Chapter 44: The Russian Embassy

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Entering another section of the room Mitchell and Derek finally located the Lesovsky down on the 1st level. They both grabbed a pipe beside them and easily slides down and waiting on the door. "Here we go." Archer said.

Kestrel tapped his shoulder as they breached the room with Archer in front. Mitchell quickly grabbed Lesovsky by the neck as Kestrel sweeped the room.


"Target secure. Awaiting orders." Archer reported.

On the other side of the room a phone rings. "Hold for kill order. I repeat hold for kill order." Natasha instructed the two Sentinels. "A call is being routed through the office phone. Put Lesovsky on the line."

Archer obeyed he walks towards the phone and bang Lesovsky's head on the table. "Pick up the phone, Lesovsky, somebody wants to talk to you." He ordered aiming his weapons at him.

Obeying his command Lesovsky picks up the phone. "Kobin? What the hell." He asked surprised. "How did you... no, no, no you listen to me you little shit. I don't care who your new friends are. I will hunt you down and CUT YOUR FUCKING FACE! YOU HEAR ME!?"

In an attempt to disarm his attacker he swings the phone but was quickly catches by Archer. Mitchell quickly disarmed him and knees him in the face before putting two rounds in his chest then his head.

"Scan the room." Kestrel said taking out his OPSAT and scanning the documents and files.

Archer did as well taking out his OPSAT and cleaning the room. "Check this out." Kestrel said getting Mitchell's attention.

"What is it?"

"These are encrypted S.H.I.E.L.D. files. The source tracks it to a Russian Embassy in Geneva."

"Got what we need."

"Archer, Kestrel, the St.Petersburg police has now breached the building. Use your skyhook you have a dropship heading your way."


Exiting the room the duo quickly went outside avoiding detection as they fired they're skyhook. The Raven dropship arrived and catches the hook as they disappeared and never to be seen.

"Natasha, intel is retrieved. Kestrel out."

Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Time: 2300 Hours
Date: 12/11/2013

24 Hours Later

After the intel retrieved by Derek and Mitchell in St.Petersburg, Russia Cormack, Knox, and Gideon are called to handle the mission since they're spread out. The trio is inside of a stealth warbird helicopter hovering above the buildings just 60m below ground, the propellers were quiet thanks to it's built-in mute charge.

"Knox, report?" Cormack ordered.

"We're here." He replied opening the doors.

The warbird doors rolled up revealing the Embassy below them. As expected security were already pretty tight judging from the number of guards and cameras placed outside but nothing they've never seen before.

Closing the door back Gideon pressed a button on the warbird as he briefed them. "Everyone seeing this?" He asked getting a nod from the two. "According to  information obtained by Derek and Mitchell from St.Petersburg the front man of the cabal is a former G.R.U. Colonel named Leonid Bykhov." He said showing them they're target. "We suspect that the network he represents is run by some of the highest-ranking officers from S.H.I.E.L.D. If so that could mean they have already accessed to S.H.I.E.L.Ds most dangerous weapons. Bykhov was added last minute for a trade delegation traveling to Azerbaijan for the upcoming Victory Day Celebration. This trip is used as an alibi to cover a major arms deal from the network. We'll he inserting on the south courtyard and we push north. It's imper we get those intel before they sell them on the black market. They can turn acts on terror into acts of war."

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