Backstage part 2

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A second part was requested by @Strawberry_theglich
Like many second parts to one shots, this one won't be all that long.

With every passing minute that felt like an hour to Norman, he got more and more anxious. At the end of Sammy's show they were officially going on their first date and it was making his mind and heart race at an unhealthy pace. Before Sammy took off to start the show, they had agreed to go to the very club they were already at, because most places would be closed by the time Sammy was free.
There were a series of singers and bands that would take place after Sammy, so he and Norman would have lots of time to spend together, maybe drinking a little, talking, and probably dancing. The very thought of dancing for the first time with the man he had secretly been in love with for a year was enough to make Norman's head spin.
Although Norman was supposed to monitor the lights for the show, he had one of the other workers fill in for tonight while he was with Sammy, promising the substitute that they would be payed for doing his job. The time finally came when Sammy had stopped singing and was walking off the stage.
He met Norman behind the curtains of the stage and they nervously greeted each other. The two boys found a table and sat down. It was an awkward few minutes where nobody said a thing, each staring at a part of the table or up at the stage where the next singer had walked on. The nervous tension grew thicker in the air the longer the silence went on.
Finally, Norman began to speak, hoping Sammy would respond with something so they could continue their conversation. "How long have you been a singer, Sammy?" He asked, averting his gaze from the tablecloth and forcing himself to look into the sparkling blue eyes of the man seated beside him.
"Since my parents kicked me out. So when I was fifteen." Sammy replied with a small shrug. "What about you? Always wanted to be a light-man?" The blonde grinned at him, knowing perfectly well the taller man's job was called a projectionist. Norman let put a little scoff, rolling his eyes but smiling all the same.
"To put it shortly, I never really cared much about careers and whatnot so I didn't figure much out, but I've always had a fascination with lights and how they work. I like fixing them." Norman said.
"Hmm, well you definitely look like a light-man." Sammy hummed, returning his gaze to the group of people singing on stage. Norman narrowed his eyes at the shorter. 
"What do you mean I 'look like a light-man?'" He demanded, a slight smile on his lips as he leaned sideways to look Sammy in the eyes. The blonde smiled silently for a moment before responding.
"You really know how to light up a room, Norm, both figuratively and literally." He said, grinning in a pleased way when he saw he made the taller flush a bright red. Norman muttered something under his breath that's sounded suspiciously like 'That makes you half a hypocrite.'
Sammy smiled and pretended not to hear it. Norman's attention was suddenly caught by a slow song that was being played, and he turned to fully face Sammy, holding out a hopeful hand. "H-hey Sam, do you wanna dance?" He asked nervously, heart beating so hard he could feel it in his throat.
Sammy smiled up at him, his blue eyes lighting up. "Of course!" He grinned, taking hold of Normans hand. The two had much fun dancing and talking until the very early hours of the morning when the club was finally done for the day until the next night.

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