Chapter 39: First Time - One Shot

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Time: 1805 Hours
Date: 12/06/2013

Somewhere in Boston, Massachusetts is Carter and Emma. Noble One asked Emma if she have time to go out on a date with him for tonight. Usually it would be Emma who would initiate the date, but the fact it came from Carter kinda surprised her. She's also happy that he asked her as he started to be more open and honest with his feelings.

The couple were out in the streets walking hand and hand. Carter is dressed in a casual clothes: blue long-sleeved shirt, blue pants, and black boots. Emma on the other hand is wearing her usual white outfit fitted for the White Queen

The two were seated outside of a restaurant drinking their glass of champagne after dinner.

"I've said this once. I'll say it again. I have never thought of dating someone like you before, Milady." Carter said.

"Why. Dating someone with powers is weird for you?" She asked with a smirk.

"No, it's not. It's weird that I'm dating a person who only exists on 'comic' books." He said sipping his drink. "I mean in my world this wouldn't even be possible."

"And yet here you are." Emma countered taking a sip of her champagne before smirking at him. "With the finest female specimen in the world."

'That's debatable.' Carter thought only to receive a brief headache from Emma. "Okay, alright." He said as she stopped her telepath. "You are the finest female specimen on the world."

"That's what I thought." She said smirking.

Carter leaned back in his chair shaking the headache she gave him. While he knew the nano-machines in his body could block her, he always leave it open only when he's around her. The two continued to talk for the past half and hour to pretty much everything. As hours lass by both Emma and Carter ordered several more drinks. For Carter he has no problem of drinking alcohol because of his high tolerance, Emma on the other hand is used to drinking these much alcohol, but that doesn't mean she couldn't get drunk.

After her 6th round of drinks Emma looked at Carter seductively almost at a lustful stare, he thought that it would be Emma flirting with him. She surprised him as she leaned forward and kissed him in the lips even inserting her tongue for a French kiss.

"Mmmm!" She moaned quietly ignoring the stares from several people walking by their table. She pulled back smiling seductively at Carter.

"Okay, I believe you have enough of the champagne." Carter said as he stood up. Emma tries to stood up but stumbled and Carter quickly catches her.

Carter eventually drives Emma back, but to his surprise she wanted to stay the night at their house. Carter did protest since it's now nearly 10:00 p.m. and the Institute's a bit far from where they are. Carter stopped at the mansion as they both got out of the warthog. And before Carter could open the door Emma surprised him yet again with a kiss, but unlike the kiss in the restaurant this one is a full make out session.

Emma pushed Carter at the door of his mansion and to his surprise Emma got access to the house without knowing the password.

"How did you..."

"Shhh." She shushed him with her fingers. "Don't forget that I'm a telepath and I just read your mind for the code." She said before returning on kissing him fully again.

"Emma." He said only to be silenced.

'I know what your thinking, Carter.' She said in his head as she kept kissing him. 'And you don't have to be afraid. I'll guide you.'

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