Little Winter Tales

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It was Christmas night and I felt like writing this because I haven't done much for this book in the past year. I'm sharing a room with my sister because I let my grandma have my room for the night, and she's laughing to the point of tears cause of how fast I type, which is making me laugh so excuse any spelling errors I missed while editing them out because there were many. Anyways enjoy these two mini tales!

Tale #1: A Warmth in the Vast Frigidness

Bendy was not very fond of the winter, especially in a place as forlorn and miserable as the ruined studio was. It was cold, freezing cold, and sometimes if he took a nap his ink would fuse to whatever he was lying on in a sticky half-frost. It was not very comfortable to peel himself off of a dusty old couch cushion, or splintering wooden floorboards. The only good that came from the wintertime was that you could tell when it was night because it got noticably more cold then. That's when Bendy could see the puff of his breath in front of him as he took a rattling inhale of the frozen air.
Although the cold wasn't harmful to him, as in he wasn't physically harmed by it like a human was, he did not enjoy it. He liked warm things. Like sitting by a fire made of Joey's old plans and blueprints, snuggling up in the toy department with a bunch of plushies (which was where he often went in the wintertime), and his most favourite warm thing of all; Henry. Of course, Henry didn't know this, and Bendy wasn't too keen on telling him. Instead, he expressed how he felt about the ex-animator by chasing him down and tearing off his limbs over and over again.
Henry hated him now because of it, but that was just how Bendy showed his love. He couldn't help it, he was never taught any better. If anything, he thought, Henry was lucky that Bendy went through all the trouble of running after only him and nobody else. He usually just made Sammy do the killing so he didn't have to bother with it, so Henry should have been less offended and more flattered that Bendy dedicated so much of his time to make his many deaths so horrible. But those were only thoughts that Bendy used to try and make an excuse for the horrible things he had done to the poor man. He knew killing his favourite person was bad.
On a particularly cold evening, one of the most freezing that Bendy could remember, the ink demon was making his way down to the toy department to try and become more warm. He had tried many times to create fire down here, but he didn't seem to be able to accomplish that. Norman called him dumber than a Neanderthal, and for that Bendy tore off his head for the fourth time that week. Sammy was mad at him, and wasn't speaking at the moment. Over time, he had become less a loyal servant, and more his normal simping-for-the-tall-projectionist self again. At least he was less annoying now.
Bendy came upon the doorway to the toy department, but stopped dead in his tracks as he heard sharp breathing coming from the room. He peered around the corner and looked between the many shelves to see someone at the far end of the room, curled up on the ground and shivering like a leaf in a storm. It was Henry. The human had surrounded himself in plushies as an attempt to keep warm in his thin stained white shirt. It didn't appear to be working very well. His teeth were chattering, arms drawn tight around himself as he leaned into one of the larger Bendy plushies. It was kind of sad to see.
Bendy walked slowly into the room, tail anxiously twitching side to side as he made his way to the human. Henry looked up in a slight panic once he saw the ink veins webbing across the walls, and the demon stalking towards him with that everlasting grin. The demon stopped right in front of him, looking down in silence. Henry stared back, frozen with fear and actual cold. Bendy kicked the plushies that were by Henry's side out of the way, then lowered himself onto the floor beside the animator. Henry looked at him for a moment. He did not move. He did not speak. He simply stared.
Bendy took this as an alright sign that he wouldn't move away, so the demon shuffled closer and curled his arms around Henry, pulling him up against his side. The human was very cold, but Bendy was sure that if they snuggled for a while, surely both of them would get warmer. So they sat like that in an unbroken silence, the frigidness slowly seeping away from their bodies after a small while. When Henry eventually, always so exhausted from the never ending dangers of the studio, fell asleep, Bendy decided right then that he'd spend the rest of the winter with Henry.
If he did that, neither of them had to suffer from the cold. Besides, if Bendy were being completely honest, he enjoyed cuddling with Henry. The human looked quite cute when he was peacefully sleeping. But he promised himself that as soon as spring hit, he'd go back to terrorizing the animator instead. It's not like a winter spent huddled up against someone you killed all the time would change anything between you anyways. No, not at all. 

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