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Here's some Shant I just felt like making.

Cats crave few things, the whole of someone's attention is one of them. When a cat likes a person, it's usually just the one person they won't leave alone.
Shawn was walking to work one chilly morning. His feet tapped against the concrete sidewalk, and he tightened his jacket around him.
It was nearing the beginning of winter, and the days were becoming colder. Shawn observed a thin layer of frost over the world around him.
He couldn't wait for it to begin to snow, he loved the snow. He cheerfully made his way along until he passed a dark alley.
There was a loud clank, and a soft thump. Shawn stared into it. Other people passing by curiously glanced at him just standing silently.
Shawn's heart thumped in his chest. Who or what could possibly be sneaking around in that alley? Might as well find out.
So Shawn carefully and cautiously stepped towards it, peering beside the dumpster where an upturned box lay.
It moved. Shawn almost ran away screaming that there was an alive box. But he didn't, because he remembered boxes aren't alive and something must be under it.
But the box was small. Shawn thought it must be a mouse or rat. He stuck out his foot and quickly flipped the box over with the toe of his shoe, quickly recoiling backwards.
It was a kitten. A scrawny cold abandoned kitten. And it was only a block away from the studio too. Shawn didn't have time to take care of the poor thing, but the toons did.
So it could live at the studio, he was sure Joey wouldn't mind...right? Shawn picked up the meowing kitten. It stuck its tiny paws out, as if begging to be picked up.
It missed the interaction of touch, something a living being cannot go long without. He tucked the little cat inside his jacket, hugging it securely, but gently.
It instantly began to purr, happy to feel loved for once.
Shawn smiled down at it. "I bet the others will love you." He cooed, scratching it behind the ear. He continued his walk to the studio, letting the kitten sleep on the floor in his jacket.
He made sure it was in the corner under his desk so nobody accidentally stepped on it. It peacefully slept, purring as it breathed.
Shawn found it adorable. He continued with his work, until he felt tiny claws stick into his leg. It didn't hurt, but Shawn picked it up.
He placed it carefully in his lap and worked with one hand, while petting the kitten with the other. There was a knock on the toy room's door.
"Come in." Shawn called. Grant opened the door, pulling a chair over and sitting beside Shawn. "Hi." He said.
"Hallo! Look what I found this morning!" Shawn excitedly held up the kitten. "Ah, I knew something was up when you didn't tackle me this morning." Grant said.
Shawn laughed, cuddling the kitten. Grant didn't like it. He didn't like the cat or how it got all of Shawn's attention.
"Dogs are still better." Grant said. "I agree, but that doesn't mean cats can't be adorable too!" Shawn said. He gazed down at the kitten.
Grant huffed. Shawn wouldn't even meet his eyes when he talked. The kitten crawled onto his desk and the ink bottle was thrown to the floor.
"Aw, nooo." Shawn groaned in annoyance. "I already do that enough." He said. "Well, it looks like your cat takes after you." Grant joked.
Shawn didn't even seem to hear him. He was too busy booping the kitten. "Could you watch her for a second while I get Wally?" Shawn asked, holding out the kitten towards Grant.
Despite how much he despised that attention hogging cat, he would do anything for Shawn. "Sure." He sighed.
He held the kitten, but refused to pet her. Shawn ventured off and of course found him talking with Jack.
"But I'm just saying because he's not technically a human, would it count?" Wally asked. "I dunno Walls, I think not because there's the word 'man' in his name." Jack responded.
"Wally, I smashed my ink bottle." Shawn interrupted. "Okay, Jack you're coming too so I don't forget about the points I have in this conversation." Wally dragged Jack along with him back to the toy department.
Shawn sat back down at his desk and carefully took the kitten from Grant. "Thank you Grant." He said, not even glancing at him.
Grant glared at the kitten as Shawn continued to smother it in pets. Jack and Wally continued with their conversation.
(This if just a conversation I had in real life today so-)
"Okay, but technically Frosty the Snowman has no human organs, therefore cannot be considered human, so my question is if someone were to fuck him would that be beastiality?" Wally asked.
Grant choked on the air and looked over at them with wide eyes.
"No! If he had no organs at all, he'd basically he considered an inanimate object, not an animal, so it's whatever doing that with an object is." Jack said.
"Ooh, yeah I guess that makes more sense." Wally nodded in agreement.
Grant shook his head and refocused his attention in Shawn...who was ignoring him. Wally stopped talking and looked over at him hatefully glaring at the cat.
He held in a laugh and pointed it out to Jack. "Someone's jealous!" Wally laughed. "Huh?" Grant glanced over at them.
"Oi Shawn!" Wally said. Shawn turned. "Yeah?" He asked. "Do ya think that ya might be given that cat too much attention? I mean, yer completely ignoring poor Grant over here, and he's not sayin nothin bout it, but he's obviously jealous that the cat gets all yer attention." Wally giggled.
Shawn and Grant both blushed. "Wait...Grant, you're jealous of this tiny kitty? Because I'm snuggling and petting it?" Shawn asked.
"What?! No!" Grant denied, crossing his arms and turning his flushed face away from Shawn, who could see right through his lie.
"Walls, let's leave them to their gay troubles." Jack said, grabbing his friends hand and pulling him out. Wally let himself be pulled out of the room.
"Aww! I'm sorry for ignoring you, I was just really distracted." Shawn said a bit sheepishly. Grant blushed harder.
"I'm not jealous if some stupid cat!" Grant lied. "Oh my god. Y'know I can tell when you're lying!" Shawn laughed.
Grant just wanted to disappear, he was so embarrassed.  Shawn suddenly reached over and hugged him. But in a tackle way.
They fell to the floor in a heap. "Shawn what the hell?!" Grant yelped. "I'm giving you your daily tackle. I forgot to earlier." Shawn laughed.
He snuggled into Grants chest and reached up, petting his curly black hair. "Sh-Shawn what are you doing?" Grant asked.
"I'm giving you cuddles and pets because you were jealous. Now it's fair." Shawn giggled, kissing his cheek.
Grant felt like he might just explode. All this happened so fast, and he'd wanted it to happen for so long.
He eventually just gave in and cuddled Shawn on the floor. The kitten pushed over into the space where their chests didn't touch and laid there.
"Aww! Now we're like a family!" Shawn cooed. "I still hold rights to have a grudge against that cat." Grant said.
"I know, but just know I will always love you more, no matter what." Shawn said, kissing him. Neither had expected how today would turn out, but both were severely happy with the outcome.

Ahhh I almost forgot, there was still two of those aus left, numbers 8 and 4. Since I did two of Bendy and Shang for the Aus, I wanted to do SammyxNorman and JackxWally for the remaining two.
But which one should I do first?

Batim oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora