no... Please no...

"... Kaisoo Highschool."

Baekhyun breathed out. Finally, fucking finally he said it out loud!

... It can't be...



hope u liked itt

ermm, so what will motivate

me to write another


ngl, I dunno

I just hope you love this series

and yes! finally! baek said it

at I'mma head out na~

stay safe!


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