Just...brain damage

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Grant: *Fucking depressed*

Henry: *sigh* I'll get the antidepressant.

Henry: *yeets Shawn at Grant*


Sammy: Jack, what the fuck is that???

Jack holding a rooster: it's a chicken.

Wally walking past: Hey Jack, nice cock-

—————get ur mind outta the gutter———-

Wally just staring at Jack.

Jack: Uh...why are you staring at me?

Wally: Staring at your face makes my brain smile.


Shawn and Grant just chilling during the weekend.

Shawn: Bacon and eggs is a days work for a chicken, and a lifetime commitment for a pig.

Grant: You make me age faster every time you speak.


Bendy crawling up into Henry's lap: Hey Hen, you feelin okay? Ya look tired.

Henry: I am swift as a gazelle. An old one. With arthritis. Run over by a Land Rover. Eight days ago.


Jack: Walls, why are you on the floor?

Wally: I didn't fall! I'm just fighting the floor.


Sammy: I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

Norman: You drive me insane...


Wally: I like to be optimistic. It pisses people off.


Wally: I'm bored, argue with me about something.

Sammy: I refuse to have a battle of wits with an opponent so clearly unarmed.


Grant: after millions of years of evolution, I'm still a disappointment.

Shawn in the distance: What in the FuCk did you just-


Y'know when ya just have the strong urge to pet someone's hair but resist because they might disown you? In that case, lemme go pet my dad-

Also hey I'm outta requests still so if ya still want this book to continue, cuz I'm outta ideas for batim stuff at the moment.

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