Chapter 28: Confidential

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Location: Unknown
Time: 2100 Hours
Date: 12/10/2013

As Stryker and his Lieutenants was about to escape Derek throws his karambit at the door with the curve knife barely holding it. Stryker and his Lieutenants stopped as they spotted the door not closed, Derek jumped inside as the door shuts close.

"Kill him!" Stryker ordered.

Black Widow, Yelena, and Viper all charged at him with both Natasha and Yelena firing their respective stingers. Derek throws a smoke grenade and concealed his movements.

The three women stopped as Derek surprised Yelena by quickly disarming her stingers before elbowing her in the face. He came to Viper next and twisted her wrist causing her drop her pistol before throwing her to the ground and kicked her on the head which she falls unconscious.

Derek looked up as Natasha dropped kicked him which send him flying several feet back. Flippin back up he engaged Natasha in hand-to-hand he caught her right wrist and twisted it as she fell to the ground with Derek looking her right arm.

"Give it up, Natasha." Derek demanded.

"Never." She hissed back at him.

"Don't make me do this." Derek said as he applies pressure to her arm to break it.


Derek screamed in pain as Stryker blasted him from behind.

"Enough of this." Stryker declared as he grabbed Derek's throat and lifted him up. "You possess great skill and intellect. I must have it." He said as he used his siphoning arm and is channeling Derek's youth to him. Halfway to the process someone blasted him from behind causing Stryker to fell.

Natasha dropped her stance and lowered her stingers as she looked at Derek. "I'm so sorry, Derek."

The shutter doors in front of them opened as Jorge and Chief breaked open the sealed door with little to no effort. Viper and Yelena regained consciousness and looked up to see Natasha carrying Stryker's body.

"Let's go."

"You three!" Jorge said entering the room with his machine gun. "Stay where you are." He ordered but all they did was pop a smoke grenade along with a flash grenade which blinded the two Spartans giving the Lieutenantz enough time to escape.

"There gone." Jorge reported as Noble Team entered alongside the rest of S.A.T.O Mercenaries.

"Let's get out of here." Chief ordered as he tracked S.H.I.E.L.Ds Helicarrier. "Fury, will be mad if he finds us here."

A/N: Sorry for the short story, but I'm trying to plan something. I'm trying to find a way if I can turn Derek into Batman and use it to conceal his identity and track Natasha.

Armor Specifications

Batsuit V8.05
Armor Plate
    ▪︎Outer layer of the armor is made out of a Titanium-A and small layers of starlite material for shock absorption and protection against any known firearms from 9mm to 7.62mm.
    ▪︎The Starlite material on the armor helps absorbs any kinetic energy.
Inner Skinsuit
    ▪︎The inner layer of the body suit is made out of a flexible kevlar and ceramic which can stop anything from bullets, knives, electricity, and punches. Thanks to the rubberized mesh the suit can fit any size and shape of the user.
    ▪︎The special material added to the suit is Goretex: it's a material that can block the user's heat signatures and can withstand extreme cold and hot temperatures and is completely water and fireproof.
Pressure Seal
    ▪︎The pressure seal is a vital component to the V8.05 system, it keeps the system airtight, underwater or in space.
    ▪︎The seal is very strong and will only break under extreme pressure, such as in a high velocity impact or when the hydrostatic gel has been over pressurized.
Force Multiplier Circuit
    ▪︎Located throughout the armor, these systems boost the force applied by the user to x10.
    ▪︎Sam while wearing this suit has enough power to lift 1.05 Tons and can run speeds at 45mph.
    ▪︎Strenght and Speed
      •210lbs(Avg Weight) × 10(Force Multiplier) = 2,100lbs (1.05 Tons)
      •15mph(Avg Speed) × 3 = 45mph
Helmet VISR
   ▪︎The Helmet itself is made out of Titanium-A which can protect the user to any forms of firearms
   ▪︎The helmet also has an integrated multi-vision googles: including night, thermal, sonar, and detective vision.
Stealth-Nanofiber Boots
   ▪︎The boots is made out of a flexible Titanium-A metal it has the same function as the armor plate, and like the armor it is completely vibration absorption which makes the user's footstep 100% silent.
   ▪︎The metal boots also allowed the user to be more stronger and tougher with his/her attacks.

   ▪︎The metal boots also allowed the user to be more stronger and tougher with his/her attacks

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