Chapter 9: Trade Secret

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Location: Infinity
Time: 1100 Hours

2 weeks after Operation: Hunter Killer

It had 2 weeks since Operation: Hunter Killer has commenced, the team is currently in the mansion doing what they were doing previous days. Its also been a week since Mitchell and Carter revealed themeselves to Betsy and Emma. Well you have 2 mutants who can practically read and describe your actions by just a thought, they eventually find out of who they are and talked to them. It was not easy for Mitchell and Carter, they told them a little bit about themselves, but they both promised that they will reveal who they are when the time comes.

In that same day Nathan also told Carol about his life style. They eventually became a couple at that time and are planning to continue on there relationship, although they have to keep there relationship a secret and cannot let her friends and teammates know about it just yet, sje will eventually tell them, when they told them who they are of course.

Letting that thought aside Captain Lasky is now preparing to introduce themeselves to the hero community its been 2 weeks afterall, everyone is now fully healed and are ready to go, he decided that today is the good time to finally let them in the Infinity and tell them.

He looked at few cameras around the ship and see some troops going down to earth, where they could live. He let the crew of the ship to live down to earth, until they got back to there reality.

"Cortana, Roland." The two A.I's appeared in the table hologram.

"It's time. Contact the team and get them on board the Infinity, and get S.H.I.E.L.D on the line." He ordered the two A.I's

"Yes. Sir." They both said already making the arrangements.

Location: S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier
Time: 1110 Hours

Nick Fury is sitting down in one the bridge's control room. It has been two weeks since the battle with HYDRA and A.I.M occured, and yet there were no signs of the unknown Mercenaries. He sighed before picking up some coffee and taking a nice large sip to calm his nerves. Nick Fury closed his eye, deep in thought when...

"Sir, were getting hacked?" A S.H.I.E.L.D agent nearby yelled. Getting to his feet he went by at the computer.

"Can you trace the source?" Fury's voice at the edge.

"Negative." The S.H.I.E.L.D agent said. "Whatever is hacking is beyond our tech."

"Hold it. We've seen this type of algorithm before." Typing a few command codes in the conputer a audio spectrum appears in the screen.

"Good Afternoon Director Fury this is the Commander of the Mercenaries." A voice came out of the speaker. In the otherside though it's just Captain Lasky his voice edited so no voice recognition can Identify it.

"Well its good to hear. How are your soldiers?" Fury asked

"The team is now fully healed and are now resting in there safehouse." Lasky started. "But we call you today, cause I believe it is time we reveal ourselves to the hero community."

Fury's eye widened slightly, caught off guard by the forward statement made by the Commander. Recovering quickly Fury replied in kind.

"What time and where do you want to meet?"

"Today at noon" Lasky said "The Heli-Carrier should suffice as a meeting point for the Avengers, Fantastic Four and X-men."

"Very well, I'll look forward into it." With that the monitor returned to its original screen.

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