Chapter 2: New Earth

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Location: Unknown

The portal that dragged the Infinity is still inside the slipspace. They were being dragged off course. Inside the Infinity everyone were all holding from their life that they make it out alive.

"Captain Lasky we found an opening inside the slipspace" said Roland seeing an opening in the slipspace.

Captain Lasky knew it would be a risk, but seeing no alternative he ordered Roland to use the opening as their exit. "Roland set course for that opening!!" Lasky shouted as he is still holding on the railing.

"Captain Lasky to all crew brace for impact!!!" he shouted as everyone braced for the incoming exit. Like a battering ram the ship shook when it exited the slipspace.

Location: Earth Solar System

A portal opened, then out came S.A.T.O Infinity. The crew inside the Infinity let out a breath of relief as they all make it out unharmed in the slipspace. They all regained conscious and immediately all drones, navy personnel, aviators check if everything is intact and well.

Lasky regained his conscious and began to stand up gripping the railing to help himself stand straight. He was glad that nothing was damaged and no personnel and crew were harmed during the flight. He turned to nearest projector screen

"Roland, Cortana give me a SITREP on the ship" Lasky said as he walked over the projector and inspect the damage.

"Captain, all major systems are currently undergoing a hard restart. Shields are offline. Weapons systems are offline. Slipspace capabilities are offline. Sensors are offline. Life support in online. Main reactors are online. Secondary reactors are online. Tertiary reactors are online. Central power is online. Emergency power is offline." Roland listing things way to fast, while Captain Lasky turned to Cortana and asked

"What the hell just happaned?"

"Don't know we exited out the slipspace but the sensors are still rebooting so its hard to check where we are exactly." Said Cortana at that exact time the ships sensors rebooted back online and ready to go.

"Nevermind then" said Cortana as she shows a projector to the Captain "It appears to be where in our Solar System just outside the pluto cluster." She showed the solar system to the captain who sighed in relief. He walked towards the main bridge with the Team and entered the war room.

"Lieutenant Jet prepped for slipspace drop. Destination earth" said Lasky

"Negative sir. Slipspace capabilities are still offline it will take approximately 2 days or more for the slipspace to reboot" said Lieutenant Jet as he was in the console checking the ships slipspace drive.

"Sigh well how long will take us to get to Earth?" Said Lasky standing in the middle of room

"Given our current position it will take us maybe 13 hours from pluto to earth" said Lieutenant Jet.

"Alright then do it, if anyone needs me alarm my office" said Lasky as he exited the room and went to his office. The team also decided to relax as they all waited in the war room patiently as they talked different subjects to one another.

13 Hours Later

Roland and Cortana was busy setting and rebooting the ships system when they caught the sight of Earth. The two immediately told the Captain about the situation.

"Captain Lasky you gonna see this" said Roland. Lasky rose from his chair and exited his office and went towards the war room. When he got there he and the crew were speechless. They were no S.A.T.O fleets orbiting around the planet. This is not their earths the orbital defense were not present and Africa was untouched.

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