Starlight (Wally x Jack)

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Just a quick warning for some people: violence and people being drunk idiots in this, also swearing.

Wally's mop shone with ink as he cleaned up an ink spill. Work was nearly over and it was the weekend, and Jack invited him, Sammy, and Norman to hang out at a bar after work.
He put his cleaning materials away and went to Jack's office. Jack was sitting at his desk, still working.
Of course, what kind of friend would Wally be if he didn't sneak up and scare him. But then he heard faint footsteps, probably Norman and Sammy.
"JACK!" Wally yelled.
Jack fell backwards off his chair and screamed. Norman and Sammy walked in and saw Wally laughing his ass off, and Jack on the floor, half still sitting in his chair.
Jack stood up and pushed Wally's shoulder with his own. Wally stumbled back a bit, still slightly chuckling. "Not funny!" Jack pouted, crossing his arms.
"What-" Norman started to ask but was cut off by Sammy. "Don't ask, the answer will just numb your brain even more." He said.
Norman shrugged. "Well then are we going to go or not?" He asked. "Yeah, when he stops pouting like a toddler." Wally said, gesturing to Jack.
Jack huffed. "I'm not pouting." He said. "Sure." Sammy said sarcastically.
"Hey, c'mon let's get goin." Norman said. They all went to Jack's car and he drove them to a bar. They had a fun time talking and drinking.
At one point Norman had gotten up to go to the bathroom. On his way back, he accidentally bumped into another guy that was way bigger than him.
"What's your problem?!" He growled. "Nothin, it was an accident so calm down." Norman said. The guy grabbed the front of Norman's shirt.
"Don't tell me to calm down!" He yelled. Sammy, Wally, and Jack watched from their seats. Sammy got up, who was way shorter than Norman, and looked like a toddler next to the other guy.
"Lay off bozo!" Sammy snapped, slapping his hand off of Norman's shirt. "Watch it shorty!" The Guy yelled.
Sammy froze. "Oh no." Norman said. "Shorty? I'm not short! I WILL DESTROY YOU!" Sammy shouted. The guy let out a loud snort of laughter. "Try me." He said.
"Sir, if I were you I wouldn't-" Norman was cut off. "Stay out of this!" The guy growled. Norman held up his hands in defence and stepped back, knowing how this was going to end.
"GET EM SAM!" Wally shouted. He was drunk. Sammy and Norman were a little tipsy, but they weren't drunk, and Jack was driving so he was fine. Jack wasn't sure what to do.
The bigger guy was the first to swing his fist at Sammy, who barely had to duck to avoid it. Sammy jumped up and tightly secured his arm around the guy's neck, pulling him down and causing him to fall over.
Sammy held him in a choke hold until the guy passed out, unable to get the small man off. Everyone cheered and laughed at the other guy, who was out cold on the floor. "We should get going." Jack said, grabbing Wally by the arm and gesturing for Norman and Sammy to follow him.
They left the bar, whispers followed them out about the tiny man who'd beaten up a man that was way stronger and bigger than him.
"I'll never doubt a short person." Someone whispered. "Especially not him." Another muttered. Sammy had a small smirk of accomplishment on his face.
They all clambered into Jack's car, the very drunken Wally calling shotgun. Three of them pulled on their belts, but Wally was having difficulty.
He tried to steady his hand, then he would make a weird face as he squinted in concentration, then push the belt down to the clip and miss.
He tried again. And again. Wally huffed and glared at the belt. "It's judging me." Wally said. Sammy and Norman both snorted in the back.
Jack smiled and shook his head while Norman whipped out his phone to take a video. "It's not judging you Wally, it's a seatbelt." Jack laughed, looking over at the angered janitor.
"Nonono, that bitch is judging me, HEY! I'LL FIGHT YOU!" Wally shouted, poking at the belt clip. Norman and Sammy were in the back laughing so hard they couldn't breathe, while Wally was getting extremely frustrated.
Jack got out of his seat and went around the car and opened Wally's door. "Here, I'll help you." Jack said, grabbing the belt and clicking it into place.
"It's still judging me, just cuz I couldn't do it!" Wally whined, seeming saddened by his failure. "Hey, it's okay, the belt is wrong." Jack said, patting his friends shoulder.
Wally suddenly shot straight upwards and a big smile came over his face. "Aww! You don't think I'm a failure?" He asked.
"Of course not." Jack smiled at him, using all of his willpower not to burst out laughing. "Aww!" Wally leaned over and gave Jack a hug.
"GAAAAY!" Sammy shouted from the back. "Shut up, didn you tell me you loved Norman?" Wally smirked.
Sammy turned red. "Nooooooo, you're hallucinating!" He said. Norman raised an eyebrow at him.
Jack drove Norman and Sammy to their houses, leaving him to drive Wally home. The janitor was currently singing loudly to a song that was on the radio, a big grin on his face.
"Hey Walls." Jack said. "Yes?" Wally looked at him. "How do you always stay so happy and positive all the time?" Jack asked.
Wally pursed his lips as he thought for a second. "Pfft, it's cuz of you!" He answered. Jack stopped at a red light and looked over at Wally's big smile and shining eyes.
"But how can you be so happy around someone like me? I don't smile or laugh much, I don't get along with others as much as most people do, and I'm boring." Jack said.
"You're not boring, you're awesome. Being around you makes me happy, because you're you. And I love you." Wally answered, his face more serious.
Jack's face turned red. "Y-you're drunk, you don't know what you're saying." He said. "Yes I do!" Wally said.
He suddenly gasped. "I'm gonna go home and stay up until I pass out! And play the game with the knives!" Wally announced.
"I think it is a very fun idea." He added. Jack nearly stopped the car. "Excuse me?! No you are not!" He said.
"Who's stoppin me?" Wally crossed his arms. "I am, you're sleeping over at my house tonight, just to be safe." Jack said.
"Sleepover!" Wally yelled, throwing his hands up in the air and grinning. Jack sighed, a small smile on his face.
They got to Jack's house and got out of the car, going inside. "Come, I'll show you where you can sleep." Jack led Wally to the guest bedroom and tucked his friend in like a child.
"Jack, you're the best, goodnight I love you!" Wally smirked at Jack, who was blushing and slowly closing the door.
"You're drunk and don't know what you're saying!" He said. He left to his bed and fell asleep.

Wally blinked his tired eyes open, peering through he darkness at an alarm clock on the nightstand. It was currently 3:37 in the morning, and he was no longer drunk.
He sighed and closed his eyes again. 'Wait a second, my alarm clock is green, not blue!' Wally thought. His eyes shot open and he sat up.
"The hell..." he muttered, looking around the strange room. "Where did I end up?" He whispered to himself.
He left the room, looking around the hallway. He spotted the one door that was closed and went up to it.
He turned the handle and peered into the next room. Through the darkness he could make out a sleeping figure in a bed. But when he saw the hair, he knew who it was.
"Jack! Jack wake up!" Wally shook his friend, wanting answers. "Huh? Wha?" Jack stuttered, sitting up.
"Wally? What's wrong?" Jack asked. "Why am I at your house, what happened?" Wally asked. Jack sighed and patted the bed beside him.
"Sit down and I'll tell you about our eventful night." He said. Wally cautiously sat down in the bed, wondering what had happened.
Jack told him about Sammy's fight with the huge guy, and his fight with the belt. Also about everything he could remember them saying. "You said that you loved me like, three times!" Jack laughed.
"That's how drunk you were." He looked up to see a red faced Wally. "Oh no, you were serious weren't you?" Jack said.
Wally backed out of the room. "I'm sorry, I'll just go, I-I-I..." he fled down the hall and out the front door, then remembered that his house was too far away to walk.
He sighed and sat down on the porch, looking up at the stars. "Wally?" Jack opened the door and saw his friend sitting there.
Wally dropped his head onto his hands, avoiding looking at Jack. "Are you okay?" Jack asked, sitting down beside him.
Wally gulped nervously, still staring down at his feet. "Hey." Jack gently bumped Wally's shoulder with his. "If I got drunk I'd probably say the same things and be serious too." He smiled at Wally.
The janitor finally raised his head out of his hand and looked at Jack. "No you wouldn't." He sighed. Jack squinted at him.
"Try me." He smirked. Wally raised an eyebrow. "Also guess what!" Jack said enthusiastically. "Hm?" Wally asked. "I love you." Jack said.
Wally felt like his heart melted. He stared into Jack's eyes, noticing how they reflected the stars like there was a mini galaxy in them. "I don't believe you, you're just tryna make me feel better." He said, refusing to look directly at Jack again.
Jack huffed. "I can prove it, I'll go to the bar right now and get all drunk and say I love you one hundred ti-" he was cut off when Wally leaned over and kissed him.
"I believe you now." He smirked. Jack's blushing face had a big grin on it. They laid down on Jack's porch and gazed up at the sky full of shining stars.  They cuddled in each other's arms until it was morning.

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