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Requested by @Juneli123

     Henry was a young man at the age of eighteen, and he lived in a city in an apartment with four of his friends. Joey, Sammy, Norman, and Wally. The five boys were sitting on the couch one morning and watching a game of football on their TV set.
"Uughhhh, can we do something fun? This is boring." Wally groaned in exasperation, sliding down the couch and onto the floor as if he were melting.
"Yeah, Joey I think you're the only one who wants to watch football, I think we should go do something, maybe go on a road trip or just go somewhere." Henry agreed with Wally.
"Hmm, sounds like a stupid idea." Joey scoffed, eyes glued to the screen. Sammy rolled his eyes and stood up.
"Well I agree with these two, I'm bored as hell, so I'm leaving to go somewhere." Sammy started for the door.
"Wait- I'm coming too Sam!" Norman called after him, jumping to his feet and running after the short blonde. Wally and Henry followed, the two dragging Joey out of their apartment.
Joey frowned but let himself be taken along. They got into Norman's truck and Sammy sat in the front seat while the other three sat in the back. "Hey, can I ask Jack if he wants to come too?" Wally said. Jack was his boyfriend and Wally made sure everyone knew it.
"Go ahead, maybe call him." Henry suggested. Wally took out his phone and called Jack.
"Or maybe not because whenever you two are near each other, you act gross." Joey growled.
Sammy turned around in his seat and gave Joey a death glare. "Hey, shut the fuck up, those two are great together so stop being a lonely sad sack and shut your fuckin mouth." Sammy snapped.
Joey rolled his eyes but went silent. They drove to Jacks house and picked him up, now four of them squished in the backseat. There was only three seats so Wally sat in Jack's lap. Joey glared at them from the other side of the truck.
"So where are we going?" Jack asked, leaning his head to the side so he could see around Wally.
"Just for a drive into who knows where, maybe we could go for a hike in the forest outside of the city?" Norman suggested.
The others except for Joey agreed, so Norman drove them to the forest. They stopped after about an hour of driving and all clambered out of the slightly crowded truck.
     The group of six walked through the forest while chatting, Joey sulking like a toddler the entire time. After about an hour of walking, they sat down on a fallen tree to take a small break before heading back.
     Henry saw a cool vine plant on a tall stack of boulders and investigated it. He reached out to touch the plants, and his hand went into a space behind them. Curious, Henry pulled the vines apart like a curtain and was surprised to see a tunnel behind, leading to somewhere else in the forest.
     There was a rickety looking cabin on the other end of the tunnel. Henry let go of the vines and walked around the pile of boulders to see the house wasn't behind it. "Hey, uh, guys, could you c'mere? I found something weird..." Henry glared at the vines.
     The others came over to see what was bothering Henry. He showed them the tunnel. "And look, if you walk around the boulders, the house isn't there but everything else is, like all the plays and trees are in the exact same places!" Henry said, pointing to the cabin-less woods.
     "Then why don't we go through the tunnel?" Joey said as if everyone else was stupid.
     "Because that's some ghost shit right there, I'm outta here." Wally said, beginning to walk back. Jack stopped him by grabbing his hand.
     "I think it might be cool to see what this cabin is doing here, I'm getting a closer look." Henry said, climbing into the tunnel. Sammy shrugged and followed, Norman following him and Joey behind him.
     Jack knew Wally didn't like paranormal stuff, but he also really wanted to go see what the cabin was like. "I guess we'd better go too then?" Wally said with a sigh. 
     "Don't worry Walls, I highly doubt it's ghost infested." Jack said with a light smile, pulling Wally along to follow their friends. The six guys stood at the front door and stared.
     Henry slowly opened the door and stepped inside, the floorboards creaking from years and years of not being used. Dust and cobwebs were everywhere, and the only thing in the nearly bare house was a circle of candles and a moth eaten book on the floor.
     The group of six surrounded the candles and book in curiosity. Joey let out an amused scoff. "That's ridiculous, do people actually think black magic works?" Joey let out a laugh. Wally gave an uneasy look towards the setup on the floor. 
     "Well if it is real, it looks like whoever was here summoned some sort of bad spell, because that doesn't look like a water spill." Sammy pointed to one corner of the room and they all looked to see the corner splattered with what looked like blood.
     It was old, but it was still blood. Wally was clutching onto Jack as if he'd die immediately if he didn't. Joey rolled his eyes and the other three just stared.
     "I dunno, I don't like this. It looks like some sort of murder scene." Henry said, looking towards the door. It suddenly slammed shut, causing everyone to jump and scream.
     It was dim in the house, just enough light to see each other. Oh, and also that demon behind them. They heard a low growling and all turned to see an eight foot tall demon, head tilted and eyeless gaze piercing into them.
     They all slowly backed up into the nearest wall, the demon following their every slow step. Joey suddenly shoved Henry forwards. "Take him and leave us alone!" The asshole of a man yelled, hand gripping at the door handle and wrenching on the locked metal.
     Henry's face hit the demon's chest and he stumbled backwards, staring up in fear at the tall creature. He looked down at the tiny human and then back towards Joey. "D'ya think I'm jus some mindless creature that'll take the first thing thrown at me?" Bendy scoffed, frowning at Joey.
     "I can easily see what kind of person ya are, and it ain't a good one. The payment for trespassing into my home is a life, and it is among you and yer group ta choose." Bendy growled, picking Henry up and putting him down beside his friends.
     The six went silent. Henry looked at his friends, Wally shaking in fear, Jack trying to comfort him but also clearly afraid. Then there was Sammy and Norman, the shorter trying to hide his fear while the taller had a hand on Sammy's shoulder and looked as if he might puke.
     Then there was Joey. Henry wanted to kill him at times, these one of those times, but he wanted to give Joey a chance to learn from this and become a better person.
     Henry took a breath and then turned to face Bendy, the demons arms crossed and foot taping as he waited for their answer. "You can kill me, please just let my friends go." Henry said, taking a step forwards.
     The demon smirked and his tail flicked to the side. He kneeled down to Henry's height, placing his hands on the man's shoulders. "What's yer name, doll?" Bendy asked in a hushed tone.
     "Uh-Henry." The man responded. Bendy let out a hum and looked over to the rest of the group. They were all looking over at Henry in shock and worrisome, except for Joey who was trying to bust the door down.
     "H-Henry, you can't do this! You're such a nice guy, let me die!" Sammy suddenly burst out. Bendy held up a hand to silence him.
     "No need for that, I think it's very obvious which one of ya six humans is fuckin done." Bendy grinned, standing up and advancing towards Joey.
     The other five turned away as Bendy bit his head clean off, the sound of a scream cut off by the snap of bones and squish of flesh. "Ohhh, I'm gunna puke." Jack murmured.
     Sammy glanced at Henry. "Why don't you look the least bit scared?" He asked with a confused glare.
     Henry looked at Bendy, then back to Sammy with a small smirk on his lips. "I am so sorry Sammy, but that demon is kinda hot to be honest." Henry admitted, causing Sammy to let out a laugh.
     "What?! I'm serious, he is!" Henry said, blushing and smiling at how much Sammy was now laughing. Bendy snapped his fingers and the door flung itself open.
     "As promised, you five may leave." Bendy said. Henry thought he sounded a bit sad, not to mention his horns were droopy. Maybe he was lonely? The other four practically ran out the door but Henry stayed out for a moment.
     "Do you ever get lonely in here? I mean, it can't be very often that people come by considering where you live." Henry said. Bendy looked over at him, surprised he wanted to talk or even cared at all.
     He wasn't sure why but it made him want to collapse on the ground and sob. Nobody thought anything from him but a murderer, nobody liked him, only feared him. " kinda is lonely, but whatever." Bendy shrugged.
     "If you are lonely, why not just go to the nearby city and live there?" Henry asked. Bendy looked at him as if he were stupid.
     "People would freak out, probably try ta hunt me down, it wouldn't exactly be a friendly interaction. The only thing humans see when they look at me is a bloodthirsty monster." Bendy explained. Henry bit his lip as he thought.
     "Well...I don't think you're a monster." Henry said. "But you have to admit bloodthirsty is debatable considering you just bit Joey's head off." Henry grimaced as he glanced at the headless body leaning against the wall.
     Bendy giggled. "Yeah I did just bite his head off." He grinned. He seemed unnervingly pleased about this. "But he deserved it! I wouldn't ever do somethin like that ta someone as amazing as ya self." Bendy said.
"Oh." Henry felt his face flare up at the compliment. "Thanks I guess. You're pretty nice for a demon that bites peoples heads off." Henry chuckled. "And Y'know since you're so lonely here, you could come live with me?" Henry asked shyly, avoiding eye contact.
Bendy's grin widened across his entire face. "Really?! Ya really want me ta come live with ya?!" The demon asked excitedly. Henry nodded. Bendy swooped down and carried Henry out of the house, hugging him tightly and nuzzling his face against the humans.
Henry giggled at the affectionate demon. They arrived at Norman's truck where the others were waiting. They all saw the demon carrying Henry and stared.
"He's living with us now." Henry grinned. Wally just shrugged while Jack tightened his grip around his boyfriend. Norman and Sammy looked over at him weirdly. "Well we need someone to replace Joey, so I thought maybe he could-" Henry started.
"He's simping real hard for that demon." Sammy whispered to Norman. The taller smiled and laughed.
"Okay, I'm fine with it then." Norman shrugged. Sammy nodded.
"Wally, you should come live with me." Jack said. Everyone laughed and Henry and Bendy climbed into the truck. Bendy pulled the chestnut haired human into his lap, running his fingers through the soft hair.
They started their drive back. Henry felt immediately comfortable around the demon and he didn't understand why, but he liked Bendy a lot and it was clear the demon felt the same.
So basically if you don't want someone breaking into your house just do what these guys do. Oh, and don't forget to bring the sacrifice!

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