Lemme take ya to the movies

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Requested by @ThelocalArsonist69
Human Bendy named Andy Benjamin, and Genderfluid Henry. Forgive me for any mistakes made, I'm still learning about all the things like genderfluid and transgender, but you guys are fully supported here :)

Henry had been working for the studio for a little while now, and that's when they finally hired a voice actor for Bendy. He was named Andy Benjamin, which Henry found a little convenient.
     Joey was showing him around the studio, and when he came to Henry's work station in the animation department, he smacked Henry on the head with a rolled up newspaper.
     "Stein, this is the new voice actor for Bendy, and remind me later I need to speak to you about something important, because I'll probably forget." Joey said. Henry squinted at the man like he were stupid.
     "Why would you forget something important?" Henry asked slowly. Joey glared at him.
     "Not the point! Meet your new coworker, you two will be working together a lot in the future." Joey said.
     "Oh, is he an animator?" Henry asked, perking up. It would be nice to take off a bit of work from him, he kind of needed it.
     "No, again, I'll explain after I show him around. And Stein, what kind of ridiculous thing are you wearing?" Joey pointed down at Henry's legs. He had been feeling feminine today and decided to wear a skirt.
     "Oh uh...it's just a uh...kilt." He decided to say. Joey looked confused. "It's a male attire in Scotland and Ireland, Shawn told me about it." Henry lied, eyes flicking nervously to the side.
     Joey scoffed and rolled his eyes. "There no need to be rude mister Drew, I think it looks cute." Andy grinned, winking at Henry. This caused the man to deeply blush and giggle awkwardly.
     "Moving on, come along Andy." Joey said, wishing to ignore the strange reaction Henry had to meeting this man. Henry felt like an idiot the second they left.
     "What kinda laugh was that, Henry? You sounded like a fuckin anime girl." The man muttered to himself, shaking his head and his face flushed in embarrassment.
     About an hour later, Joey and Andy came back to his office. "Hello again." Henry greeted, eyes glued to his paper. He didn't want to look at Andy and his stupid beautiful face and dumb adorable grin.
     "So, we're making a new cartoon Henry, get designing! It has to be a male because of this generations type of interest in shows, it's going to be Bendy's love interest. And you're going to voice act for him." Joey said. He then left without another word.
     Andy stayed and watched Henry draw. "Man, I wish I could draw as good as ya self." He said, leaning down beside Henry to look at his drawings better.
     "Uh...thanks." Henry said awkwardly. He wasn't good with socializing. He needed to focus on how to design this new character. He started sketching out different clothes, and body types for the male angel he was creating.
     He made him into and angel because Joey originally wanted Alice to be the love interest, but Henry didn't allow it. They were his creations after all, and he just couldn't see them as a couple. "So, Joey don't know what a skirt is?" Andy asked with a small laugh.
     Henry's face flared up again. "I-I guess not." He muttered, wanting to just disappear. Andy smiled at how much he was making this man flustered.
"Hey, just outta curiosity not judging, but why are ya wearin a skirt?" Andy asked, elbows on Henry's desk and staring at him with a small smile.
"I uh..." Henry trailed off, not sure how to answer. To his luck, Sammy walked in the room. Sammy knew about Henry being genderfluid, as did Shawn, Norman, and Jack. Henry didn't tell Wally because he knew the man would accidentally spill it immediately.
"Hi Sammy." Henry greeted, Andy waving to the short musician. Sammy squinted at the tall man.
"Hi. Are you taller than Norman?" Sammy asked with a slight smile. He could finally have a reason for Norman to stop teasing him about being short if Andy was taller.
"Yeah, by two inches. I'm 6'6." Andy responded. "Heya Henry, are ya gunna answer the question or nah? Ya don't hafta I was just curious." He added, turning to the flustered brunette.
Henry wanted to tell him, but was worried. "What question?" Sammy asked.
"I was just curious as to why Henry was wearing a skirt. Again, not judging just curious." Andy said.
"Ah." Sammy hummed, looking over at the awkward and nervous Henry. "Do you want me to tell him or do you want to?" Sammy asked.
Henry gave him a small nod to say that he could. Andy looked curious now, tilting his head. "Well I don't even know if you know what the word means, but Henry is genrderfluid. He's wearing a skirt because he feels feminine today, or I guess it's she today." Sammy explained.
"OH! Oh, I guess that explains that." Andy said with a nod.
"Don't tell Joey or I'll rip the flesh from your bones." Sammy warned before walking back out of the room. Henry just wanted to disappear and never come back.
"Okay." Andy called back as he walked out the door. "That's guy is scary." He said quietly to Henry after Sammy had gone. Henry let out a small laugh.
"He can be, yeah." He agreed. They fell into an awkward silence for a moment, before Henry just decided he'd best get back to work. It was a Friday after all, and he didn't like working late on Fridays.
"So uh, Y'know since we're gunna be working together a lot, I thought maybe we could get ta know each other better. Do you maybe wanna go to the movies after work with me?" Andy asked shyly, now his face being the one flushed red.
Henry's pen came to a stop and his heart beat quickened in speed. He turned around to look at Andy. "Y-yeah sure! That'd be nice." He said with a nervous giddy smile.
Andy grinned back. "Cool! I'll uh...I'll see ya after work then." Andy said. He was still for a moment, debating something in his mind before quickly leaning down and hugging Henry, then rushing out of the room. Henry let his head fall onto his desk, a large grin on his burning red face.

Again, I'm really sorry if a screwed some stuff up because I really don't want to offend anyone.

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