Ink Bendy x Henry

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This one took a while because it's very long.

Henry broke the last Bendy cutout, and Alice's voice came on the speakers. "I forgot to mention, he hates it when I do that, I would hide if I were you."
Henry instantly hid in a miracle station, but the demon saw him. He held his breath, as Bendy dragged himself closer and closer, finally reaching the outside of the station.
Henry felt scared out of his mind as Bendy reached towards the door of the station. He hissed and pulled back his hand the second it touched the handle.
Henry saw his hand had been badly burnt.
A small voice in the back of his head told him to help the demon, but he'd get killed if he set foot outside of the station.
Bendy gave up and walked away, clutching his hand in pain. Before Henry could think, he stepped out of the station.
In her room, Alice slammed her fists on the table. "What is he doing! That idiot's going to get killed." She growled.
Bendy turned and saw Henry slowly forcing himself towards the demon. Bendy was surprised by this, but he could trust his creator, not after he left.
"B-Bendy, are you o-okay?" Henry asked with a gulp. Bendy growled at him. No, he wasn't okay, his feelings hurt a million times more than his hand. Why would Henry care anyways.
Should he kill his creator right now? Or should he walk away. Bendy wasn't in the mood to kill, plus his hand hurt too much, so he turned and slouched away, aiming to go through a wall.
Henry didn't understand as he watched the demon go through the wall. Why did Bendy hate him, what did he do?
He returned to the lift, suddenly remembering Alice, then he thought maybe he'd ask her, she might know. When he got to the door and returned the axe, before she could say anything, Henry asked her why Bendy hated him.
Alice was silent for a few seconds. "Do you really not know, you can't remember?" Alice asked. Henry shook his head. "You know what? Come back in here, and we'll talk about it." Alice said.
Henry nodded, and went in with the angel and he sat down on a crate. Alice was electrocuting Piper. She stopped and sat down behind the glass wall.
"Many years ago, when the studio was doing good, Joey had the idea to bring us cartoons to life. And he did. He didn't listen to the warnings of what would happen, and so now the ink is cursed, and we all have horrible thoughts running though are head, were all horrible.
He cut you with a knife, using your blood for summoning us, but it had an affect on you, you lost all your memories of us. Not the paper drawings, but us as alive toons.
I would sing with Susie and have the best time, while Boris was playing music with his pal Sammy, and Bendy, he never left you alone for a second.
You two were the best if friends, inseparable. But then one day you didn't show up, and Bendy asked Joey why.
Joey told us you had had enough of us, a-and you didn't w-want to see us a-anymore, so you left, w-without even saying g-goodbye." Alice sniffled a bit at the end, obviously saddened at the memories.
Henry felt terrible.
Alice cried into her hands, now ignoring Henry. The animator grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, doing a small drawing. He worked at an old desk in the corner, that was pretty similar to his.
He drew Alice singing with Susie, Boris playing a clarinet beside Sammy playing the banjo, and him drawing at his desk with Bendy seated in his lap. He finished and leaned back in his chair.
"Like this?" He asked Alice, holding up the paper to the glass. She looked up, her face stained with inky tears, and gasped.
"Exactly." She whispered, her lip quivering like she was about to start crying again. Henry suddenly felt a weird sensation in his mind. A memory.

Henry was seated at his desk, drawing with Bendy sitting in his lap, watching him. They heard a quiet sniffle somewhere nearby and got up to investigate it.
Alice was seated in a chair crying a little bit. Henry crouched down beside her. "What's wrong Alice?" He asked.
The angel looked up at hearing his voice. "I-" she started, then noticed Bendy. She glared at him. "H-he thinks that just because I have horns, I'm n-not an a-angel!" Alice cried, pointing at Bendy, who had a slightly guilty look on his face.
Henry glanced at Bendy and sighed. "Hey, What kind of demon comes from heaven? You silly Angel." Henry ruffled Alice's hair.
She looked up at Henry with watery eyes. "You think I'm even good enough to be an angel?" She asked sadly.
"Are you kidding? You already are an angel, it's kind of how I made you." Henry said with a laugh. Alice giggled at him. "Thanks, that's very kind of you." She said. Henry smiled at her.
"And Bendy, you should apologize to her." Henry said. Bendy crossed his arms. "No way!" He said. "Beeendy." Henry warned.
Bendy closed his eyes and faced upwards away from them. "Fine, I guess I'll only invite Alice to go draw with me." Henry shrugged.
Bendy instantly whipped his head towards the animator. "Wait no! I'm sorry Alice!" Bendy said. Henry and Alice laughed as Bendy frantically apologized to the angel.

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