"When Lexa return you know Lea will be judged for what ever she did"

"If she returns" Clarke had enough of Flor

"ENPLENY, i respected you from the first time instead of throw you in jail with your people i put you in a room you have everything and you still push it you are off line so you watch your mouth"

"Hahaha, maybe the mighty Lexa finally found her match and payed the price of her actions"

"Clarke took a breath Let's see when Heda returns challenge her or me and we gonna find out the truth"

"I accept"


"Now tell me where is she?"


"WanHeda? Are you ok?"

"LLor? Bring me Lea here"

"Yes,WanHeda" he was back in two minutes with Lea

"Lea?, are you ok?"

"Floorrr? turns to Clarke you are lucky i'm not free"

"LLor? uncough her he did exactly what i asked now Lea, i now you are pissed of the world of losing your father, i lost him too when i was in the sky. But we have proven we don't want to kill you but yet you still still try, you are luck Lexa is not here"

"Come on WanHeda stop stalling"

"Stalling? Come on kid"

Lea attacked but Clarke defended beautifully, Luna,Costia,Gago doing an amazing job, she has unproved a lot Lexa would be so proud.

Clarke hit her not as hard bc she was just a kid but her hit made her hit the ground Now, enough of this Lea if you do that again i'll sent you in prison. Think and tell and you tell Quin that Lea is the one you want, maybe FireReepa is over but we have a long road to recover"

The guards escorted Lea and Flor to their rooms, Clarke was amazing Luna was so proud. If Clarke keep her training she would be at same level as Lexa she has all the potential.

Suddenly Raven gasped and screamed


"Raven? What is it?"


"Emerson? What about Emerson?"

"Emerson he is alive and he is outside of our shelter"

"What? Jok, does he know we see him?"

"No, we are covered we can see him he can not see us"

"He is not gonna die until he kill me, he is driven"

"He is welcome to try, i ow him too"

"He has us surrounded for sure, Raven can we contact the other shelters without he knows?"

"We can do whatever we want, even to watch him in his back yard"

"Good, contact Quins shelter"

"Give me a minute, come on ok we are on, Ark2 this is Ark 1 do you copy?...Quin do you copy?"

"Raven? Oh Gods you are ok?"

"Everyone and everything good, you there?"

"All good without any problem we wait"

"Good, Quin? Emerson is alive and he has us surrounded"

"What? Oh Gods he is like the virus, don't worry i'll handle him"

"No necessary he is mine"

"Clarke? How are you? Costia? Luna? my mom?"

"Everyone ok don't worry"

"Clarke did you contact the Facalty Shelters?"

"We will after this, Quin for no reason do not open the shelter door"

"Hey Wanheda, i have plan i know a way we can trap him"


Quin said that every shelter is connected and if Clarke want she could come to her Shelter and push every shelter to the backs so they can out run them from behind. Clarke agreed and in 5 hour she and the people inside will headed there, after she contact the Facalty Shelters.

"Ok, LLor? inform the others we are leaving in 5 hours i want everyone ready"

"Yes, Clarke"

"What do you think?"

"I think i'll end him, enough, now let's try them Raven"

"Here goes nothing, FlyFox1? This is Ark 1 do you copy? ...Octavia can you hear us ?"

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