Brain tumour

465 17 31

      Hey just a quick thing- so my siblings and I live in the middle of nowhere in a small town you most likely haven't heard about, and yes we get things like television and internet, but don't go on them often cuz outside. So anyways we saw this show my friends wanted me to watch called Big City Greens...that's literally my family. We love twenty minutes from the city we go to school at and my friends are amazed at some of the things I never knew existed. I mean come on! Automatic indoor heating? We have a wood stove and it's c o z y. And no trees? But why?! I loose my mind over some of the things in cities. Some grocery stores even give free food samples, that's awesome! Me and my siblings kept switching clothes but at the end of it they knew it was us over and over and just told us to get our parents to buy some. And also the only time I've ever had McDonald's was at my friends house. How do people eat that stuff all the time? We just grow food. And butcher it. I don't like that part though. The headless chickens still haunt me. Anyways I want you guys to tell me more stuff about cities, please? They're just so strange!


Shawn: All my life I though air was free...but that was before I bought a bad of potato chips.


Susie: I speak fluent ironic with a solid sarcastic accent.

Lacie: That's my bitch!


Thomas: I think the worst time to have a heart attack would be during a game of charades. Unless it was Joey, for him nobody would help no matter what time it was.


Sammy to Wally: I used to think you were a pain in the ass. My opinion of you has dropped significantly lower since then.


Sammy: Norm...? Why are you hiding in the corner.

Norman: I am an example to everyone Sammy. A bad example.


Joey: I would like to apologize to anyone whom I haven't offended yet. Be patient, I will get to you shortly.


Jack: Hey Walls, I'm bored wanna go for a car ride?"

Wally grabbing Jack by the shoulders aggressively: Children in the backseat cause accidents- accidents in the backseat cause children!

Jack: I-I'm...Im just gonna take that as a no?


Joey: Come over to the dark side...we've got candy!


Wally: I'm jealous of your parents.

Jack: Do I...want to know? Why?

Wally: Because I'll never have a kid as hot as their's.


Shawn happily cuddling his cat

Jealous Grant: Y'know dogs have beloved masters, cats just have waiting staff.


My cat has one blind eye. He looks like a mafia boss cat. Meowfia. Also I might be getting a few sheep during the spring. I'm naming one Sammy.

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