Chapter 29: The Lemurian Star (Phase 2)

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Location: S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier
Time: 1700 Hours
Date: 12/11/2013

Inside of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, Derek is sitting inside of the room with Fury, Sentinels, and Spartans. He was being questioned by Fury after his recent actions of infiltrating HYDRA without any backup, disobeying direct orders, and most of all taking down HYDRA without acknowledging his team nor S.H.I.E.L.D. about his action.

"I don't care if you boys are above the law or that we can't control, but let's make one thing clear." Fury said almost snapping his calm demeanor. "If you and your team wants to fight off the super-villains. Leave HYDRA to us." Fury then walked towards Derek. "Am I clear, Derek?"

Derek looked up and glared back at Fury. "Crystal."

Fury leaned back and now gave out a request. "Good. Now that's out of the way. I need your team for something."

Location: Indian Ocean
Time: 2000 Hours
Date: 12/12/2013

Inside of the quinjet was Captain America, Blue Team, and Derek all accompanied by several Strike Team from S.H.I.E.L.D. their mission is to infiltrate and rescue the hostages in the Merian Star.

"Any demands?" Steve asked.

"Billion in a half." A man named Rumlow replied.

"Why so steep?" Chief asked as he is wearing a suit almost similar to the one's the Sentinel use as they will he doing a stealth mission not an assault. Members of Blue Team were also wearing similar suits but different colors.

"Because it's S.H.I.E.L.Ds." Rumlow replied.

"How many pirates?" Steve asked.

"25 in total." Rumlow replied before switching the screen. "Lead by this guy. George Batroc ex-DGSG. Before the French demobilize him he has 36 kill mission all successful."

"All right we have layout of the ship. Kelly, Fred your with me. Linda stay with the strike team we're gonna need cover fire from above."

Blue Team nodded and placed their balaclava and got ready while that was happening Derek is at exit ramp of the quinjet looking down. Steve noticed the lone Sentinel near the exit and approached him.

"You alright?"

Derek looked back to see Steve standing behind him. "I'm fine. Still trying to find out why Natasha betrayed us."

"I'm pretty sure it's part of her job or something."

"I know. And I'm going to find out why."

"30 seconds." The pilot said.

Steve and Spartan-II went to the exit and prepped their shield and weapons. "Here we go." Steve said as he and Blue Team just jumped surprising the Strike Team.

"Are they wearing a parachute?" A Strike member asked Rumlow.

"No, they weren't." Rumlow said shaking his head. "No, they weren't."

As the four super-soldiers were falling down the sky they hit the water with no injuries whatsoever. They climbed up the ship's anchor and got inside.

On the ship two guards were patrolling they were both knocked out when Cap and Chief came from behind and did a blood choke which caused them to pass out. Chief did several signals as the team split up with Cap and Chief going to north and Fred and Kelly on the opposite.

"6 tangos." Chief said looking at his HUD.

"Copy." Steve replied.

The duo run towards the targets as Cap kicked the first man which sends him off the ship. Chief came next as he did a hammer fist on the next guy making a loud bang on the floor. He then grapples the next guy before he can pull out his weapon, Chief then pulls the man towards him as Cap intercepted it and bashed it with his shield.

They go down to the lower levels both running at speeds of 20mph. Chief knocked a guy off the ship as he rolled out of the way as Steve bashed the next target.

"Hey!?" A man said, but Chief kicked him before he could replied which send him to the wall.

Another man pulls out his knife as Cap quickly disarmed him and puts him on a chokehold. Chief went up and as the next man was about pull the fire alarm he grabbed the man's wrist and pins him to the ground and performed a joint lock which breaked his right arm off.

"ARGHH!" He screamed in pain as Chief punched him out.

"Up the stairs." Steve said as they both went up the stairs and dropped the next hostiles.

They both jumped from above and landed on the ground. Steve used his shield and bashed it to the first man while Chief did a push kick that sends the next man 20 feet away before hitting a wall. Steve pummeled the next two on his side as Chief dashed forward and before the enemies could react the Spartan already grabbed their heads and bashed them both on the floor.

"Chief, get down." Steve warned as he tossed his shield which ricocheted from the wall and hits the man behind Chief.

Chief returned the favor as he unsheathed his knife and tossed it to behind Steve which caused him to duck and hit the man behind Cap with an AR.

"Arrètez." A french man said from behind holding a rifle and aiming at the two.

Before the man could pull the trigger something shot him from above. The two super-soldiers looked up to see Derek, Linda, and the rest of the Strike Team landing beside them.


"Yeah you seem pretty helpful without me." Rumlow replied with a grin.

"Blue Team, report."

"Fred here. Kelly and I cleared the remains on the basement all clear."

"Linda here got a possible ID on Baltroc." Linda reported as the Strike Team nodded and went to the ships hull to rescue the hostages.

"I'm going after Baltroc." Derek said.

"Linda, where's the target?" Steve asked.

"Bridge Level 6."

Steve and Derek took their position as they waited for Chief's signal to execute. "On my mark. 3, 2, 1. Execute. Execute." The Strike Team breached the door as they took down the targets inside while Cap and Derek breached the bridge and took down Baltroc.

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