Head hurtables

400 19 18

Grant: did you figure out if you're gay or not yet?

Sammy glancing at Norman: I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the answer.


Jack: why do you looked focused? What's on your mind?

Wally: Hearin voices in your head is normal. Listening to them is pretty common. Arguin with them – acceptable. It's only when ya lose that argument that ya get in real trouble.


Grant's depressed ass: Chocolate doesn't ask any questions. Chocolate simply understands.


Joey: Just think Henry, we could be rich from this!

Henry: Money is a sign of wealth, but also a sign of tremendous inflation.


Norman and Wally arguing.

Sammy grabbing Norman's arm: Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.


Grant to Wally: Don't let your mind wander too much, it's too small for you to let it out alone.

Jack: You sunuva bit-


Wally: I'm not clumsy, the floor just hates me, the table and chairs are bullies, and the walls get in my way.


Susie: What if plan A fails?

Lacie: Don't worry, there are 25 more letters in the alphabet.


Norman: A way to really light up a room is either Sammy entering, or Joey leaving.

Sammy: Or just really bright lights-


Grant: Before my first cup of coffee I hate everybody. That doesn't change change after I've had that coffee, but it feels better.


Some random kid I don't know walked over to my friend group today and started kicking my boyfriend. I left a good few bruises on that random kid's shins I'd say. I'm small but I'm violent, especially if someone hurts someone close to me. ALSOOO I FINISHED MAKING A SAMMY PLUSHY AN IT LOOKS KINDA WEIRD BUT HE SITS IN THE NORMAN PLUSHY'S LAP AND ITS ADORABLEXGKDKYDTIDIYFI

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