Chapter 15: A Night To Remember

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Location: Mercenaries Mansion
Time: 0700 Hours

3 days later

After the battle of New York everyone is fully rested and fully healed. The team at the moment is at their mansion resting. Linda, Jun, Brooks, and Gideon were at the couch watching the news. Kat, Cortana, and Roland were at the basement's workshop building prototyped weapons for future projects. Jorge is not at the mansion as he is on Xaviers Institute working as a teacher teaching History and Politics.

Carter, Mitchell, Nathan, Derek, John, and Fred were at the training room working out. Knox, Omar, Kashima, and Salter were at the hangar bay cleaning and repairing the aircraft including the paladin as it fits perfectly inside the underground hangar bay with the ravens and jackals.

Cormack, Kelly, and Nick were inside the armory cleaning up the used weapons and armor they've all used three days ago.

Inside the training room John and Fred were hitting a punching bag that is heavily modified to withstand hits from their punches.

Derek and Frost were fighting each other in simulation game. Both have a SC-IS pistol with shocker rounds their using a combination of C.A.R (Center Axis Relock) and Krav Maga in their sparring.

Carter and Nathan were lying down bench pressing a 600lb barbell. Cortana appears in a hologram form where she inspects the room.

"I see your all busy." Cortana said smiling to see them doing productive work.

"Been working for 30 minutes." Fred said punching the bag with enough force to destroy it.

"What's the status on the others?" Carter asked Cortana as he set down the barbell.

"Others are now fully recovered and are rebuilding tower." Cortana said before tapping her chin in thought as she remembered something. "Oh. Mitchell, Carter." She said as Mitchell stopped his sparring with Derek and Carter seating in a hunch position. "You two have a date to attend tonight."

"Thanks for reminding us." Carter said grabbing a water bottle to drink.

"Oh and Nathan..."

"I know." Nathan said setting up the barbell before seating up. "I got a visit Carol and also about the date." He said smirking as he remembers.

Cortana sighed before turning to Mitchell and Carter. "You two better get ready." She ordered them like she's the boss which only earned a groan from the guys.

Mitchell grabbed his grey combat shirt rolling up the sleeve and grabbing his car keys. Carter also grabbed his long sleeve only the color is blue and he grabbed his car keys. Mitchell remembers that Betsy is currently at New York city shooting her modeling, what Emma didn't tell Carter is that she's with Betsy inside the building doing part time job as a model.

"Mitchell." Carter said coming from behind ready to go. "Emma told me that you know where she is right now with Betsy?"

"I know where she is, but I don't know what she's doing there." Mitchell said in honesty.

They both entered the garage and get in their Audi E-Tron. Mitchell used the black, whild Carter used the grey. They drive out of the garage and exited the mansions gate with Carter following Mitchell's car.

With the others

After Nathan and Johns workout they've decided to visit the Avengers. The rest of the mercs deicde to visit as well as they used the mansions slipspace portal and teleported themselves inside the tower.

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