The beast in the forest

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Requested by @IDrinkAcidForFun this is the first of your four requests.
Warning: angst and I wanted to cry while making this cuz it's my favourite batim ship.

     Jack was a citizen in a kingdom next to a huge forest. The king had made it law with a death penalty that nobody shall ever enter the forest. Jack often wondered why, and wished he could explore it.
     Some people thought the king was hiding something, others thought it was just dangerous. Jack didn't like the uptight aura around most of the people he lived around. Rules here were strict, and he hated it.
     Jack was sitting under a tree one sunny afternoon, bored out of his mind. It was illegal to play games if you were eighteen or over, and the only thing he was allowed to do was practically work or clean. So, he was often bored.
     He spotted a bright blue butterfly flutter past him, flying towards the forest. Jack looked around and saw nobody else in sight, then ran after it with a huge grin on his face, heart beating fast in fear of being caught.
     The further into the forest he went, the more excited he got. He wouldn't go back now, he couldn't. He was so close to seeing what the king was trying to hide from everyone. The butterfly flew over some bushes and into a small mossy clearing.
     Jack went to follow, but froze behind one of the huge bushes. There was a man sitting on the mossy ground underneath a tree, the butterfly sitting peacefully in his hand. Was he not the only person in the kingdom to break the biggest rule the king had set?
     However, that was when he noticed the man had wings and small horns attached to his body. Jack let out a gasp, then clapped a hand over his mouth to silence himself. The other man heard and jumped, forest green eyes meeting Jack's.
     The butterfly fluttered away into the trees and the winged man stood, staring dead into Jack's eyes. It was a few moments of silent staring before the forest dwelling man suddenly gasped and grinned really wide.
     He flapped his wings and was in front of Jack within seconds. Jack yelped and stepped back at the sudden lunge towards him. "You're a human, ain't ya?!" The winged man asked excitedly.
     "I...yes-" Jack started, being cut off almost immediately.
     "That's amazing! I didn't think humans actually existed! Woah!" The magical man circled Jack as he talked, looking him over. He touched Jack's ears. "Such round ears, cute!" He muttered just loud enough for the human to hear.
  "Oh!" He suddenly stopped in front of Jack. "My name is Wally, what's yours?" He asked.
     "Eh...Jack." The human said awkwardly, not expecting to find whatever Wally was, in the forest he was forbidden to go into. Wally was very close, causing Jack to feel a bit awkward and flustered.
     Wally's smile suddenly dropped and he stepped back a bit. "Heh, sorry. I keep forgettin ta give people their personal space, probably why everyone seems to hate my guts." Wally apologized.
     Jack could tell he was lonely, no wonder he got so excited at a new person. "It's okay, I don't mind." He smiled kindly at the winged man. Wally smiled back.
From there, the friendship of a man and...winged man, grew into something more. It was nearing the end of spring, and blossoms were everywhere on the forest ground from falling off the trees.
Jack and Wally were sitting underneath a tree one sunny afternoon and Wally started tying a bunch of blossoms together while they chatted about stuff. "Y'know, I've been wondering...are you the only one of your kind around here?" Jack asked.
Wally froze for a moment, eyes glossing over to a not so pleasant memory. "No. No I'm not. Usually creatures like me love way deeper in the forest." Wally said.
"Well, why'd you come to live all the way out here then?" Jack asked, tilting his head at the magical man. Wally hesitated, picking at the petals of a flower.
"I...was kicked out of my family." Wally muttered, clearly ashamed of this fact. Jack sat up straight.
"Oh no! What happened?" He asked, placing a gentle hand on his friend's shoulder.
"They didn't like how I acted. Said I joked around too much in serious situations, and didn't like that I'm gay. So they banned me to the outside of their territory." Wally explained, sadly looking down at the blossoms.
Jack cupped Wally's cheeks in his hands and stared into his eyes. Wally stared back in surprise. Jack was going to say something, but he just kissed Wally instead. He slowly pulled away after a few moments.
"I won't leave you." He said, hugging Wally close. The winged man hugged back, smiling and feeling emotionally overwhelmed.
"Promise?" He asked.
"I promise. I'd rather die then spend a lifetime without you." Jack said. "I think you're super fun to be around. I love your personality, you're funny and cute, and honestly, I cannot keep you out of my mind." Jack smiled at him.
"Aww. But for the record, you're more cute." Wally grinned happily, booping Jack on the nose. The sun was beginning to lower into the sky again and Jack had to leave for home.
This went on for almost a year until one unfaithful day, Jack was just too excited to see Wally and bring him this cool flower he saw, that he forgot to check before entering the forest. Someone had seen him go in.
That night when Jack returned home with a huge smile on his face, he felt his whole life shatter into nothing but memories as he spotted guards waiting for him at his door. "Just relax Jack, it's probably not what you think-" he began whispering to himself.
"THERE HE IS! GET HIM!" One guard shouted and pointed. Jack took off running towards the forest, feet whirring underneath him, kicking up grass and dirt. The guards were trained however, and caught up fairly quickly.
The pinned him to the ground at the edge of the forest. Jack struggled and yelled out. He knew they wouldn't dare go into the forest, he was so close to freedom. To Wally. He promised Wally he'd stay, he couldn't let him down.
However the guards outnumbered him in quantity and strength, and he was dragged off towards the castle. He was immediately given the death penalty, no objections allowed.
Jack was taken to a courtyard where he was pushed roughly against a cinderblock, one guard holding him down while another sharpened their axe. With one fell swoop and a splatter of blood, Jacks head rolled onto the crimson stained grass.


It was strange, Wally thought. Jack hadn't visited him in over a month now. He visited every day. Did something happen? Was he hurt? Wally tried thinking that one of those was the answer to his much dreaded question.
However, his mind kept going back to one thing; Jack must've gotten tired of him and left. Just like his family, just like his friends. He had undoubtedly been abandoned again. Jack must've just gotten annoyed and didn't want to be around him.
Either way, Wally was hurt. He was all alone again. The winged man collapsed onto the grassy ground and sobbed his broken heart out, crying until he physically couldn't anymore.
Jack had promised. He said that he'd never abandon him. Wally wanted to believe those words but considering any other being he'd grown emotionally attached to had thrown him away, Wally thought maybe Jack lied and thrown him away too.
The winged man spent the rest of his days walking through the forest, depressed and forever missing Jack.

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