H e n r y

735 22 17

      Requested by @2Moonlit1Silver2 I hope ya like it :)
Also just a smol warning, it has a gore-bloody part in it so if you're not likin that then I suggest ya don't read.

      Too many loops, so much inky blood, fighting, errands, terrified, running, ink, so much ink, demons, angels, wolves, corpses, rituals!
      Henry couldn't take it anymore. It was too much and always the same. He was spiralling down into an insanity just like the rest of Joey's victims.
      Ink had absorbed into his body, and with each loop, he became less human. By now, he wasn't much human at all. He still had the shape of a human and looked the same, the only differences were the angel halo, the demon horns and tail, the toon gloves, and his left eye turning a glowing yellow much like that of a lost one.
      He thought it was only possible to become a Boris, lost one, or angel. But apparently not. It was that part of the loop where Henry had met Alice a little while ago, and he had run away after deciding not to enter her domain.
      Usually he would've, but when Alice saw that he was an angel with a perfect face...she couldn't take it. She wouldn't accept it. She was the angel, not Henry.
      Not only that, but he was a perfect devil as well. Why did he get to be perfect?! It wasn't fair.
      Alice instantly tried murdering the man, grabbing her axe and running after him. Henry dashed up the staircase because he refused to use the lift. He wasn't currently in the mood to be axed by some crazy bitch.
      Great. Now with his new ink transformed look, he had to deal with this every loop. How wonderful.
      Alice was close behind, swinging her axe and nearly hitting the animator. Henry barely dodged and continued bolting up the stairs.
      The false angel got her axe stuck in a soup machine for just a few moments before freeing it and chasing after Henry with a roar of rage.
      "WHY THE FUCK DO PEOPLE DOWN HERE SAY STUFF LIKE THAT? DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK I'D DO THAT?!" Henry yelled back, turning onto one of the floors.
      It was the floor where he had hunted the swollen ones in previous loops. He dashed to the end of the room where the break room was and locked the door and barricaded it behind him.
      Of course, Alice still had her axe and was steadily hacking her way through the door. Henry gazed around the room in a panic for anything that might help him.
      But all that was there was a book and some broken objects. Henry backed away from the door and Alice reached her hand through a hole to unlock it.
      She rammed herself into the door, over and over, the chairs Henry used to barricade the door starting to shift out of her way.
      "Think Henry, think! You can't die to this bitch!" Henry thought to himself. His eyes landed on the book again. The stupid illusion of living. He hated that goddamned book so much.
      He had read through it but it was no use on getting him out of this hell hole. He grabbed the book and threw it as hard as he could through the hole in the door.
      "OW! You little shit! Wait until I get in there, then we'll see what happens!" Alice growled.
      "Alright then you two-faced motherfucker." Henry said as he grabbed a chair and took the legs from it. One by one, he chucked the legs at Alice, earning swears and angry yelling.
      If he were being completely honest, he found it kind of amusing. He threw another chair leg, hitting Alice in the side of her head.
      "Ugh, Y'know you're not gonna kill me by throwing chunks of rotting wood at me, idiot." Alice scoffed.
      "Oh, I know. I just enjoy annoying the absolute most shit out of you." Henry said, chucking another chair leg at her.
She growled in anger and finally busted the door down to shreds. Henry backed away as she slowly approached, a sick grin on her face.
Henry's face was blank, and he continued throwing chair legs at her. This made her more angry and she charged at him. Henry's back hit the wall and he could back away no further.
Alice raised her axe far above her head, and then pulled down to slice Henry in half. The animator felt a terrible pain as all his organs were chopped in half like a vegetable.
Blood spurted everywhere, the two halves of Henry dead body falling onto the floor. Alice laughed with glee and dashed back to her elevator before the ink demon came.
Henry's dead corpse melted into ink like the other ink monsters. Alice reached the elevator and heard laughter as she poked the button.
She turned to her left and saw Henry. "WHAT! HOW-?!" She yelled in confusion, staring at the chuckling animator.
"Heh, I can't die Alice, we're in a never ending loop. Again and again, cannot die, cannot escape, I wouldn't killed myself a long time ago if I could." Henry said.
He continued laughing like a maniac, rocking back and forth in a curled up ball at the base of a Bendy statue.
Alice was frightened by this. Henry wasn't his usual chipper and sassy self, instead he was this unrecognizable insane creature, laughing in pain.
He was turning into what Joey wanted. Seeing Henry like this changed something in Alice, Bendy too. He had seen that whole fiasco, how could he not? They were being so incredibly loud.
The ink demon stood behind them a little further down the hallway. He was in plain sight but nobody took notice.
Henry was now muttering things to himself like, "it doesn't make sense!" And, "everything's turned to nothing, and nothing is everything!"
When Bendy walked over to see what the ruckus was, he didn't expect this. Like Henry, he remembered all the loops. Seeing Henry like this made him feel something he hadn't felt in forever, true fear.
Henry was like that one person who you could always count on. He was there even when you tried to kill him. Henry tried multiple times in many loops to help Bendy, but the demon tried hurting him.
However, now that Henry had lost it, it felt as if this was saying Joey had won. He had succeeded in breaking everybody, even the one unbreakable man. No. It couldn't end like this.
When Henry's done, it means it's all over, and that...that scared Bendy more than anything ever could.
No, he wasn't allowing this. He knew Henry. Henry couldn't give himself to the ink. The demon marched up to Henry, pushing Alice roughly into the wall while doing so, and kneeled down.
Henry looked up at him and suddenly grabbed his bow tie, staring into where his eyes should've been.
"Come to kill me again?! Well why don't you do it! I don't care anymore!! Kill me again and again, it makes no difference! No matter what I do, it's all the same!" Henry yelled.
Bendy placed his gloved hand over Henry's to stop him from tugging so roughly on his bow tie. The animator looked surprised when he made such a gentle movement. He wasn't used to the ink demon being gentle.
"Henry, ya can't give yourself ta the ink like this. Ya can't become a lost soul." Bendy said, moving so he held onto Henry's hands as he talked.
Henry quieted down and curiously looked at Bendy. "What do you care?!" He growled.
"Because...I thought ya were the unbreakable soul, the one who'd figure out how ta get us all out of here. I thought that because it was like that back before the studio went to hell." Bendy started to explain.
"What do you mean?" Henry asked, cocking his head to the side and raising an eyebrow.
"Anytime Joey messed with someone, ya were there. Every time someone needed to be cheered up, ya were there. Anytime somebody was broken down and at their worst, ya were there. Ya comforted us and loved us unconditionally because ya wanted ta, not because ya had ta. Ya were and still are the person everybody in the studio has always looked up ta because ya have the strongest and most pure soul a human could possibly have." Bendy said.
"I...I didn't do that, did I?" Henry asked, trying to recall if he'd done such kind things. His memory, however, was a little rusty. Yet, something small flickered in the back of his mind as Bendy looked like he was on the verge of crying.
"Ya...ya remember, dontcha?" Bendy asked slowly, clasping his hands tighter around Henry's. Did Henry not remember all the times they had spent together, laughing and ranting about Joey, and just talking about anything at all.
"I...I guess I do. Do you? Would you remember if all you were trying to do since I got here was murder me?!" Henry yanked his hands away and glared at Bendy.
The demon was surprised at his sudden change of attitude. Yes, the old Henry was back, but he was mad and wanted a good explanation.
      "I-I didn't...I wasn't tryin ta... well, I was tryin ta hurt ya, but I never knew why, and never thought much about it. When ya came back I just...I panicked. I didn't know what ta do so I just...attacked ya. I regretted it afterwards and tried apologizing but ya kept runnin away and it hurt. It hurt a lot the first time ya ran away and I thought ya hated me so I got mad and continued chasin ya. I'm sorry, I never wanted to hurt ya. I guess I just forgot about everythin that really matters." Bendy sighed.
      He hung his horned inky head in shame and wished Henry would say something, anything at all. However, the room had gone silent.
      "Alice, I'm waiting for your explanation too." Henry eventually said. Bendy looked behind him with a jolt, having had forgotten that the angel was there. Alice also looked surprised, not thinking she was part of the conversation.
      "I...I guess sort of what Bendy said. I guess we were all overcome with so much fear that we retaliated by hurting someone we love." Alice sighed, dropping her axe.
      Henry pressed the elevator button and it came up with Boris still in it. He gestured for the wolf to come over to him. "C'mere Boris." He said.
      The wolf reluctantly left the lift, giving cautious glances to the demon and angel that stood on either side of Henry.
"I'm sorry I left, it was never my intention. Joey fired me and not a day went by where I didn't wish I could see you guys again." Henry said.
Bendy was frowning a little too hard, causing Henry to assume he was trying not to cry. Alice sniffled and hugged herself.
Bendy finally broke from the silence that enveloped the room and scooped Henry into his arms. The demon held him bridal style and nuzzled his face into the man's neck.
"I missed ya so much! Don't scare me like that again, don't ever give up to the ink, never let Joey win." Bendy said, sinking to the floor with Henry still held in his arms.
"I missed you too bud, I love you." Henry said. Bendy processed what the animator said for a minute. Without a second thought, Bendy kissed Henry full on the mouth and snuggled him closer to his chest.
"I love ya too." The demon grinned. Henry smiled back and reached up to pet him on his horns.
Alice and Boris silently stood across the room from them, neither sure what to do. "Maybe we should leave them to this for a moment, what do you say?" Alice asked.
The wolf nodded in agreement before realizing he was talking to the woman who'd murdered a bunch of Boris clones.
"C'mon, I promise I won't hurt you...I could never bring myself to actually kill the original Boris, you're my best friend." Alice said. He
Boris smiled at her warm comment. The two linked arms and walked off to leave the two lovable ink beings alone.

I guess I haven't updated in a while but here's this thing ٩˘)۶ been getting bullied by a buncha assholes in my gym class and I "accidentally" smashed one of them in a door. But actually it was an accident. I don't regret it however. He fuckin deserved it. Now I'm just ranting cuz I'm mad. Haves nice day ◉‿◉つ

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