Warm ink

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Just some Benry I found in my drafts because I haven't posted in a month- I'm sorry also there's roller skating request (I forgot who requested it) I'm having trouble writing it out because I just can't think of what to add into it, but I will publish it eventually.

      Henry wasn't sure how long he'd been down in this hell of a place, but since it began to get unbearably cold, he could've guessed it was winter time back at the surface.
      Henry rubbed his hands against his arms as he walked through the inky halls. His feet were numb from the cold and all the walking, and he was exhausted.
      However, there were two reasons he could go to sleep. One; he'd freeze to death if he stopped moving, and two; the ink demon most likely would tear him in half.
      Henry shivered and poked his head cautiously into the next room. Nothing was there so he continued walking. He found a couch and sat down on it. 'I'll just rest for a few minutes...' he thought it himself.
      His eyes felt heavy and he slouched. Henry hadn't slept in so many days, it was a wonder how he hadn't passed out yet.
      Unfortunately, exhaustion caught up to him and he collapsed in a curled up shivering ball on the sofa.
      Bendy was checking around the studio. He hadn't seen Henry in a while. The animator must've been on the constant move because of the cold air.
      The ink demon wasn't cold however, his ink kept him warm. He had started to wonder if Henry had died. All the ink creatures could easily stand the cold, but not Henry.
      Bendy shook his head at the thought of the animator lying dead and frozen on the floor. He let out a whine and kept looking. Henry was strong, he'd be fine, right?
      Bendy stumbled onto a room and saw the animator lying on the couch. He panicked for a moment before he realized Henry was still breathing, but violently shivering.
      Bendy touched a hand to Henry's hand. He felt like ice. That was it. He wouldn't let Henry freeze to death.
The ink demon picked Henry up and laid back down on the couch, curling around him and cuddling the man to warm him.
Henry snuggled into Bendy's chest, still fast asleep. Hours later the animator woke up, nose pressed against something warm.
Henry refused to open his eyes, still wanting to sleep. Thoughts lazily drifted through his head. Why was he so warm? Did he die? Why was the small wind on his face so warm? Was he wrapped in something?
Henry forced his eyes open and yelped, trying to back up but only wedging himself further into the back of the couch.
He had woke up with his nose pressed against where Bendy's nose should've been, wrapped up in a warm cuddle.
The ink demon woke at Henry's panic and simply smiled. "Oh good, I was worried that ya'd freeze ta death." He said.
      Henry stared at the demon. Bendy, worried about him? Wasn't he trying to kill him? What was going on?
      Bendy saw Henry's confusion and wrapped his arms around the animator, pulling him to his warm inky chest.
      "It's no fun chasing round a Henry popsicle, so until winters over I'm nice and I'll keep ya warm." Bendy explained.
      Henry raised an eyebrow. "But why wouldn't you just let me freeze and die? Don't you want me dead?" Henry asked.
      Bendy chuckled and nuzzled his face into the animators fluffy chestnut hair. "Nah, chasing ya is fun, and cuddles are even better." He replied.
      Henry wasn't sure exactly why the demon was behaving like this...but, it was nice. He just decided to think nothing more of it and cuddled Bendy.

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