Studio Ghost

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Hey!!! I found this deep in my huge pile of drafts! So I thought, why not post it? It's already finished and it'll give you guys something to read while I work on more stuff.

      The studio didn't have a janitor, because nobody wanted the job. The last janitor had passed away from old age, and people were scared to have that job now.
      You'd think it was stupid because people dying from old age happens, but others thought of Joey Drew as a sketchy man, and often blamed him for murder, despite it being blatantly obvious he hadn't murdered anyone...yet.
      But after a week that the old janitor had passed away, things started to magically be cleaned up. There was someone cleaning messes up, and whoever it was had the keys to the janitor closet, because they went missing.
      Other strange things have been happening as well. Very strange things. Objects have gone missing from departments and appeared in the opposite side of the studio, or a few floors underneath or above where it previously was.
      Jack came back from getting coffee for his tired brain and collapsed at his desk. His pen was gone. His favourite fountain pen.
      Jack frantically searched along the floor and under the desk, but someone must've took it.
      "Alright, thats it, I'm figuring out who keeps moving things around!" Jack smacked his hands on the surface of his desk in anger.
      He called all of his fellow workers into the break room. Sammy was last to come in, looking pissed.
      "Is this what this is about? Your stupid fucking pen?! Some asshole weaved it in the strings of one of the banjos!" Sammy shouted.
      "Calm down Sam." Norman said, pulling the short angry blonde into a hug. Sammy huffed, throwing Jacks pen at him.
      "Yes, actually. I've noticed things going missing and reappearing, we need to figure out which one of us is doing it." Jack said.
      "Norman, he's always creeping around." Susie instantly said. Sammy glared at her.
      "He's been with me all day, he couldn't have touched Jacks pen." He snapped, cuddling into the taller man's chest more securely.
      Susie rolled her eyes. "Well me and Allison have been recording today, so it wasn't us." She said.
      "Okay, we all know it wasn't Sammy, Norman, Susie, Lacie, most likely not Henry, he's always at his desk...unless..." Jack turned his gaze.
      Everyone looked at Bendy. "What?" The little demon asked. "I've been with Henry all day, we've been drawing, I swear this actually wasn't me." Bendy put his hands up in defence.
      "He has, and Alice and Boris were with us too." Henry said. The other toons nodded.
      "Y'know Jack, lotta the stuff that goes missin is yours." Shawn pointed out.
      "Why the hell would I put my favourite pen in the strings of a noisy instrument? In the music room of all places, you know I don't like loud." Jack glared.
      "But you love music." Grant said.
      "Of course your on Shawn's side, it's still too loud in there." Jack grumbled. "What have you two been doing?" He asked.
      Shawn smirked and Grant sighed in wanting death. "There was a spider in Grants office and he wanted me in there to help him get rid of it because he's scared of the tiny thing." Shawn giggled.
      Grant blushed in embarrassment. A few other people laughed. "Personally, I agree with Grant, spiders have more legs than me, therefore I do not like them." Jack said.
      "That's a stupid reaso-" Shawn started. Grant cut him off.
      "Hush Shawn, the subject is over, Tom where were you?" Grant asked.
      "Fixing pipes, like always. You all know damned well I don't have time for shitty childish pranks." Thomas growled.
      "We all know there is absolutely no way it was Bertrum or Joey, so who the hell- wait where's Lacie?" Jack looked around.
      "She went to go fix the lights in the empty part of the studio, Y'know, the creepy side where nobody works and it's only spiders and cobwebs everywhere." Susie said.
      Grant shivered. "Eww." He muttered.
      "Aww poor baby. Don't worry you don't have to go down there." Shawn cooed.
      "I swear to god Flynn I will-" Grant tried to threaten, but didn't know what to say.
      "Or you'll what? I know you won't hurt me." Shawn smiled, crushing Grant in a hug.
      He just stood there, not moving and letting Shawn crush his sides. "Fuck you." Grant said.
      "You would." Henry chuckled.
      "Shut the hell up, I bet it was you." Grant growled.
      "It wasn't Henry!" Bendy snapped. Lacie suddenly burst into the break room.
      "T-there's something in the creepy part of the studio! It was a greenish glowing thingy! The lights are still out, and everyone's here so I think someone broke into the studio!" Lacie cried.
      Susie hugged her friend to comfort her. Jack rolled his eyes. "It's time to go home anyways, let Joey deal with it who cares." He said.
      "Why don't you go see then?" Susie said.
      "No thanks, I'm going home." Jack said, turning to leave.
      "Coward. You're scared aren't you? Scared of what you'll find? Maybe even a dead body..." Susie challenged.
      Jack turned and glared at her. "I am not!" He growled.
      "Are too." Susie said. The two bickered like children while everyone watched.
      "Fine! I'll go and see what it was, probably Joey skulking around in the dark like the certified pain in the ass he is." Jack snapped, heading down towards the darker part of the studio.
      He clicked on the flashlight he had brought, looking around. After a while of searching, Jack gave up and turned to head back.
      Then he remembered he sucked at keeping track of directions. "Which way did I come from?!" Jack panicked, looking between three halls.
      "Great, now I'm gonna be stuck down here forever." Jack grumbled. Then, his flashlight went out. "Fuck." He said.
      He couldn't see anything. Jack sighed in defeat, sitting down against the wall. As his eyes adjusted, he could make out very dimly the walls and hallways, but just barely.
      A pencil flew across the room and hit him in the leg. Jack jumped back, standing up again. "Who the hell was that?! Susie I swear to god if you're trying to scare me it's not gonna work." Jack called into the dark, empty halls.
      No answer. A bunch of papers blew into the room. They had drawings on them. Henry's drawings, the ones he was missing. And that was Thomas's pencil, it was sharpened with a knife instead of a traditional pencil sharpener.
      Jack stacked up Henry's drawings and placed Thomas's pencil on top of them. "Who's throwing things at me? Stop it!" Jack demanded.
      His pen hit him in the chest. "Wha-! But this was just in my pocket!" Jack stared at his pen in confusion.
      He swore he heard quiet chuckling. There was a faint glowing green from the hall on the left. Someone was there.
      Jack snatched up the three items and dashed down the hall. The glowing green light was always just ahead of him. And then there was light and whatever it was had gone.
      It led him back towards the main part of the studio. "What the actual hell?" He whispered. He went back to the break room. About half of everyone had gone home, the others waiting to see what Jack saw.
      "I found Tom's pencil and Henry's drawings." Jack said. "It was totally you who did it." Thomas accused.
      "I swear it wasn't! I don't care if you believe me or not, but it wasn't me!" Jack snapped.
      "Did you see anything weird?" Lacie asked.
      Jack hesitated. They'd all think he were insane. But everyone could tell by the look in his face he'd seen something weird.
      "Spit it out." Sammy demanded.
      "I didn't exactly find Henry's and Tom's things, they were Uh... someone threw them at me. And my flashlight went out and I got lost because I suck with directions, and yeah, that's definitely it." Jack squinted one eye and glanced to the side.
      "What else are you hiding? You're also a terrible liar." Norman said. Jack sighed.
      "You're all gonna think I'm insane, I don't even know what the hell it was." Jack shrugged.
      "What?" Lacie asked.
      "Some glowing green light and someone laughing. The light led me back out, but I never got close enough to see who it was." Jack said. Susie gasped.
      "It's a ghost!" She said. Everyone burst out laughing. "Hey! What the hell else could it have been?" Susie yelled.
      "Someone with glow sticks?" Henry suggested.
      "Heh, yeah...probably..." Jack said. There was no way that unearthly glow was a simple glow stick.
      Jack shrugged it off and everyone headed home. He had dreams of chasing the green thing down hallways, hearing it mockingly laugh at him as he would never catch it. Never.
      The next day, Jack had to work late. It was his own fault for getting super distracted yesterday. Jack sighed. Everyone had headed home but him.
      He began his work, humming to himself. After about an hour, he heard something rolling across the floor. Jack spun around in his seat and stared at Lacie's favourite red screwdriver rolling towards him. Jack sighed.
      "If anything goes missing while I'm here, everyone will think that it's me." Jack mumbled to himself, picking it up and going to Lacie's office.
He put it back in her toolbox.
      He felt unsettled, knowing something wasn't right. The lights had all shut off. "Joey must've locked up and forgot I was working late, asshole." Jack muttered.
      Then there was that giggle. Jack felt a shiver go up his spine. Something definitely wasn't right.
"W-who's there?!" Jack demanded, mentally cursing at himself for stuttering. There was as usual, no answer.
      Just a Boris plushy hit him in the face. Jack stared at it. He sighed. "Fine. Y'know your not scaring me, whatever the hell you are, I'm going to do my work and just leave me alone." Jack grumbled.
      He went to his office. His pen was missing. "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!" He shouted, throwing the Boris plush at the wall.
      He collapsed at his desk. "Everyone is going to kill me!" Jack whined, smacking his head against his desk.
      "I give up, you win, whoever you are. Now everyone is going to hate me, and I'll get fired and be out on the streets." Jack sighed.
      "Wow, ya sure gave up quick." A voice said from behind him. Jack yelped, falling out of his chair and sitting up on the floor.
      There was a glowing green man. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Jack screamed, standing and backing away. His back hit the corner of the room, the ghost stepping closer.
      He stood half a foot away from Jack. "I've been the one throwin things round, just find it funny watchin people freak out over it. That Sammy guy sure has anger issues, don't he?" The ghost said.
      "Y-your, what are you? what's going on?!" Jack demanded.
      "I'm Wally, a ghost obviously, and Im bored. But I do act as janitor here as I noticed nobody'll take the job." Wally said.
      "Wait...if your really a ghost, prove it so I don't call the police." Jack said. Wally shrugged and quite literally went down through the floor, then came back from the ceiling and stood in front of Jack, who had his mouth hanging open.
      "What the fuck?!" He yelled. "How do you pick up objects then?" He asked.
      "I can switch from being solid or not." Wally grinned. He stepped closer to Jack, putting his hands beside Jacks head and leaning against the wall.
      Jack, trapped in the corner, glared at him. "Well my friends think it's me, and because of you, I might get fired!" Jack snapped.
      "Oh relax, yer not gonna get fired don't worry. I only took yer pen and that screwdriver, that's it." Wally said.
      His face was very close to Jacks. "Ever heard of personal space?" Jack asked.
      "Nah, ya want yer pen?" Wally asked.
      Jacks tired as hell brain took that sentence the wrong way. "Excuse me what?!" He yelped. Wally burst out laughing.
      "Yer fountain pen stupid!" He giggled, holding out the pen to Jack. Jack blushed, hiding his face in his hands.
      "I am so sorry I'm very tired." Jack spluttered. Wally laughed harder. He really was a giggly ghost. "Why are you laughing so much?" Jack asked.
      "Laughing is fun! It makes me happy. You should laugh more Jacky, a smile looks cute on you~" Wally smirked.
      Was...was this ghost seriously flirting with him?! "Wait-how do you know everyone's names?" Jack asked.
      "I observe. Y'know ya learn lotsa things when ya observe. Like for example, I have never seen two people act more gay when they were alone like Norman and Sammy. Or that you seem to be the loneliest person in this studio." Wally said.
Jack glared at him.
      "I'm not that lonely." He huffed, crossing his arms. Wally laughed again.
      "Yes ya are. Yer the only one that doesn't have like, one designated person they always hang out with, but everyone else does." Wally pointed out.
      Jack sighed. "So, just wanna mock me? Is that what you're doing? Just came here to pin the blame of stupid pranks you've done on me so everyone will hate me?" Jack growled.
      Wally sheepishly looked to the side. "No...I'm sorry...Y'know, I'm even more lonely than you, I've got nobody ta talk to." Wally said.
      "Why bug me out of all the other way better people here than?" Jack asked. "Why not go try and make friends with them?"
      "Well...Y'know I observe all of ya guys, an it's just...I dunno-you're kinda dorky an it's pretty cute." Wally said.
      Jack blushed. "Nope, staying up late has made me go insane!" He said, turning and going to sit at his desk. Wally stuck out an arm and leg to stop him.
      Jack ran into Wally's arm and tripped on his leg, Wally wrapping the lyricist in his arms to stop him from falling.
      This caused the two to look as if they'd been dancing, Wally holding Jack in a dip.
      Jack found himself nose-to-nose with the ghost, a flirty grin on the glowing man's face. Jack felt his face flush and he tried pushing Wally away.
      "Aww, c'mon Jacky, I'm just jokin round with ya." Wally cooed.
      Jack still tried pushing away, but he was being held in a certain position so he had no strength over Wally.
      The fact that Wally was adorable did not help. Jack sighed. There was no other way. He moved his arms so they were around Wally's neck, and pulled him into a kiss.
      And then they fUcKeD the end.

I'm so sorry I didn't know how the hell to end it so have this s h i t.

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