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I just had a sudden idea and for some reason a large splurge of motivation and I made this in about an hour. I'm still working on the Christmas special btw.

      "FAKE ANGEL!"
      The shouts echoed down the halls of the studio as employees tried to work and ignore the constant yelling. Alice and Bendy were screaming at each other, trying to hurt the others feelings because of some stupid childish argument they had gotten into.
      "AT LEAST MY ATTITUDE ISN'T AS ROTTEN AS YOURS IS YOU FIRE DWELLER!" Alice screamed back. Boris tried stopping them, waving his hands in front of their faces and barking. It didn't do much.
      "YEAH RIGHT! HAVE YA SEEN YERSELF WHEN YER IN A SNIT?! IT'S AN UGLY THING TO WITNESS!" Bendy shouted angrily, clenching his fists tight together.
      Alice let out a small gasp. He knew she was sensitive about her looks. That got the angel quite mad and she couldn't hold down the nastiest thing she had to say to Bendy, no matter how much Boris begged them to stop.
      "Well Y'know what Bendy?" Alice crossed her arms and glared at him, venom lacing her voice and eyes ablaze with anger.
      "Ever noticed how you're the only demon? The only small unrealistic toon? I have the shape of a human and am pretty enough to not have to wear a disguise when Henry takes us somewhere," Alice started, sticking her nose in the air.
      "And Boris, wolfs are very real, so he gets by just fine. Everyone else is human. But you? You're a small little bean body with a weird shaped head, unlike anyone else, all alone as a freak. I have Boris, and all the humans have each other," Alice took one last glare at Bendy.
      "You, however, have nobody to love. Henry would never return your feelings because he's a human. You will forever have a sad and lonely life, good day you freak." Alice snapped, turning on her heel and leaving. Boris chased after her to try and calm her down.
      Bendy stood stock still in the hallway. Now that Alice had mentioned these things...he realized it was all true. He was a freak among normal people, a definite oops.
      He felt warm ink well up in his eyes and his clenched fists shook with anger and hurt. He dashed from the hall and found an empty discarded room and curled up under a wooden desk, sobbing his broken heart out.
      Alice was right. He was a freak. Henry would never love him back. What was he thinking? Why was he even here?
      Henry heard the angry shouting far off in the hall and decided he'd get up to investigate. On his way he heard it stop and almost ran straight into a fuming Alice and a frantic Boris.
      "Where's Bendy?" Henry asked, holding out an arm to stop the pissed off angel.
      She fixed her glare at Henry as if the fight was all his fault. "I don't know and I don't care, that little gnat is probably crying in a corner like the baby he is." Alice growled.
      She aggressively pushed Henry's arm out of her way and stormed off down the hall. "Try and calm her down Boris, I'm going to go find Bendy." The animator said to the wolf, who nodded in response.
      Henry searched for a while and asked every worker he came across if they had seen Bendy anywhere. Nobody had.
      Henry sighed in defeat and leaned against a wall in one of the many hallways. Then he heard quiet sniffling and hiccuping from somewhere close by.
      The animator curiously followed the sounds, leading him to a door to a forgotten room. It was far back in the studio to rooms nobody used, so there wasn't anybody in that part of the building.
      Henry slowly opened the door and there was a shuffling as the occupant inside backed into the corner to stay away from Henry's view.
      The animator flicked on the light switch to the room and saw Bendy's inky tear stained face looking back at him.
      "Bendy?! I was looking everywhere for you for almost an hour, what's going on bud?" Henry asked, closing the door and sitting on the floor beside the demon.
      "N-nothing." Bendy muttered, wiping off his tears with his arm. He let out small sniffles time to time.
      "Oh come on don't try and pull that nothing shit, what's going on?" Henry asked, placing a comforting hand on Bendy's shoulder.
      The demon shifted away from Henry's touch and stuck himself further in the corner of the room. "I don't wanna talk bout it." Bendy said sternly, glaring at the floor.
      The two stayed silent for a few moments. "Well, then I'll sit here with you until you feel like talking. I know you had a fight with Alice and she can say some pretty harmful things, but she was just mad and I'm sure she didn't mean them." Henry said.
      "NO! YA DON'T GET IT!" Bendy suddenly yelled. Henry looked at him surprised. The demon had never yelled at him before. Never. Bendy also looked surprised at his own actions.
      "I-I'm sorry Henry, I'm not mad at ya I didn't mean ta yell." Bendy quickly apologized. "B-but what Alice said was actually true, an I can't fight the facts she said." Bendy muttered, looking at his shoes.
      The small demons tail twitched in aggravation and anxiety. "Well then what did she say? I'll bet you it isn't as bad as you think." Henry said.
      Bendy sighed. He knew Henry wouldn't stop pestering until he said it. "She just...she's an Angel, but technically looks pretty much human. Boris is a wolf, which is a real life animal. Whenever ya take us somewhere I'm the only one who's gotta go in disguise because I'm not realistic like, I just have a stupid bean shaped body and weird face. And everyone else in here is a human. Alice said I was a freak and she's right, I'm the only one who can't be accepted by humans because I'm unnatural to earth." Bendy said, more inky tears gathering in his eyes.
      "Well hey, everyone's different. When I was in school I got called freak and four eyes and all the bad names, because unlike the people that bullied me, I have glasses." Henry said.
      Bendy tilted his head and finally removed his gaze from the ground to look Henry in the eyes. "Without my glasses I can't see the world correctly, everything's all blurry and just a bunch of blobby shapes and colours." Henry said.
      "Despite people making fun of me for that I'm still alive and happy because I have an amazing friend like you and all the other workers." Henry smiled.
      "Nobody here is normal at all Bendy. Wally has ADHD and Grant has depression, although less now than before because of Shawn, who has ADD and Susie is more self centred than most others. Then there's Alice who has anger issues, as well as Bertrum who thinks he's better than everyone else, Sammy who also has anger issues and trust issues, Norman who has taken a liking to creepy and dangerous things that most others dislike." Henry listed.
      "Like Sammy? Is that why Norman likes Sammy?" Bendy asked with a small grin. Henry nodded with a laugh.
      "There's also Jack who's pretty insightful unlike others and sees the world in an entire different way, Lacie with her fears of only strange things, Allison and Thomas who are probably the only 'normal' ones, and then there's Joey. I shouldn't have to say anything for you to figure out him." Henry said, giving a smirk and side glance to Bendy.
      "Nope, I don't think anyone has ta." The demon agreed.
      "So you see Bendy? Everyone is different and some more than others but I don't think normal can be defined by how someone acts. Because everyone is so different normal technically isn't a super defined thing, if it were, then only one person would be normal." Henry explained.
      Bendy let forth a small smile. Henry was right, Alice was right too though. He was different, he was a freak, but it was okay because so was Henry, and so was she.
      The little demon jumped up and gave Henry a tight hug. "Thanks Hen." He said, voice slightly muffled by his face being in the collar of Henry's shirt.
      The animator hugged him back. "Don't hesitate to come to me if somethings bothering you Bendy, I'd do anything for you as long as you're happy." Henry said, hugging him tighter.
      Bendy felt his own heart speed up as a sudden idea came to mind. Another thing Alice had said had been nagging at the back of his mind, just begging for him to prove the stupid angel wrong.
      He didn't notice while stressing about it that he had gripped tighter into Henry's shirt. "Is there still something wrong? Why don't you tell me about it." Henry said, pulling Bendy away from his shoulders and sitting him on the floor in front of him.
      Bendy hesitated, glancing to the side. "I dunno, ya'd hate me if I told ya." Bendy frowned, fiddling with his tail.
      "I can assure you I would never hate you Bendy, no matter what you've done." Henry said, placing his hands encouragingly on Bendy's shoulder.
      The demon took a breath but held it instead of letting his words out. He held that breath until his insides burned and he finally let all the words tumbled from his mouth like an erupting volcano of emotions. "IreallyreallylikeyaasmorethanafriendbutIdidntwantyataknowcuzI'mscaredyamighthatemeforit!" Bendy said so quickly Henry barely understood.
      "Come again?" Henry asked, hoping he'd heard what he thought he heard. Bendy didn't want to say it again but now he didn't have a choice.
      "I love ya." Bendy simplified it down to just those three important words, fear now filling him of how Henry might respond.
      The animator took a second to process this and then looked Bendy dead in his pie cut eyes to see his fear filled face.
      "I..." Henry started, but trailed off. He didn't have the mental capacity to speak at that moment, so he used actions. He leaned forwards and kissed Bendy, the toon's tail wagging like a happy dog.
      Henry pulled away and the two stared at each other's blushing faces. There were sudden footsteps and the door opened.
      Boris and a tentative Alice stood in the doorway. The angel walked over and sat a noticeable ways away from the two.
      "I just though I should apologize Bendy, I don't mean all the things I said and it was mean." She said, glancing at the ground in front of her.
      "I'm sorry too. Even though the two main things ya said hurt, only one was right." Bendy said.
      "Two thin-oh." Alice looked confused for a moment before remembering the other thing she had said.
      "I know I'm different than everyone else but I don't care anymore, the other thing ya said was a total lie though." Bendy grinned.
      "The thing about Henry?" Alice asked.
      "What thing about me?" Henry asked. Alice made a guilty face and thought Bendy must've meant something else.
      "Nothing!" She said quickly. Henry gave her a suspicious look.
      "She said that ya would never like me in the same way." Bendy explained.
      "Oh! Yeah that was wrong." Henry said with a smile, hugging Bendy closer to his side and kissing his cheek. Alice couldn't believe her eyes.
      "No way." She half muttered, a small smile taking over her face. "I didn't expect that honestly, I guess I was wrong." Alice admitted.
      "Hah! Ya were wrong for once!" The demon grinned, pointing at her. Alice rolled her eyes as Henry giggled at him.
      "No need to get cocky about it." Henry said.
      "I could make a terrible joke right now but I feel it's more Bendy's place to do that." Alice said. The four burst out laughing. Alice didn't need to say the joke for everyone to understand.
      "Who taught you guys these things?" Henry asked.
      There was a course of two voices and a bark. "Wally."
      "Why am I not surprised." Henry sighed, smiling and shaking his head.

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